Dragon SpX-15(CRS-15), ECOSTRESS, LEE (Ground Spare)- Falcon 9 (B1045.2)- Canaveral SLC-40 -29.06.18

Автор tnt22, 01.06.2018 16:27:11

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ЦитироватьApollo13 пишет:
ЦитироватьК.А. пишет:
С массой все очень просто, надо прибавить топливо в баках маневрирования Дракона, судя по всему его там 1278 кг.
Этот вопрос уже много раз обсуждали в самых разных темах.


Масса 4200 кг вероятно появилась из этого "документа" 2008 года и с тех пор кочует по разным сайтам.

Почему Space X нигде в пресс релизах не указывает массу своего грузового корабля, это что военная тайна?
С ваших слов (я не силен в английском) во время пресс конференции 
 Ханс Кенигсман из SpaceX говорит, что полная масса Дракона CRS-12 10600 кг. Масса груза 2910 кг.  Таким образом (утверждаете Вы), что масса Дракона без груза 7690 кг. 
соответственно без топлива - 6400 кг. 
Еще вопрос к осведомленным: 
Кто заполняет таблицу http://www.spacelaunchreport.com/log2018.html#log, можно ли доверять данному источнику?



ЦитироватьNASA Television Upcoming Events

August 2, Thursday

1 p.m. – Coverage of the Release of the SpaceX/Dragon CRS-15 Cargo Craft from the Space Station: Release scheduled at 1:21 p.m. EDT (Media Channel)


ЦитироватьК.А. пишет:
Почему Space X нигде в пресс релизах не указывает массу своего грузового корабля, это что военная тайна?
Мне тоже это интересно. С другой стороны это типично для SpaceX публиковать очень ограниченную информацию о своей технике. Например тяга двигателей и стартовая масса для Фалконов официально опубликованы достаточно точно, а сухие массы и УИ двигателей нет. В руководстве пользователя нет даже массы выводимой на разные орбиты ПН.

ЦитироватьК.А. пишет:
С ваших слов (я не силен в английском) во время пресс конференции
 Ханс Кенигсман из SpaceX говорит, что полная масса Дракона CRS-12 10600 кг. Масса груза 2910 кг.Таким образом (утверждаете Вы), что масса Дракона без груза 7690 кг.
Все так.

ЦитироватьК.А. пишет:
соответственно без топлива - 6400 кг.
Откуда известна масса топлива? Есть ссылка на какой-то официальный источник?
ЦитироватьК.А. пишет:
Еще вопрос к осведомленным:
Кто заполняет таблицу http://www.spacelaunchreport.com/log2018.html#log , можно ли доверять данному источнику?
Я не считаю себя осведомленным, но с моей точки зрения там очевидная ерунда.

Здесь например 


масса CRS-8 10,36 т

А здесь


масса CRS-12 8,4 т

Кому верить, Кайлу или Кенигсману?


Пака имя источника найти не могу. У меня есть информация из статьи о Драконе с утверждением, что бак корабля может вместить до 1290 кг топлива. Если найду откуда взял сообщу дополнительно.


ЦитироватьMark Garcia
Posted Jul 30, 2018 at 12:37 pm

.. Robotics controllers will release Dragon from the grips of the Canadarm2 Friday at 12:37 p.m. EDT as Auñón-Chancellor monitors from the Cupola. Less than six hours later, the commercial space freighter will splashdown in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Baja California.


ЦитироватьDragon Being Packed With Science as Research Wraps Up

Mark Garcia
Posted Jul 31, 2018 at 3:26 pm

Astronauts Drew Feustel and Serena Auñón-Chancellor are seen while Auñón-Chancellor works inside the Microgravity Science Glovebox on the Micro-11 investigation. The study is looking to provide fundamental data indicating whether successful human reproduction beyond Earth is possible.

Numerous microgravity investigations are wrapping up this week onboard the International Space Station. The Expedition 56 crew is carefully packing the research results and science gear inside the SpaceX Dragon cargo craft for return to Earth on Friday.
A host of life science studies being returned aboard Dragon looked at cancer therapies, gut microbes, and a variety of other biological phenomena. Samples collected from those studies, including the experiment hardware housing the research, are being transferred from the station and stowed inside the Dragon.

The AngieX Cancer Therapy investigation is completing its run today with NASA astronaut Serena Auñón-Chancellor finalizing research operations inside the Microgravity Science Glovebox. The experiment tested a treatment that targets tumors and the resulting samples are being stowed inside Dragon science freezers.

Rodents studied for the Rodent Research-7 experiment to understand how microbes interact with the gut in space are being returned Friday. Biological samples observed in July for the Micro-11 human reproduction study are also being cold stowed aboard Dragon.

SpaceX technicians will retrieve Dragon loaded with the Earth-bound cargo when it splashes down in the Pacific Ocean Friday afternoon. Once the cargo craft reaches port, personnel from NASA and the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) will collect the research and hardware and distribute it to scientists and engineers for analysis.


NOTMAR на приводнение

ЦитироватьNAVAREA XII 306/2018 (18 )

   28-08-13N 117-49-47W, 27-45-00N 118-11-23W,
   27-20-41N 118-34-47W, 26-55-40N 118-59-23W,
   26-30-28N 119-25-12W, 26-03-32N 119-52-12W,
   26-32-09N 120-29-23W, 27-00-46N 121-05-59W,
   27-28-04N 120-39-00W, 27-52-51N 120-12-35W,
   28-16-33N 119-46-11W, 28-38-41N 119-19-47W,
   28-58-51N 118-53-24W, 28-08-13N 117-49-47W.
   33-51-50N 120-57-00W, 33-30-07N 121-22-12W,
   33-07-15N 121-49-11W, 32-43-47N 122-17-59W,
   32-30-02N 122-46-48W, 31-54-39N 123-18-36W,
   32-25-37N 123-55-12W, 32-56-31N 124-31-48W,
   33-22-26N 124-00-36W, 33-45-50N 123-30-36W,
   34-07-58N 123-00-00W, 34-28-33N 122-29-23W,
   34-47-02N 122-00-00W, 33-51-50N 120-57-00W.
4. CANCEL THIS MSG 052320Z AUG 18.

( 301951Z JUL 2018 )
Основное окно: 2018-08-03 2155 ÷ 2225 UTC
Резерв: 2018-08-05 2150 ÷ 2220 UTC


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 7/31/2018

Dragon Cargo Operations:
Today the crew continued working on the fourth SpaceX-15 Cargo Message as they continued to pack and load items slated for return on SpX-15. The crew also started the installation of the fences and cribbing arms necessary to secure the degraded Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) Latching End Effector (LEE) hardware inside Dragon for return. Specialists estimate approximately 4.5 hours of cargo operations remain to finish loading the Dragon vehicle prior to the planned departure date of 3 August.

Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) UHF Communication Unit (CUCU) Crew Command Panel (CCP) Checkout:
In preparation for SpX-15 Dragon vehicle departure, currently planned for August 3rd, the crew will check out the CUCU and Dragon Crew Command Panel (CCP). The CUCU system provides a command and telemetry communications link between the ISS and Dragon vehicle during free flight operations while in close proximity of the ISS.


ЦитироватьDragon Packing, Eye Science and Spacewalk Preps Today

Mark Garcia
Posted Aug 1, 2018 at 12:48 pm

Dragon is due to be released Friday at 12:37 p.m. EDT from the International Space Station carrying several tons of experiment results and orbital lab hardware. The crew has been packing the crucial research samples this week inside specialized, portable freezers onboard the commercial space freighter.

SpaceX technicians will pick up Dragon with its precious cargo after it splashes down in the Pacific Ocean and return to shore in southern California. Scientists and engineers will then begin the process of analyzing the critical space science and refurbishing station hardware.


ЦитироватьSpaceX‏Подлинная учетная запись @SpaceX 6 мин.

Dragon and the [URL=https://twitter.com/Space_Station]@Space_Station
passed over SpaceX headquarters and across the face of the Moon last weekend. After a month-long stay, Dragon will detach from the orbiting laboratory and return to Earth on August 3.


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 8/01/2018

Dragon Cargo Operations:
Today the crew finished the last tasks on SpaceX-15 Cargo Message #4, including installation of the LEE Fence Hardware, as they continued to pack and load items slated for return on Dragon. Today's activities were required before the tomorrow's activity to install the degraded Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) Latching End Effector (LEE) in Dragon. Current weather forecasts are a GO for Dragon departure on 3 August.


ЦитироватьStation Teams Are Go For Dragon's Return To Earth Friday

Mark Garcia
Posted Aug 2, 2018 at 10:57 am

The SpaceX Dragon resupply ship, on its 15th Commercial Resupply Services mission (CRS-15), is pictured the day after it was captured and installed on the Harmony module. The orbital complex was flying over northern central China near the Mongolian border at the time this photograph was taken.

The International Space Station Partners and mission managers polled "go" for tomorrow's release of the SpaceX Dragon cargo craft for its deorbit and splashdown in the Pacific Ocean to wrap up the CRS-15 mission.

With favorable weather conditions forecast in the splashdown zone, Dragon's hatch will be closed early Friday around 3 a.m. Central time. Robotic ground controllers will then use the Canadarm2 robotic arm to detach Dragon from the Earth-facing port of the Harmony module around 5:30 a.m. Central time and will maneuver Dragon into the release position.

With Expedition 56 Flight Engineer Serena Auñón-Chancellor of NASA monitoring Dragon's systems, the ground controllers will release Dragon from Canadarm2 at 11:37 a.m. Central time. After its release, Dragon will conduct a series of "departure" burns to move to a safe distance away from the station.

Several hours later, at 4:23 p.m. Central time, SpaceX flight controllers at Hawthorne, California will command Dragon's engine to fire for 12 minutes and 53 seconds in the deorbit burn that will enable Dragon to slip out of orbit for its descent back to Earth.

Dragon's parachute-assisted splashdown is scheduled at 5:17 p.m. Central time, 3:17 p.m. Pacific time, about 410 miles southwest of Long Beach, California. It will take about two days for Dragon to be brought back to port for its cache of cargo and scientific experiments to be unloaded.


ЦитироватьDragon покинет МКС в пятницу
18:50 02.08.2018 (обновлено: 18:53 02.08.2018)


ВАШИНГТОН, 2 авг – РИА Новости. Грузовой корабль Dragon компании SpaceX в пятницу покинет Международную космическую станцию (МКС), сообщили в НАСА.

Ориентировочно в 13.30 мск в пятницу корабль будет отстыкован от американского модуля "Грамония" (Harmony), но останется прикрепленным к механическому манипулятору Canadarm2 еще несколько часов.

На сегодняшний день Dragon является единственным космическим кораблем, который способен доставлять грузы с МКС на Землю. Его приводнение в Тихом океане в районе побережья Калифорнии ожидают в субботу в 01.17 мск. Для Dragon это 15 грузовая миссия к МКС по контракту с НАСА. Корабль прибыл на орбиту 2 июля с 2,676 тонны груза: предметами первой необходимости, материалами для научных экспериментов.

SpaceX отрабатывает технологию многоразового использования космических аппаратов, на регулярной основе запуская в повторный полет первую ступень ракеты-носителя Falcon 9, а также повторно используя капсулу грузового корабля Dragon. Возвращающийся на Землю аппарат уже бывал на МКС в 2016 году.


ЦитироватьAug. 1, 2018

U.S. Cargo Ship to Depart International Space Station with Critical Scientific Research

After delivering more than 5,900 pounds of science and supplies, a SpaceX Dragon cargo spacecraft will depart the International Space Station on Friday, Aug. 3 at 12:37 p.m. EDT and splash down in the Pacific Ocean about 6:17 p.m.

Ground controllers will use the space station's Canadarm2 robotic arm to detach Dragon from the Earth-facing side of the station's Harmony module and maneuver the vehicle into its release position. Expedition 54 Flight Engineer Serena Auñon-Chancellor of NASA will monitor its departure as the spacecraft is released through ground-controlled commands.

Dragon's thrusters will fire to move the spacecraft a safe distance from the station before SpaceX flight controllers in Hawthorne, California, command its deorbit burn. The SpaceX recovery team will retrieve Dragon and more than 3,800 pounds of cargo. This will include science samples from human and animal research, biology and biotechnology studies, physical science investigations and education activities.
The Space Algae investigation sequenced the entire genome of an algae population grown in space to identify genes related to growth. Algae may perceive microgravity as physical rather than biological stress, which can trigger production of oils that may help mitigate the harmful effects of microgravity and cosmic radiation during spaceflight, consume waste carbon dioxide, and provide basic human nutrition.

A cellular biology investigation (Micro-12) aims to understand how microgravity affects the growth, gene expression and the ability of a model bacterium to transfer electrons through its cell membrane along bacterial nanowires it produces. Such bacteria could be used in fuel cells to make electricity from waste organic material.

Endothelial Cells in Microgravity as a Model System for Evaluation of Cancer Therapy Toxicity (Angiex Cancer Therapy) examines whether endothelial cells cultured in microgravity represent a valid model to test effects of vascular-targeted agents on normal blood vessels. Endothelial cells are the tissue that form a single layer of cells lining blood vessels and the heart, and all other organs. Angiex was developed as a potential treatment that targets tumor cells, but a better model is needed for future testing. The study may facilitate a cost-effective method that avoids animal testing and can develop safer and more effective drugs to combat circulatory diseases.

Dragon will also be returning a Latching End Effector that was removed from the station's robotic arm to be refurbished on Earth and returned to the orbiting complex as a spare.

NASA and the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS), the nonprofit organization that manages research aboard the U.S. national laboratory portion of the space station, will receive time-sensitive samples and begin working with researchers to process and distribute them within 48 hours of splashdown.

Dragon, the only space station resupply spacecraft currently able to return to Earth intact, launched June 29 on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, and arrived at the station July 2, for the company's 15th NASA-contracted commercial resupply mission to the station.
Last Updated: Aug. 2, 2018
Editor: Mark Garcia


Зоны приводнения Дракона (см. #287)


2018-08-05 (резерв)


Зоны приводнения Дракона (на одной карте)


Погрузка LEE в Дракон
ЦитироватьKristen Facciol‏ @kfacciol 16 ч. назад

What a view! Thanks to @Astro_Feustel and @astro_ricky for taking good care of our hardware! They are currently preparing one of the #Canadarm2 end effectors we replaced earlier this year to be sent down on @SpaceX's #Dragon vehicle tomorrow. Godspeed little guy! @csa_asc


