MoondustIn Search of the Men Who Fell to Earth
Few human inventions are associated with the future more than rockets. They have enabled humans to escape the gravitational bonds of Earth and fly to the Moon and beyond. Rockets have placed satellites into...
ДалееNASA Plan for Commercial LEO
Development to achieve a robust low-Earth orbit economy from which NASA can purchase services as one of many customers Summary and Near-Term Implementation Plans
ДалееNASA Space Shuttle 1981 onwards all models
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ДалееLiving and Working in Space: The NASA History of Skylab
ДалееInternational Space Station Facilities: Research in Space 2017 and Beyond
By the International Space Station Program Science Office The International Space Station (ISS) is uniquely capable of unraveling the mysteries of our universe—from the evolution of our planet and life on...
ДалееiInternational Space Station Benefits for Humanity 2nd Edition
The International Space Station (ISS) is a unique scientific platform that enables researchers from all over the world to put their talents to work on innovative experiments that could not be done anywhere...
ДалееInterkosmos: The Eastern Bloc’s Early Space Program
This book focuses on the Interkosmos program, which was formed in 1967, marking a fundamentally new era of cooperation by socialist countries, led by the Soviet Union, in the study and exploration of space....
ДалееHomesteading SpaceThe Skylab Story
Pioneering long-duration spaceflight, the three Skylab missions are chronicled here by an authorial team that includes Skylab astronauts Owen Garriott and Joe Kerwin. Written largely in oral-history style,...
ДалееGemini Files!Unmanned Flights and First Manned Missions
This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations,...
ДалееFriendship 7: The Epic Orbital Flight of John H. Glenn, Jr
n this spellbinding account of an historic but troubled orbital mission, noted space historian Colin Burgess takes us back to an electrifying time in American history, when intrepid pioneers were launched atop...
ДалееEnergiya-BuranSoviet Space Shuttle
Серия книг издательства Praxis Publishing посвящена освоению человечеством космического пространства. Каждая книга...
ДалееEndurance: A Year in Space, A Lifetime of Discovery
Астронавт Скотт Келли, который вместе с космонавтом Михаилом Корниенко совершил в 2015-201 б гг. 11-месячный полет на...
ДалееDiscovery: Champion of the Space Shuttle Fleet
This book places Space Shuttle Discovery within the history of the space shuttle program and provides an introduction to space shuttle technology, with a focus on the orbiter itself. Discovery’s unique...
ДалееDressing for Altitude, U.S. Aviation Pressure Suits-Wiley Post to Space Shuttle
Anybody who has watched many movies or television shows has seen them-the ubiquitous silver suits worn by pilots as they explore the unknown. They are called pressure suits, and one can trace their lineage to...
ДалееDigital ApolloHuman and Machine in Spaceflight
As Apollo 11’s Lunar Module descended toward the moon under automatic control, a program alarm in the guidance computer’s software nearly caused a mission abort. Neil Armstrong responded by switching...
ДалееColumbia: Final Voyage
In ‘Columbia: Final Voyage’ aerospace writer Philip Chien, who has over 20 years’ experience covering the US space program, provides a unique insight into the crew members who lost their...
ДалееA researchers guide to physical sciences informatics system-nasa iss science office
’’The Lab is Open Orbiting the Earth at almost 5 miles per second, a structure exists that is nearly the size of a football feld and weighs almost a million pounds. The International Space Station (ISS) is...
ДалееA researchers guide to genelab a — nasa iss program science office
Orbiting the Earth at almost 5 miles per second, a structure exists that is nearly the size of a football field and weighs almost a million pounds. The International Space Station (ISS) is a testament to...
ДалееA Researcher’s Guide to: Human Research
Orbiting the Earth at almost 5 miles per second, a structure exists that is nearly the size of a football field and weighs almost a million pounds. The International Space Station (ISS) is a testament to...
ДалееA Researcher’s Guide to: Fundamental Physics
Soaring 250 miles above Earth, the International Space Station (ISS) is a modern wonder of the world, combining the efforts of 15 countries and thousands of scientists, engineers and technicians. The ISS is a...
ДалееA Researcher’s Guide to: Fruit Fly Research
The mission of the International Space Station (ISS) Program is to advance science and technology research, expand human knowledge, inspire and educate the next generation, foster the commercial development of...
ДалееArmeerundschau Jugendo+TechnikInterkosmos 78
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ДалееЯ ЧайкаФотоальбом
ДалееЮрий Гагарин — человек-легенда
ДалееЮрий Гагарин: Один полет и вся жизньПолная биография первого космонавта планеты Земля
Эта книга является не только масштабным исследованием жизни и подвига первого в мире космонавта Юрия Гагарина, но...
ДалееЮрий Гагарин народный герой
ДалееЮрий Гагарин — Первый полет в документах и воспоминаниях
ДалееЮрий ГагаринСекрет успеха
ДалееЮность космонавта
ДалееЮрий Гагарин
Мы же представляем вам воспоминания Иосифа Шкловского. Волею судеб мы располагаем оригиналом текста. Никакая...
ДалееШтурман космических трасс Ари Штернфельд
Книга рассказывает о пионере космонавтики, ее поляризаторе, известном ученом Ари Абрамовиче Штернфельде,...
ДалееШеренга великих астрономов, 2-е изд.
Сто поколений исследователей неба оставили нам несколько десятков тысяч томов специальных трудов, заполняющих...
ДалееШагаем в небо
В феврале 1971 года Владислав Волков рассказал в издательстве о том, что пишет книгу. Он спешил завершить работу до...
ДалееЧеловек, открывший взрыв Вселенной: Жизнь и труд Эдвина Хаббла
Описание жизни и деятельности великого ученого нашего столетия Эдвина Пауэла Хаббла 1889-1953), автора замечательных...
ДалееЦиолковский 2-е изданиеСерия ЖЗЛ
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Литературная запись специального корреспондента «Красной звезды» капитана 3 ранга Н. Котыша
ДалееУткин. Звёзды Главного Конструктора
ДалееФеномен Гагарина (3-е изд.)
ДалееФридрих Цандер
ДалееЦиолковскийСерия ЖЗЛ
ДалееУжин на рассвете
Книга о международном сотрудничестве в области космонав-тики, о международных космических полетах на советских...