Авиационно-космические системы США
В книге дается описание основных программ, выполняемых в США с целью создания новых средств выведения на орбиту...
ДалееВ книге дается описание основных программ, выполняемых в США с целью создания новых средств выведения на орбиту...
ДалееСборник состоит в основном из статей ведущих специалистов НПО «Молния», в которых изложены наиболее интересные...
ДалееИсполняется 15 лет с того памятного дня. когда мир был восхищен выдающимся достижением СССР — запуском первого...
ДалееКнига известного российского писателя Антона Первушина рассказывает про подготовку первого полета человека в...
ДалееЧасть 2: В ваших руках, уважаемый читатель, — вторая часть книги «100 рассказов о стыковке и о других приключениях...
ДалееЧасть 1: Книга рассказывает о событиях и деятельности ее автора в космонавтике, о многих событиях, с которыми он,...
ДалееВы ошибаетесь, если полагаете, что мечта о покорении космоса и о межпланетных путешествиях зародилась в XIX–XX...
ДалееЭта книга — о том, как человек, вопреки своей биологической природе, не давшей ему крыльев, в дерзновенных...
ДалееEach time a space vehicle visits another world it runs the risk of forever changing that extraterrestrial environment. We are surrounded on Earth by a mélange of different microorganisms, and if some of these...
ДалееOne of the valuable by-products of the U S. space program is the body of knowledge concerning management of large complex development project activities. The brief span of years since the formation of NASA has...
ДалееIn X-15, the exciting story of the X-15 — the iconic rocket plane of the Cold War space race — is recounted by John Anderson, curator of aerodynamics at the Smithsonian National Air and Space...
ДалееIn a period of a little more than sixty years since the first flight of the Wright Brothers, man’s exploration of three-dimensional space above the surface of the Earth has extended beyond the...
ДалееX-15 — экспериментальный самолёт, оснащённый ракетными двигателями. Основная задача Х-15 — изучение условий полета...
ДалееThe X-15 was an airplane of accelerations. When an X-15 pilot looks back on his X-15 flights, it is the accelerations he remembers. The first of these sensations was the acceleration due to B-52 lift, which...
ДалееSpace exploration has developed from early, unmanned space probes through the pioneering years of the ‘Manned’ Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo missions, to missions that now include women in the crew...
ДалееFollowing the first volume of Walking to Olympus: An EVA Chronology, which recounted the period from the first spacewalks in 1965 to the end of the Shuttle-Mir program in 1997, this second volume of Walking to...
ДалееThis work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifi cally the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of...
ДалееIn 1957 the first earth satellite ushered in the age of space flight. Since that historic event, space exploration has become a major national objective of both the United States and the Soviet Union. These...
ДалееHISTORY IS FILLED WITH examples of new weapons and technologies that have revolutionized warfare. Man’s introduction of gunpowder, the airplane, and other discoveries have changed the nature of warfare...
ДалееThis final entry in the History of Human Space Exploration mini-series by Ben Evans continues with an in-depth look at the latter part of the 20th century and the start of the new millennium. Picking up where...
Далее«Эта книга является историей проекта Орион. В 1957 году небольшая группа ученых во главе с физиком Теодором В....
ДалееPUBLISHER’S NOTICE: While the publisher has made every effort to be accurate and to contact all original copyright holders for permission to quote or otherwise use material, it is possible that some...
ДалееThe world’s most populous nation views space as an asset, not only from a technological and commercial perspective but also from a political one. The repercussions of this ideology already extend far beyond...
Далее«Эта книга представляет собой обзор советских космических усилий в долгосрочной перспективе. Несомненно, она...
ДалееThe Hypersonic Revolution began as a study effort while I was Director of the Special Staff Office at the Aeronautical Systems Division of Air Force Systems Command (ASD, now the Aeronautical Systems Center of...
ДалееThe Hypersonic Revolution began as a study effort while I was Director of the Special Staff Office at the Aeronautical Systems Division of Air Force Systems Command (ASD, now the Aeronautical Systems Center of...
ДалееThe Hypersonic Revolution began as a study effort while I was Director of the Special Staff Office at the Aeronautical Systems Division of Air Force Systems Command (ASD, now the Aeronautical Systems Center of...
ДалееСерия книг издательства Praxis Publishing посвящена освоению человечеством космического пространства. Каждая книга...
ДалееHuman and robotic exploration of the Moon, asteroids, and Mars will strengthen and enrich humanity’s future, bringing nations together in a common cause, revealing new knowledge, inspiring people, and...
ДалееJPL опубликовала небольшую брошюру в ознаменование десятой годовщины запуска Эксплорера-1 1 февраля 1958 года. Бывший...
ДалееThe Complete Book of Spaceflight compiles more than 3,000 extensively cross-referenced entries, spanning every historic milestone and technological achievement in the quest to conquer space. In this...
ДалееFollowing World War II, the onset of nuclear weapons, long-range jet bombers, and ballistic missiles radically changed American foreign policy and military strategy. The United States Air Force, led by men of...
ДалееLand, sea, and air—those are three environments where wars are waged. That is why the United States, like most countries, has three branches of armed forces: an army, a navy, and an air force. But with the...
ДалееADVANCE PRAISE FOR SPACEWALKER “Spacewalker is the book for anyone who ever dreamed of flying in space.” –Neil ArmStroNg, Commander of Apollo 11 “this is the story of one man’s lifelong quest to...
ДалееСерия книг издательства Praxis Publishing посвящена освоению человечеством космического пространства. Каждая книга...
ДалееSpace Exploration: Triumphs and Tragedies is part of the Information Plus Reference Series. The purpose of each volume of the series is to present the latest facts on a topic of pressing concern in modern...
ДалееПродолжение серии иллюстрированных энциклопедий от издательства Britannica. Данная энциклопедия посвящена теме...
ДалееIronically, the loss of Challenger in January 1986 fired my interest in space exploration more than any other single event. I was nine years old. My parents were, at the time, midway through moving house and,...
ДалееThis work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations,...
ДалееMythologies explores the history of the Soviet human space program within a political and cultural context, giving particular attention to the two professional groups—space engineers and cosmonauts—who...
ДалееSpacecraft takes a long look at humankind’s attempts and advances in leaving Earth through incredible illustrations and authoritatively written profiles on Sputnik, the International Space Station, and...