Стендовые испытания ракет-носителей

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ЦитироватьAerojet Rocketdyne Successfully Demonstrates Low-Cost, High Thrust Space Engine

REDMOND, Wash., May 23, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aerojet Rocketdyne successfully completed hot-fire testing of a new in-space engine, designated ISE-100. Developed for commercial in-space applications, ISE-100 has the potential to be a critical element for future lunar robotic missions. Producing 100 pounds of thrust, the ISE engine has the capability to provide downward thrust during landing, easing spacecraft down to the lunar surface. ISE-100 is the latest in-space engine developed by Aerojet Rocketdyne, adding to our portfolio of mission-proven thrusters that have propelled spacecraft to every planet in the solar system and interstellar space, and provided landing propulsion for Mars and asteroid missions.
"As the nation sets its sights back on the Moon, Aerojet Rocketdyne stands ready to support commercial and NASA endeavors with reliable and affordable propulsion systems, like our new ISE-100 engine," said Aerojet Rocketdyne CEO and President Eileen Drake.

Utilizing MON-25/MMH propellants, the ISE-100 is an affordable and dependable engine option for commercial operators to power spacecraft. MON-25 is a high performance storable oxidizer with a low freezing point that is particularly well suited to deep space environments. Another element of the low cost design approach is the engine's additively manufactured Titanium injector, which completed the entire test series without anomaly.

During the test program, the engine successfully accumulated 75 individual tests, 774 pulses and more than 500 seconds of hot-fire time. Key tests performed in this program included multiple long duration steady state burns; multiple short pulse trains; and a long endurance duty cycle, representative of potential robotic lunar lander missions.

"We've developed and demonstrated an engine that is low cost, high performance and capable of landing payloads on the Moon," said Aerojet Rocketdyne's Vice President of Advanced Space Programs Julie Van Kleeck.

The ISE-100 engine will now move fr om the development phase to the certification phase wh ere it will undergo additional configuration testing with flight qualified materials.

Aerojet Rocketdyne, a subsidiary of Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:AJRD), is an innovative company delivering solutions that create value for its customers in the aerospace and defense markets. The company is a world-recognized aerospace and defense leader that provides propulsion and energetics to the space, missile defense and strategic systems, tactical systems and armaments areas, in support of domestic and international markets. Additional information about Aerojet Rocketdyne can be obtained by visiting our websites at www.Rocket.com and www.AerojetRocketdyne.com.

Hot-fire test of Aerojet Rocketdyne's ISE-100 thruster conducted at the company's Redmond, Washington test facility


Цитировать"В ближайшие дни модель корабля ждут суровые испытания в другой аэродинамической трубе ЦАГИ - уже в гиперзвуковой", - говорится в видеоролике об испытаниях "Федерации", выложенном на сайте госкорпорации.

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Специалисты Центрального аэрогидродинамического института (ЦАГИ) завершили первый этап исследований модели нового космического корабля "Федерация" в аэродинамической трубе.
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ЦитироватьJim Cantrell‏ @jamesncantrell 13 июн.

Very nice test firing today at the Arizona Test Site of the @vectorspacesys Vector-R first stage engine on propylene and LOX. Qualification testing continues in preparation for a flight later this year.



First hot fire test of ETID demonstrator


15 June 2018
Yesterday's complex hot fire test of an engine technology demonstrator, was the first in a series of planned tests guiding Europe's next-generation upper-stage rocket engine design.

By the end of the year, the Expander-cycle Technology Integrated Demonstrator, or ETID, based at the DLR German Aerospace Center test facility in Lampoldshausen, will be ignited 20 times with each firing lasting up to 120 seconds on a test stand that provides a near-vacuum environment similar to space.

ETID demonstrator

"This first test was important for us to confirm the startup of this innovative expander-cycle engine design," commented ESA's lead engineer Kate Underhill, "where the liquid hydrogen propellant is 'expanded' through cooling channels in the hardware before combustion. Going from liquid hydrogen temperatures to full combustion in just over a second means timing is everything!"

Engineers will use the results from the test campaign to determine the hardware characteristics, including a precise thrust measurement to determine its "specific impulse" – indicating the exact performance of the engine design.

Following four rounds of tests the configuration will be changed for further tests with different igniters and different hardware designs and materials. The aim is to bring them all to a technology readiness high enough to transfer them at minimum cost and risk to any subsequent development project for flight.

Test readiness review team at P3.2 test bench

The results will validate the engine concept and analysis tools used, as well as identifying opportunities for even lighter designs.

ETID is a precursor of the next generation of 10-tonne rocket engines. Its results also have relevance for the in-development Vinci engine, which powers the upper stage of Ariane 6. 

Results from the project should pave the way towards a lightweight, high-performing rocket stage, while also indicating methods of substantially reducing its serial production cost, honing its market competitiveness.

Led by ArianeGroup in Germany, the ETID project is part of ESA's Future Launchers Preparatory Programme.


ЦитироватьPeter Beck‏ @Peter_J_Beck 53 мин. назад

Finished the upper stage test today for the next flight following #ItsBusinessTime. NASA #ELaNaXIX

(video 0:04)


Цитироватьinformburo.kz Президенту показали, как работает испытательный комплекс космических аппаратов в Астане
Динмухамед Бейсембаев

Сборочно-испытательный комплекс космических аппаратов будет запущен в конце 2018 года / Фото Герарда Ставрианиди

В преддверии празднования Дня столицы Нурсултан Назарбаев посетил Национальный космический центр, сообщает пресс-служба Министерства оборонной и аэрокосмической промышленности РК.
Во время визита глава государства ознакомился с работой сборочно-испытательного комплекса космических аппаратов (СбИК КА) и заслушал доклад министра оборонной и аэрокосмической промышленности Бейбута Атамкулова о работе Национального космического центра в целом.
Нурсултан Назарбаев ознакомился с работой участка 3D-принтинга, который предназначен для изготовления моделей и изделий, лаборатории для проведения механических испытаний изделий и космических аппаратов весом до 100 кг.
Также глава государства посетил производственные участки СбИК КА. Там он ознакомился с работой зала сборки и испытаний, осмотрел участки вибрационных, акустических, электромагнитных и термовакуумных испытаний.
СбИК КА – высокотехнологичный завод по производству космических аппаратов, который поможет отечественной космической промышленности выйти на качественно новый уровень. Сложная специфика технических параметров позволит ввести СбИК КА в эксплуатацию только к концу 2018 года.
Проектная мощность завода: сборка и испытание одновременно двух тяжёлых или трёх средних спутников. В СбИК КА имеются следующие испытательные участки:
  • термовакуумная камера;
  • компактный антенный полигон;
  • камера электромагнитной совместимости;
  • реверберирующая акустическая камера;
  • вибрационная система;
  • система измерения свойств масс;
  • система сбора данных;
  • участок испытаний наземного вспомогательного механического оборудования.
Проект был запущен в 2008 году. В 2018 году планируется ввод в эксплуатацию. Реализация проекта позволит Казахстану создать технологическую и производственную базу для проектирования, изготовления, сборки и испытаний космической техники и её элементов.
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8-е огневое испытание двигателя LE-9 №2 2018-06-25 16:16 (JST)
Цитировать【再編集版】H3ロケット用LE 9実機型エンジン燃焼試験ライブ中継

JAXA | 宇宙航空研究開発機構

Опубликовано: 3 июл. 2018 г.


Цитироватьarh.mk.ru Бога не видели: на космодроме Плесецк помолились за упокой душ испытателей
Николай Макеев
ЦитироватьОказывается, на космодроме есть даже помощник начальника по работе с верующими военнослужащими. Протоиерей Артемий Эмке совершил заупокойную литию по погибшим испытателям космической техники. Молились, конечно, не на взлётной площадке – службу вершили на мемориале в Мирном.
Дата была тоже знаковой – в 1973 году 26 июня в 4 часа 22 минуты произошёл взрыв ракеты в момент подготовки к сливу компонентов ракетного топлива из ракеты-носителя «Космос-3М». Тогда погибли девять военнослужащих в/ч 63551, которые похоронены в братской могиле на берегу лесного озера. По информации Архангельской и Холмогорской епархии, через семь лет после этой трагедии в 1980 году погиб другой боевой расчёт во время заправки ракеты-носителя «Восток-2М» – в пожаре погибло 44 человека, ещё 43 сотрудника получили ожоги различной степени тяжести и были доставлены в госпиталь, четыре человека скончались в больнице.

ЦитироватьПо словам протоиерея Артемий Эмке, «воины ушли в вечность неподготовленными».
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Цитироватьgolos.ua 10 тысяч км/ч: в США испытали гиперзвуковую ракету (ФОТО)
Компания Generation Orbit Launch Services, Inc. (GO) опубликовала фотографии, демонстрирующие первое испытание функционального прототипа гиперзвуковой ракеты GOLauncher1 (GO1).
Об этом пишет журнал Defence Blog.
Согласно сообщению компании от 29 июня, первое в своем роде испытание проводилось в Cecil Spaceport в Джексонвилле, штат Флорида.

Разрабатываемая ракета GOLauncher 1, благодаря не дорогому одноступенчатому ускорителю для пусков в воздухе, будет применяться в гиперзвуковых летных испытаниях и суборбитальных исследованиях. Жидкостный двигатель GOLauncher 1 максимизирует производительность и гибкость полета по сравнению с традиционными твердотопливными установками.
Система предназначена для обеспечения регулярных и не дорогих пусков ракет со скоростью от 5 до 8 чисел Маха (до 9,9 тысяч километров в час) с разного рода полезными нагрузками.

Запускать ракету-носитель планируют с борта самолета Gulfstream III.
Первый полет GO1 запланирован на конец 2019 года.
Также, ранее мы сообщали, что программа развития одноразовых ракет-носителей EELV (Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle) в проекте закона об ассигнованиях на национальную оборону на 2019 финансовый год, который рассматривается Конгрессом США, была переименована в программу национальной безопасности по космическому запуску NSSS (National Security Space Launch).
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Цитироватьtimesofindia.indiatimes.com Isro conducts first crew escape test for India's manned mission to space | India News
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ЦитироватьThe Pad Abort Test showed the safe recovery of the crew module in case of any exigency, the ISRO said.

Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh: 
As part of its preparations to send an Indian astronaut into space using a country-made rocket in the future, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) today tested the crew escape module, which is critical to ensure safety of the astronauts in case a rocket explodes on the launch pad.
"The system is an emergency escape measure designed to quickly pull the crew to a safe distance from the launch vehicle in the event of a launch abort. The first test (Pad Abort Test) demonstrated the safe recovery of the crew module in case of any exigency at the launch pad," the ISRO said in a statement.
The five-hour countdown was smooth, the space agency said. It shared that the crew escape system along with the simulated crew module with a mass of 12.6 tonne, lifted off at 7 this morning at the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Andhra Pradesh's Sriharikota.
The test was over in 259 seconds, during which the crew escape system along with crew module soared skyward, reached an altitude of nearly 2.7 km, swerved over the Bay of Bengal and floated back to Earth under its parachutes about 2.9 km from Sriharikota.
Three recovery boats are being exercised to retrieve the module as part of the recovery protocol. Nearly 300 sensors recorded its performance parameters during the test flight.
As of now, the government has not cleared the Indian human space flight programme, which the ISRO estimates to cost upwards of $2.5 billion (Rs. 250 crore) and would take about seven to 10 years after it gets clearance.

Nearly 300 sensors recorded its performance parameters during the test flight.

The successful satellite re-entry test gave the country the confidence that it has the necessary technologies to bring a crew module safely back to the Earth from orbit without burning in the atmosphere.
As part of the fifth trial flight of the geo-synchronous satellite launch vehicle Mark III, India flew a dummy crew module that can carry two to three astronauts into space.
Till date, the only countries to have expertise in space operations are Russia, USA and China. As and when India conducts its first human space flight, it is likely that it will be the first country in the world to be able to independently fly humans into space.

The ISRO has been working on the human space flight programme for the last several years and the government has sanctioned about Rs. 22 crore to build the technology.

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Индия успешно испытала систему эвакуации людей с космического корабля
Цитироватьria.ru Индия успешно испытала систему эвакуации людей с космического корабля

НЬЮ-ДЕЛИ, 5 июл — РИА Новости. Индийская организация космических исследований (ISRO) в четверг провела успешное испытание системы эвакуации экипажа с космического корабля, говорится в распространенном сообщении организации.
Цитировать"Система эвакуации экипажа является аварийным механизмом, предназначенным для быстрого выведения модуля экипажа вместе с астронавтами на безопасное расстояние от ракеты-носителя в случае выхода систем из строя", — сказано в сообщении.

В нем отмечается, что результатом первого из серии тестов стало "безопасное извлечение модуля с экипажем в аварийной ситуации на стартовой площадке". В общей сложности испытание заняло 4 минуты 19 секунд, в течение которых модуль экипажа поднялся на высоту около 2700 метров над Землей, пролетел над Бенгальским заливом, после чего приземлился на парашюте примерно в трех километрах от острова Шрихарикота на востоке Индии.
Индия развивает собственную космическую программу с 1947 года, сразу после получения страной независимости. Работа ведется под руководством правительственного Департамента космических исследований. Непосредственная организация работ по координации деятельности различных организаций и фирм в рамках национальной комической программы, а также созданию ракетно-космической техники возложена на ISRO (до 1969 года — Индийский национальный комитет космических исследований).
По данным местных СМИ, на сегодняшний день ISRO уже разрабатывает космическое оборудование, скафандры, а также питание для астронавтов. Также ведется активная работа над созданием собственных пилотируемых кораблей.
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nola.com  Rocket Science: Engines for 'Phantom Express' spaceplane tested at Stennis Space Center
By Bob Warren | Posted July 06, 2018 at 11:17 AM | Updated July 06, 2018 at 11:17 AM
Boeing artist rendition of the Phantom Express Experimental Spaceplane. (Rendering provided by Aerojet Rocketdyne)
A series of rocket firings taking place at Stennis Space Center will help determine the daily reliability of a massive rocket engine designed to power an experimental "spaceplane'' and greatly reduce the time and cost to launch satellites into orbit.
The AR-22 engine built by Aerojet Rocketdyne during hot-fire testing at Stennis Space Center in Mississippi on July 2, 2018. (Photo courtesy of NASA)

The 10-day testing period of Aerojet Rocketdyne's AR-22 engine at the NASA facility in Hancock County, Mississippi, just over the Louisiana state line, is part of the Experimental Spaceplane Program and an effort to push the boundaries of what such engines are currently capable of. Officials said this week the engine is being fired for 100-second bursts over 10 consecutive days to demonstrate its reliability and turnaround time. The last firing is Friday (July 6).

 The mission, the officials say, is to fire the engine, then have it inspected and serviced and ready for another firing inside a 24-hour window in anticipation of a future in which low-earth-orbiting satellites are launched at a much greater frequency.
The goal is to cut months or even years off the current time schedule of getting satellites into orbit.

Boeing's Phantom Express in a video on the company's website.

The AR-22 rocket engine will power an unmanned spaceplane, the "Phantom Express,'' at speeds of up to 10 times faster than the speed of sound.
The Phantom Express has a 60-foot wingspan and will take off vertically, like a rocket. The publication Space News said after the Phantom Express releases an "upper stage carrying a satellite payload'' it will glide back to earth and land on a runway, like an airplane.
Overseeing the tests are two commercial companies, engine-builder Aerojet Rocketdyne, and Boeing, which is designing and building the Phantom Express, as well as a government agency, the U.S. Defense Advanced Project Agency.
Steve Johnston, director of Boeing's Phantom Works program, said the goal is "to achieve an airplane-like operation with a rocket, which has never been done before.''

NASA's John C. Stennis Space Center in Hancock County, Miss.
Stennis, the nation's largest rocket engine test facility, was the site of testing for the Saturn V rocket engines that took humans to the moon in the Apollo program, as well as for the Space Shuttle. It currently is the site of testing for the RS-25 rocket engines for the Space Launch System's deep-space missions, including carrying humans to the moon and Mars.
The 2012 opening of the INFINITY Science Center at NASA's Stennis Space Center. (staff archive)
Some 5,000 people work for companies at Stennis, which is home to more than 40 federal, state, academic and commercial companies. A large contingent of those employees live in St. Tammany Parish and across the New Orleans area.


Relativity Space, a California company, tests its Aeon engine at Stennis Space Center in Hancock County, Miss. The company will test more engines under an agreement to take over a testing area at the sprawling NASA site.(Relativity Space photo)

While it is perhaps best known as the testing site for the engines for NASA spacecraft, Stennis earlier this year finalized its first-ever Commercial Space Launch Act lease with Relativity Space that will grant the company exclusive use one of the facilty's testing complexes.
Under the Commercial Space Launch Act, NASA seeks to partner with private companies to use "underutilized'' facilities, in this case a testing area that NASA no longer uses, Don Beckmeyer, manager of strategic business development at Stennis, said in April.


A giant cloud of vapor hovers over the A-2 test stand after an AR-22 rocket engine was test fired at the NASA Stennis Space Center in Stennis, Miss., Monday, July 2, 2018. (Associated Press by Gerald Herbert)

The AR-22 engine being tested for the Experimental Spaceplane Program is a version of the Space Shuttle main engine.
Jeff Haynes, Aerojet Rocketdyne's AR-22 program manager, said the 10-day testing series marks the most consecutive days the engine has ever been fired. "We've got the engines running fine,'' he said on Tuesday (July 3), after the seventh day of testing.


The AR-22 rocket engine is test fired on the A-2 stand at NASA's Stennis Space Center on Monday, July 2, 2018. (Associated Press photo by Gerald Hebert)

Johnston and Scott Wierzbanowski, DARPA's manager of the Experimental Spaceplane Program, said the technology being developed through the program will have both military and commercial applications.
"(The knowledge) can later be applied to missions where time really matters,'' Wierzbanowski said. "How do we drive down the cost and time to (get to) space? That's what we're interested in.''


Ryan Roberts, B2 stand manager at NASA's Stennis Space Center, discusses the various rocket engine testing at the stand during a tour in February 2018. (Photo by Bob Warren, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune)

Johnston, meanwhile, said "there is a boom in investment'' into putting small satellite constellations into low-earth orbit, and that has driven a demand for the ability to quickly and cheaply deploy and service those satellites.
Flight tests of the Phantom Express are slated to begin in 2021, Johnston said.
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ЦитироватьStéphane Israël‏ @arianespaceceo 17 мин. назад

Nominal P120 hot firing from CSG ! Congrats to all teams @ArianeGroup @Avio_Group @CNES @esa ! Go Ariane 6, Go !!!

16 мин. назад

Déroulement nominal du premier essai à feu du P120 depuis le CSG. Ariane 6 et Vega C arrivent !!! Bravo à toutes les équipes @ArianeGroup @Avio_Group @CNES @esa !




P120C solid rocket motor

16 July 2018
Today's hot firing of the P120C solid-propellant motor at Europe's Spaceport in French Guiana proves its flight-worthiness for use on Vega-C next year and on Ariane 6 from 2020.

This marks an important milestone in the development schedule of Europe's new-generation launchers, designed to boost our autonomy in the space arena, and maintain Europe's global competitiveness.
The test lasted 135 seconds simulating the complete burn time from liftoff and through the first phase of flight.

No anomalies were seen and the performance met expectations, though full analysis will take several months.

The P120C is 13.5 m long and 3.4 m in diameter and is made using a carbon composite material and built in one segment. It will replace the current P80 as the first stage motor of Vega-C. Two or four P120Cs will be strapped onto Ariane 6 as boosters for liftoff.

This test was a collaboration between ESA, France's CNES space agency, and Europropulsion under contract to Avio and ArianeGroup.

The next static firing will occur at the end of this year with the P120C qualification motor.


ЦитироватьFirst hot firing of P120C motor for Vega-C and Ariane 6

European Space Agency, ESA

Опубликовано: 16 июл. 2018 г.