SGDC 1, Koreasat-7 (Mugungwa 7) – Ariane 5 ECA – Куру ELA-3 – 04.05.2017 21:50 UTC

Автор Salo, 01.02.2017 09:08:48

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Kassab подтверждает бразильский запуск спутника в первой половине апреля
ЦитироватьKassab confirma lançamento de satélite brasileiro na primeira quinzena de abril
Anderson Vieira | 29/03/2017, 13h19 - ATUALIZADO EM 29/03/2017, 16h27
Gilberto Kassab em audiência na Comissão de Ciência e Tecnologia (CCT) nesta quarta-feira (29)
Pedro França/Agência Senado
O ministro da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovações e Comunicações, Gilberto Kassab, confirmou aos senadores nesta quarta-feira (29) que o primeiro satélite geoestacionário brasileiro será lançado até o fim da primeira quinzena de abril, o que permitirá em breve a cobertura  de banda larga em 100% do território nacional. Ele participou de audiência pública da Comissão de Ciência e Tecnologia (CCT), presidida pelo senador Otto Alencar (PSD-BA).
O Satélite Geoestacionário de Defesa e Comunicações Estratégicas (SGDC) deveria ter sido enviado ao espaço na semana passada, mas uma greve geral na Guiana Francesa, de onde partiria o foguete, levou ao adiamento da operação.
ЦитироватьМинистр науки, технологии, инновации и коммуникации, Жилберту Кассаб подтвердил сенатор в среду (29), что первый геостационарный спутник Бразилии будет запущен к концу первой половины апреля, что в скором время позволит охвату полосы ширина на 100% территории страны. Он посещал публичные слушания Комиссии по науке и технике (ССТ), под председательством сенатора Отто Аленкара (PSD-BA).

 Геостационарная спутниковая оборона и стратегические коммуникации (SGDC) должны были отправлены в космос на прошлой неделе, но всеобщая забастовка во Французской Гвиане, где оставить ракету, привела к отсрочке операции.


Тем временем кризис пытаются потушить как всегда - деньгами. Бастующие считают, что маловато будет...
Цитировать France Guyane‏ @franceguyane 1 ч. назад

Les ministres proposent 1,85 milliard pour financer des mesures en Guyane. Pour Olivier Goudet, ce n'est pas assez. #Guyane #500Frères
ЦитироватьМинистры предлагают 1,85 млрд для финансирования мер в Гайане. Оливье Гоудет (#500Frères), это не достаточно.


Цитировать Peter B. de Selding‏ @pbdes 5 ч.5 часов назад
Europe's spaceport & much of rest of Fr Guiana remains closed after breakdown of negs between local pop & govt. Two weeks & counting...
  Peter B. de Selding‏ @pbdes 5 ч.5 часов назад
Europe's spaceport2/ Arianespace had forecast no launches in May, so bottleneck from 3-wk shutdown from strikes could be absorbed by June.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Манифестанты приняли решение оккупировать космодром во Французской Гвиане
ЦитироватьПротестующие требуют, чтобы правительство Франции выплатило территории €2,5 млрд

Подробнее на ТАСС:


А аппетиты-то растут не по дням, а по часам: "Ракеты летать не будут, пока нам не дадут 3 ярда евро"
Цитировать Peter B. de Selding‏ @pbdes 9 ч. назад

Demonstrator to space center chief Faivre: Space activities will remain blocked as long as our (negotiations) with the Fr govt are blocked.

Peter B. de Selding‏ @pbdes 9 ч. назад

2d demonstrator to Faivre: As long as our demands (~ EUR 3B) arent met, your rockets wont launch.




Цитировать4 ч. назад

Pendant ce temps ... La police anti-émeute guyanaise à l'entrée du Centre spatial guyanais. ( jody amiet / AFP )
ЦитироватьВ том же время ... гайанский ОМОН при входе Гвианского космического центра. (Джоди Амье / AFP)

ЦитироватьGuiana Space Centre Director meets with protesters as demonstrations continue
Jason Rhian
April 5th, 2017


Protesters stand outside a barricade in front of Kourou Space Center in French Guiana on Tuesday, April 4. Photo Credit: Jeremy Beck / SpaceFlight Insider
KOUROU, French Guiana — Protests continued at the Guiana Space Centre with the unveiling of a sculpture of a fist, highlighting protesters' concerns. SpaceFlight Insider spoke with workers attending this rally who marched toward the Centre to meet its director, Didier Faivre.

These protests have gone on for some time and recent events suggest that protesters are making progress. At the end of last week the French Government offered 1.085 billion euros. The protesters refused. Overall they think that to solve the problems, French Guiana needs 3.1 billions immediately.

Protesters have formed what has come to be called "The Collective" and they have requested to have their grievances heard by European Union, French and European Space Agency officials. Photo Credit: Jeremy Beck / SpaceFlight Insider

Favier decided to wait for the collective, outside the fences of the Space Center and eventually met with their representatives. 

For his part Didier, highlighted the importance of the link between Europe's space efforts and French Guiana, saying that the Space Center needs French Guiana. He went on to say that he also believes that the Centre provides beneficial effects to the surrounding community, including employment and funds. He did not allow protesters to march on the Space Centre, with police erecting a barrier just outside the spaceport.

"It would be unreasonable that the march enter in the Space Center due to safety concerns," Didier noted, adding that he has a good grasp of the situation, having a history of working in French Guiana that started 30 years ago.

A sign denoting the disparity in what workers believe they are receiving was displayed outside the Space Centre. Photo Credit: Jeremy Beck / SpaceFlight Insider

 Protesters are seeking a grant from the French Government to purchase better equipment and facilities for local hospitals that they receive services from (those located in Kourou, Cayenne and Saint-Laurent du Maroni).

Moreover, they want the debts of these hospitals, towards the hospitals' suppliers to be waived. They want there to be a greater police presence, for added security to be provided to them, just as French nationals in their homeland have. Also, they are seeking comparable education services to be made available as those their French counterparts enjoy.

Didier stated that he understands that a good hospital is mandatory, for the whole population. One of the complaints that has caused these protests is adequate access to health care services. Faivre became the Director of the Guiana Space Centre on Octeber 1, 2016, before that, he served as the Assistant Director to the CNES (France's space agency) President.

French police were on hand for Tuesday's protests in the event of possible violence. Photo Credit: Jeremy Beck / SpaceFlight Insider

 Approximately 40 people, including several journalists stayed at the Centre, after the protests had concluded. Many of those who remained were awaiting answers from France and the European Union.

Faivre was asked about the status of missions slated to fly atop the various launch vehicles operated by Arianespace. He noted that, at present, four satellites are being maintained in fully safe conditions within the Space Centre.

The Guiana Space Centre, often referred to as, Centre Spatial Guyanais (CSG) is France's and Europe's spaceport and is located in the northwest of Kourou in French Guiana.


Неужто через 2.5 недели?  :|  
Цитировать Peter B. de Selding‏ @pbdes 3 ч. назад

Europe's spaceport shutdown: Zero indication roadblocks'll be removed & ops allowed to restart after 2.5 wks. But speeches arent clear.




Пока всё печально  :(  
Цитировать Caleb Henry‏ @CHenry_SN 52 мин. назад

No sign of near-term solution to French Guiana situation for @Arianespace.


Цитировать DutchSpace‏ @DutchSpace 5 ч. назад

Update from #kourou: kourou locals are starting to be fed up with the blockages, protest marches against them under way #CSG #VA236




М-да, (___)(___),  :(
Цитировать Peter B. de Selding‏ @pbdes 14 ч. назад

Europe's spaceport: Given Guiana strike, Arianespace return to ops before early May looks unlikely, & even that is optimistic at this stage.


Цитировать Куру: Арианспейс в тупике
ЦитироватьArianespace interpelle les élus de Guyane sur les conséquences du mouvement social

La1è (avec AFP) | Publié le 14/04/2017 à 16:00, mis à jour le 14/04/2017 à 16:01
 Dans une lettre adressée aux quatre parlementaires de Guyane, le PDG d'Arianespace met en garde sur les conséquences du mouvement social. Les blocages ont interrompu "trois campagnes de lancement" de la fusée Ariane, avec "plusieurs millions d'euros de surcoûts pour Arianespace".
© Arianespace Décollage de la fusée Ariane 5
 Les blocages en Guyane ont interrompu "trois campagnes de lancement" de la fusée Ariane, avec "plusieurs millions d'euros de surcoûts pour Arianespace et les industriels du centre spatial", a averti le PDG d'Arianespace dans une lettre à plusieurs élus guyanais, dont l'AFP a eu copie vendredi.
Les barrages ouverts sauf au centre spatial
Si le collectif "Pou la Gwiyann dékolé", qui pilote le mouvement social initié depuis près d'un mois, a annoncé jeudi soir l'ouverture de la plupart des barrages pour le week-end de Pâques, il a prévenu que le barrage du rond-point proche du centre spatial guyanais (CSG) restera maintenu. Le centre spatial, vitrine économique du territoire, est considéré par le collectif comme le symbole des inégalités persistantes dans ce territoire d'outre-mer.

 Trois campagnes de lancement interrompues
Les blocages en cours "ont interrompu trois campagnes de lancement pour cinq clients différents: le gouvernement brésilien et les opérateurs commerciaux ktsat (Corée), SES (Luxembourg), Viasat (Etats-Unis), Eutelsat (France)", a fait valoir Stéphane Israël, dans sa lettre adressée le 12 avril notamment aux quatre parlementaires de Guyane.
 "Deux lanceurs différents - Ariane et Soyouz - sont impliqués dans ces campagnes, ainsi que trois constructeurs de satellites : Thales Alenia Space, Airbus, Boeing", a-t-il aussi observé. Les blocages ont "d'ores et déjà repoussé de plus d'un mois le lancement prévu le 21 mars dernier pour le Brésil et la Corée. Ce mois perdu peut se chiffrer à plusieurs millions d'euros de surcoûts pour Arianespace et les industriels du CSG", a poursuivi Stéphane Israël. (Regardez ci-dessous le reportage de Guyane 1ère sur les difficultés d'Arianespace).
 Arianespace dans l'impasse
 Arianespace en souffrance
Selon lui, "l'image d'Arianespace et la disponibilité de ses services de lancement peuvent souffrir de cette situation". "Si le blocage devait persister, la réalisation de 12 lancements en 2017 serait menacée, ce qui aurait des conséquences financières lourdes", a mis en garde le PDG d'Arianespace, dans son courrier également adressé à Rodolphe Alexandre, président de la Collectivité Territoriale de Guyane. "La situation actuelle fragilise Arianespace, dans un contexte où la compétition est plus vive que jamais", a-t-il encore fait valoir.
 Stéphane Israël a mis en avant que "1.700 salariés" travaillent sur la base pour Arianespace, le Cnes, et 36 entreprises regroupées au sein de l'Union des Employeurs de la Base Spatiale (UEBS). Soulignant que "notre activité génère 9.000 emplois au total" et "représente 40% de la masse salariale du secteur privé en Guyane", il a estimé que "ce qui est en jeu, c'est tout simplement la pérennité de ces emplois en Guyane".
 "Comme toute activité (...) le lien entre la base spatiale et les territoires qui l'accueillent peut être renforcé, mais il ne fait aucun doute que le spatial constitue un poumon économique pour la Guyane", a-t-il insisté.
перевод фр --> англ
ЦитироватьArianespace challenges the elected representatives of Guyana on the consequences of the social movement

La1è (with AFP) | Published on 14/04/2017 at 16:00, updated on 14/04/2017 at 16:01

In a letter to the four parliamentarians in Guyana, the CEO of Arianespace warns about the consequences of the social movement. The blockages interrupted "three launch campaigns" of the Ariane rocket, with "several million euros of additional costs for Arianespace".

© Arianespace Take-off of the Ariane 5 rocket

The blockades in French Guiana interrupted "three launch campaigns" of the Ariane rocket, with "several million euros of extra costs for Arianespace and the industrialists of the space center," Arianespace CEO warned in a letter to several elected Guyanese , Which AFP had a copy on Friday.
Open dams except at the space center
If the group "Pou la Gwiyann dékolé", which is driving the social movement initiated for almost a month, announced Thursday evening the opening of most of the barriers for the weekend of Easter, he warned that the dam Roundabout close to the Guyanese Space Center (CSG) will remain in place. The space center, the economic showcase of the territory, is considered by the collective as a symbol of the persistent inequalities in this overseas territory.

 Three suspended launch campaigns
The blockages in progress "interrupted three launch campaigns for five different customers: the Brazilian government and the commercial operators ktsat (Korea), SES (Luxembourg), Viasat (United States), Eutelsat (France)," argued Stéphane Israel, in its letter of 12 April to the four parliamentarians fr om Guyana.

"Two different launchers - Ariane and Soyuz - are involved in these campaigns, as well as three satellite manufacturers: Thales Alenia Space, Airbus, Boeing," he also observed. The blockages have already delayed more than a month the launch scheduled for March 21 for Brazil and Korea. This lost month can cost millions of euros of additional costs for Arianespace and the manufacturers of CSG, "said Stéphane Israël. (See below the report of Guyane 1st on the difficulties of Arianespace).

Arianespace in the deadlock

 Arianespace in pain
According to him, "the image of Arianespace and the availability of its launch services may suffer from this situation." "If the blockade were to persist, the launch of 12 launches in 2017 would be threatened, which would have serious financial consequences," warned the CEO of Arianespace, in his letter also addressed to Rodolphe Alexandre, president of the Territorial Collectivity Of Guyana. "The current situation is undermining Arianespace, in a context wh ere competition is more intense than ever," he added.

Stéphane Israël pointed out that "1,700 employees" work on the basis for Arianespace, Cnes, and 36 companies grouped within the Union of Employers of the Space Base (UEBS). Underlining that "our activity generates 9,000 jobs in total" and "represents 40% of the private sector payroll in Guyana", he said that "what is at stake is simply the permanence of these jobs in Guyana ".

"As with any activity ... the link between the space base and the host territories can be strengthened, but there is no doubt that space is an economic lung for Guyana," he said.
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ЦитироватьArianespace бросает вызов выбранным представителям Гайаны по последствиям социального движения

La1è (с AFP) | Опубликовано 14/04/2017 в 16:00, дата обновления: 14/04/2017 в 16:01

В письме к четырем парламентариям в Гайане генеральный директор Arianespace предупреждает о последствиях социального движения. Завалы прервали «три пусковые кампании» ракеты Ariane с «несколькими миллионами дополнительных расходов для Arianespace».

© Arianespace Запуск Ariane 5

Блокады во Французской Гвиане прервали «три пусковые кампании» ракеты Ariane: «Несколько миллионов евро дополнительных расходов для Arianespace и промышленников космического центра», - заявил генеральный директор Arianespace в письме нескольким избранным гайанцам, у которого AFP был Копия в пятницу.
Открытые плотины, кроме космического центра
Если группа «Pou la Gwiyann dékolé», которая является инициатором социального движения, инициированного почти на месяц, объявила в четверг вечером об открытии большинства барьеров для выходных на Пасху, он предупредил, что плотина Roundabout близка к Гайанскому космическому центру (РГС) будет оставаться в силе. Космический центр, экономическая витрина территории, рассматривается коллективом как символ постоянного неравенства на этой заморской территории.

 Три приостановленных кампании запуска
Запущенные блокировки "прервали три кампании запуска для пяти различных клиентов: бразильское правительство и коммерческие операторы ktsat (Корея), SES (Люксембург), Viasat (Соединенные Штаты), Eutelsat (Франция)", - утверждал Стефан Исраэль в своем письме 12 апреля четыре парламентария из Гайаны.

«В этих кампаниях участвуют две разные пусковые установки -« Ариан »и« Союз », а также три производителя спутников: Thales Alenia Space, Airbus, Boeing», - отметил он. Блокировки уже задержали более месяца, который запланирован на 21 марта для Бразилии и Кореи. Этот потерянный месяц может стоить миллионы евро дополнительных расходов для Arianespace и производителей CSG », - сказал Стефан Исраэль (см. Ниже отчет о Guyane 1st о трудностях Arianespace).

Arianespace зашли в тупик

 Arianespace просрочены
По его словам, «из-за этой ситуации может пострадать образ Arianespace и доступность его служб запуска». «Если бы блокада продолжалась, запуск 12 запусков в 2017 году был бы поставлен под угрозу, что имело бы серьезные финансовые последствия», - предупредил генеральный директор Arianespace, в своем письме также адресованному Родольфу Александру, президенту Территориальной Коллекции Гайаны. «Нынешняя ситуация подрывает Arianespace, в условиях, когда конкуренция более интенсивная, чем когда-либо», - добавил он.

Стефан Исраэль отметил, что «1700 сотрудников» работают на основе Arianespace, Cnes и 36 компаний, объединенных в Союз работодателей космической базы (UEBS). Подчеркнув, что «наша деятельность генерирует 9000 рабочих мест в целом» и «составляет 40% заработной платы частного сектора в Гайане», он сказал, что «на карту поставлено просто постоянство этих рабочих мест в Гайане».

«Как и в любой деятельности ... связь между космической базой и принимающей территорией может быть усилена, но нет никаких сомнений в том, что пространство для Гайаны является экономическим легким», - сказал он.


"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"

Europe spaceport's long shutdown a threat to Arianespace schedule

April 17, 2017

Multiple demonstrations in French Guiana included this one, led by robed lawyers, near the Guiana Space Center spaceport.
Credit: La Voix du Nord
PARIS — The continued shutdown of Europe's spaceport threatens to scuttle launch-service provider Arianespace's plans for 2017 — a year when it hoped to distinguish itself fr om its competitors.

It is also a problem for those commercial customers whose planned launch dates in March and April are now scrapped, including Eutelsat and its 172B satellite customers, Panasonic Avionics; ViaSat Inc.'s business-crucial ViaSat-2; and SES's SES-15.

As of April 17, it was unclear whether the protest movement's decision to allow shopping over the long Easter weekend by opening roadblocks that have choked economic activity in French Guiana signaled an end to the protests, or whether circulation would be paralyzed again on April 18.

Roadblocks lifted for Easter — except for spaceport

In an indication of how the Guiana Space Center has come to symbolize the French state, the protesters maintained a roadblock of the spaceport access road while opening the others to traffic for the weekend.

The grounding of Europe's launch vehicles compounds an already stressed global commercial launch sector. Launches of Russia's Proton rocket have been suspended since June for technical defects, and a late-May return to flight has not been confirmed.

SpaceX's Falcon 9, recovering fr om a September failure, is juggling a crowded manifest. Whether it can ramp operations to its long-promised twice-per-month cadence is uncertain. China's Long March rocket family, in robust health, remains a minor player on the market because of a U.S. ban on launching U.S.-built satellite parts from China.

The Guiana Space Center, on the northeast coast of South America, has seen brief labor-related shutdowns before. Local law enforcement typically does not intervene, out of concern for creating martyrs and enflaming situations that end quietly after negotiations. This has worked in the past.

A broad-based protest, but is support eroding?

But not this time. A work stoppage March 20 at the spaceport, which prevented the Ariane 5 rocket from being rolled out to its launch pad for a planned March 21 launch, was followed by a broad movement in French Guiana protesting high crime rates, illegal immigration and the general degradation of conditions in the French overseas department.

The protest has been led not by a labor union but by a diverse collective that sometimes appears to speak with several voices. Local politicians, surprised by the movement's power, have struggled to keep up with it.

After initial days of tacit support for the movement, businesses that have been unable to function for weeks have begun to call for the movement to end. Whether local law-enforcement authorities will use these signs of strike fatigue to forcibly remove the trucks blocking the roadways was unclear.

A visit by French government ministers to negotiate an end to the crisis proved fruitless. The ministers represent a government that will leave office in May after elections and could not meet the protesters' demand of a 3-billion-euro ($3.2-billion) economic aid package.

French President Francois Hollande, who is not running for re-election and whose relevance to French politics is declining by the day, offered to meet a delegation from French Guiana in Paris. The offer was refused as too vague.

The protesters received support from the president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, who said in a speech that "all my sympathy is on their side, because in Guiana, as elsewh ere, we have committed the error of inattention. And Guiana is not the only territory beyond continental Europe that finds itself in this situation. Many others, by the way, don't understand that these regions are fully part of Europe."

One French space industry official with long experience in French Guiana, while expressing irritation at Juncker's statement — the European Commission's negligible support for the spaceport is a sore point between Brussels and Paris — said it nonetheless illustrated the problem.

"There has been this idea that being in a French overseas department, the Guianese can hope for a lifestyle identical to that of metropolitan France. But that's impossible. This is South America — Brazil on one side, Suriname on the other, and an uncontrollable border.

"What's needed now is a political solution that accepts this reality while doing what we can to improve the life of the local population," this official said.

A modern spaceport in the Third World: What could go wrong?

A flourishing space-launch facility in a Third World setting has become a rallying cry for some of the activists, who have used the spaceport's strategic importance to the French government as a means of pressure.

Protesters conducted an all-night sit-in in a space center conference room after its director, Didier Faivre, admitted he could do nothing more than promise he would convey their message to CNES headquarters.

Protestors apparently hoped the power of the Guiana Space Center Director was such that he could pressure the French government to meet the demands for increased aid.

During this period, Arianespace and CNES have had zero leverage, admitting privately that they have no idea how long the paralysis will last.

CNES President Jean-Yves Le Gall, a former chief executive of Arianespace, told an April 4 session at the National Space Symposium in Colorado that he was "very confident that we will resume with the launches in the coming days."

Industry officials said that it would take CNES and Arianespace 10 days to prepare for a launch once the roadblock have been cleared and transit to and from the spaceport, and to French Guiana's airport, returns to normal.

Arianespace had planned six launch campaigns between January and April, and a record 12 launches for the full year: seven heavy-lift Ariane 5 rockets, three medium-lift Europeanized Russian Soyuz vehicles and two Vega small-satellite launch campaigns.

That schedule assumed a launch-free month of May. But with late-March and April launches of two Ariane 5 rockets and a Soyuz — all carrying commercial telecommunications satellites — now out of reach, May will be a catch-up month.

Even this scenario assumes the demonstrators accept the loss of face that would follow any decision to end their movement without a further government concessions beyond the 1 billion euros already promised.

Arianespace's appeal to French Guiana parliamentarians

Arianespace Chief Executive Stephane Israel on April 12 wrote the four French parliament members from French Guiana, reminding them that Arianespace's financial health is good for the territory.

"The loss of a month of activity is estimated to cost millions of euros in additional charges for Arianespace and the industry working at [the Guiana Space Center], and the customers are exposed [to costs] as well," Israel said.

"If the roadblocks continue, plans to conduct 12 launches in 2017 will be threatened, which would have heavy financial consequences for Arianespace and for the thousands of employees working at or for the spaceport.

Israel said 9,000 jobs in French Guiana are directly or indirectly supported by the space-launch activity, representing 40 percent of French Guiana's entire private-sector work force.

Arianespace did not immediately respond to requests for clarification about the "millions of euros" in additional charges — whether the revenue in question was lost or just deferred, and whether Arianespace and its contractors have insurance policies in place to cover events of this nature.

Given the state of the global launch market, Arianespace's customers for the most part are unable to take their business elsewh ere. They're just as stuck as the Ariane 5 rocket blocked in its final assembly building since March 20.
Peter B. de Selding


Цитировать Peter B. de Selding‏ @pbdes 6 ч. назад

Euro spaceport 1: Roadblocks back up in Fr Guiana; movement offers new face-saving deal of little cost to govt. Strike could end this week.