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Туалет в Орионе 

Хотя в википедии еще в 2012 еще о туалете писали https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Orion_(spacecraft)&oldid=471774545
ЦитироватьOrion Capsule's 'Space Toilet' - Where Will It Be?

VideoFromSpace  Опубликовано: 9 авг. 2018 г.

During a tour of the NASA Orion Spacecraft mock-up at the Johnson Space Center, Space.com's managing editor Tariq Malik finds out where astronauts will go potty on long duration missions. Credit: Space.com 

Цитировать https://www.space.com/39710-orion-spacesuit-waste-disposal-system.html
NASA's New Spacesuit Has a Built-In Toilet
By Calla Cofield, Space.com Senior Writer | February 20, 2018 07:00am ET
Like the space shuttle before it, Orion will be equipped with a toilet, but NASA is making contingency plans in case of emergencies, including the possibility that the Orion capsule depressurizes and the astronauts have to remain in their suits to survive. In fact, the agency wants astronauts to be able to survive in their suits for up to six days — meaning the men and women would have to be able to do things like eat, urinate and defecate without taking them off. [How to Use the Bathroom in Space]


Том Джонс, Лунный корабль (Tom Jones, Moon ship rising), (на англ.) «Aerospace America», том 56, №8, 2018 г., (сентябрь), стр. 22-27 в pdf - 1,01 Мб
 «Орион рассчитан на поддержку экипажа автономно 21-дневной миссии на Луне. Космический корабль также может состыковываться с запланированной Лунной орбитальной платформой-шлюзом на срок до одного года, доставляя расходные материалы из этого форпоста. Следующий Орион отправится в лунный рейс в начале 2020 года под названием «Миссия разведки-1». EM-1 станет последней проверкой управления Ориона, системы связи и теплозащиты до первой миссии с экипажем Ориона, EM-2 в 2022 году. (...) Орион будет отправлен по траектории к Луне космической системой запуска на водороде (ICPS, с ускорителями Delta 3 и 4). Орион выполнит близкий лунный пролет, а затем выйдет на высокую орбиту вокруг Луны. Орион останется на этой устойчивой лунной орбите, примерно в 70 000 километров выше Луны, но дальше от Земли, чем когда-либо путешествовал любой космический корабль с человеком, - до тех пор, пока его расширенная проверка систем не будет завершена. Орион останется на далекой орбите в течение одного или двух 14-дневных оборотов, а затем выполнит маневр возвращения к Земле в Тихий океан. Добавляя время прохождения туда и обратно на Луну, EM-1 продлится от 26 до 42 дней». - Также даются сведения о дальнейших миссиях.


ЦитироватьOct. 23, 2018

Coming to America: Orion's European Service Module Arrives for First Mission

Technicians work underneath the European Service Module for NASA's Orion spacecraft to complete final preparations before shipment to the United States.
Credits: ESA/A. Conigli

NASA is inviting media to its Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 9 a.m. EST Friday, Nov. 16, for an event marking the arrival from Bremen, Germany, of the European Service Module – the powerhouse that will supply NASA's Orion spacecraft with electricity, propulsion, thermal control, air and water. 

NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine and ESA (European Space Agency) Director General Jan Wörner, as well as other senior leaders from NASA and ESA will discuss with media the international cooperation needed to send humans to the Moon and Mars. The event will air live on NASA Television and the agency's website.
For the first time, NASA will use a European-built system as a critical element to power an American spacecraft, extending the international cooperation of the International Space Station into deep space. The European Service Module is a unique collaboration across space agencies and industry including ESA's prime contractor, Airbus, and 10 European countries. The completion of service module work in Europe and shipment to Kennedy signifies a major milestone toward NASA's human deep space exploration missions to the Moon and beyond. 

At Kennedy, the service module will undergo integration with the Orion crew module, built by prime contractor Lockheed Martin, in preparation for Exploration Mission-1– a flight test farther into space than any human spacecraft has ventured.
Last Updated: Oct. 24, 2018
Editor: Sean Potter


ЦитироватьOrion service module – fr om components to shipping

European Space Agency, ESA

Опубликовано: 24 окт. 2018 г.

A look at the elements that make up the European service module that will provide power, water, air and electricity to NASA's Orion Moon module.
Made in Europe the service module is integrated in Bremen, Germany, from wh ere it will be shipped to NASA's Kennedy Space Center in the USA for testing and getting ready for launch.

Inside the Service Module, large tanks hold fuel as well consumables for the astronauts: oxygen, nitrogen and water.

Radiators and heat exchangers keep the astronauts and equipment at a comfortable temperature, while the module's structure is the backbone of the entire vehicle, like a car chassis.

The European Service Module is built by main contractor Airbus, with many companies all over Europe supplying components.

Orion will eventually fly beyond the Moon with astronauts, the first time a spacecraft will support humans with European hardware will also be the farthest humans ever travel from Earth. The first mission – without astronauts – is getting ready for launch in 2019.


5 ноября доставка - с опозданием на 7 месяцев



ЦитироватьNASA получило европейский модуль для корабля «Орион»

Аэрокосмическое агентств NASA получило служебный модуль для космического корабля «Орион», который был создан специалистами Европейского космического агентства на базе грузового корабля ATV, летавшего к МКС до 2015 года. Основной модуль — обитаемая капсула — уже проходит испытания, и в декабре 2014 года совершил первый полет. Европейский модуль будет обеспечивать капсулу энергией, водой и кислородом, на нем установлены маршевые двигатели и баки с топливом. Официальная церемония передачи состоялась в пятницу в Бремене, говорится в сообщении компании Airbus, которая проводила сборку модуля.
Разработка нового пилотируемого корабля MPCV (Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle) для полетов за пределы низкой околоземной орбиты была начата еще в рамках программы Constellation. Предполагается, что новый корабль сможет доставлять четырех астронавтов на окололунную орбиту, в частности, на будущую лунную орбитальную станцию. В дальнейшем он будет использован и в рамках марсианских экспедиций. Для запуска корабля в США разрабатывается сверхтяжелая ракета SLS, первый ее запуск с новым кораблем (но без экипажа) планируется на 2020 год, а первый пилотируемый полет — на 2022 год.
Конструкция «Орионом» во многом следует идеям, заложенным еще при создании «Аполлонов». Он тоже состоит из двух главных элементов — обитаемой капсулы, которая способна входить в атмосферу на второй космической скорости при возвращении с Луны, и служебного модуля, где установлены двигатели, топливные и кислородные баки, энергетическая система, элементы системы жизнеобеспечения и солнечные батареи.

Корабль «Орион» с европейским служебным модулем.  Airbus
В начале 2010-х годов в ходе переговоров NASA и Европейского космического агентства сформировалась идея «бартерной сделки», согласно которой часть европейского взноса в проект Международной космической станции будет выплачена «натурой» — за счет создания служебного модуля для корабля «Орион». Соответствующее соглашение между агентствами было подписано в январе 2013 года.
Служебный модуль создается на базе европейского грузового корабля ATV (Automated Transfer Vehicle), который пять раз доставлял грузы на МКС в период с 2008 по 2015 год. Модуль представляет собой цилиндр высотой и диаметром примерно четыре метра с солнечными батареями размахом 19 метров. Масса заправленного модуля составляет более 13 тонн, из них примерно 8,6 тонны — топливо для 32 двигателей ориентации и одного маршевого двигателя. В модуле есть также негерметичный отсек для перевозки грузов.
Как ожидается, 5 ноября служебный модуль будет доставлен в США, в космический центр NASA имени Кеннеди, на борту грузового самолета Ан-124.
 Сергей Кузнецов




Ан-124 со служебным модулем Ориона подлетает к Портсмунту на самом на севере США для дозаправки

А что, у "Руслана" не хватает дальности, чтобы прямо из Германии долететь до Флориды без промежуточных посадок?


ЦитироватьNASA's Test Orion Spacecraft in the Pacific Ocean at Sunset


Опубликовано: 8 нояб. 2018 г.

Orion is NASA's spacecraft for carrying astronauts on exploration missions to the Moon and beyond. When Orion returns to Earth from space, it will be slowed by parachutes before splashdown. Here, NASA's recovery team and the U.S. Navy practice recovering a test Orion capsule from the ocean waters. Bonus: stunning views of the sunset in the Pacific off the coast of California!

This footage was captured on Nov. 1, 2018, during Underway Recovery Test-7 (URT-7) -- one in a series of tests that NASA's Exploration Ground Systems Recovery Team and the U.S. Navy are conducting: https://go.nasa.gov/2Ph6Mnr. These tests verify and validate procedures and hardware that will be used to recover the Orion spacecraft after it splashes down in the Pacific Ocean following deep space exploration missions.


ЦитироватьAntonov takeoff with first European Service Module

European Space Agency, ESA

Опубликовано: 7 нояб. 2018 г.

On Monday morning 5 November 2018 the first European Service Module for NASA's Orion spacecraft was loaded onto an Antonov An-124 aircraft in Bremen airport and sent across the Atlantic to the NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, USA.

The module was packed in a custom-built container that keeps the environment inside within acceptable limits for transportation. It will fly via Hamburg, Germany, and Portsmouth, USA for refuelling and customs.

This delivery is a milestone in the module's journey to the Moon. The European Service Module will be connected to the Spacecraft Adaptor and the Crew Module in USA for further testing before its final flight around the Moon. The first Orion mission, called Exploration Mission-1, will be a test flight without astronauts and will travel farther into space than any human-rated spacecraft has ventured. The mission is expected to launch in 2020.


ЦитироватьNov. 6, 2018
RELEASE 18-095

European-Built Service Module Arrives in U.S. for First Orion Moon Mission

The European Service Module for NASA's Orion spacecraft is loaded on an Antonov airplane in Bremen, Germany, on Nov. 5, 2018, for transport to NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. For the first time, NASA will use a European-built system as a critical element to power an American spacecraft, extending the international cooperation of the International Space Station into deep space.
Credits: NASA/Rad Sinyak

The powerhouse that will help NASA's Orion spacecraft venture beyond the Moon is stateside. The European-built service module that will propel, power and cool during Orion flight to the Moon on Exploration Mission-1 arrived fr om Germany at the agency's Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Tuesday to begin final outfitting, integration and testing with the crew module and other Orion elements.
The service module is integral to human missions to the Moon and Mars. After Orion launches on top of the agency's Space Launch System rocket, the service module will be responsible for in-space maneuvering throughout the mission, including course corrections. The service module will also provide the powerful burns to ins ert Orion in to lunar orbit and again to get out of lunar orbit and return to Earth. It is provided by ESA (European Space Agency) and built by ESA's prime contractor Airbus of Bremen, Germany. NASA's prime contractor for Orion, Lockheed Martin, built the crew module and other elements of the spacecraft. 

"We have a strong foundation of cooperation with ESA through the International Space Station partnership, and the arrival of the service module signifies that our international collaboration extends to our deep space human exploration efforts as well," said Bill Gerstenmaier, NASA's associate administrator for Human Exploration and Operations.

The European-built service module brings together new technology and lightweight materials while taking advantage of spaceflight-proven hardware. It is comprised of more than 20,000 components, including four solar array wings that provide enough electricity to power two three-bedroom homes, as well as an orbital maneuvering system engine, a recently refurbished engine previously used for in-orbit control by the space shuttle. Beginning with Exploration Mission-2, the module also will provide air and water for astronauts flying inside Orion, which will carry people to destinations farther than anyone has travelled before and return them safely to Earth.

"Our teams have worked together incredibly hard to develop a service module that will make missions to the Moon and beyond a reality," said Mark Kirasich, NASA's Orion program manager. "It is quite an accomplishment of ESA and Airbus to have completed the developmental work on the module and have this major delivery milestone behind us."

Now that the service module is at Kennedy, it will undergo a host of tests and integration work ahead of Exploration Mission-1. Engineers will complete functional checkouts to ensure all elements are working properly before it is connected to the Orion crew module. Teams will weld together fluid lines to route gases and fuel and make electrical wiring connections. The service module and crew module will be mated, and the combined spacecraft will be sent to NASA's Glenn Research Center's Plum Brook Station in Ohio early next year wh ere it will undergo 60 days of continuous testing in the world's largest thermal vacuum chamber to ensure Orion can withstand the harsh environment of deep space. Once that testing is complete, it will return to Kennedy for integration with the SLS rocket in preparation for launch. 

NASA is leading the next steps to establish a permanent human presence at the Moon. The first in a series of increasingly complex missions, Exploration Mission-1 is a flight test of an uncrewed Orion spacecraft and SLS rocket that will launch from NASA's modernized spaceport at Kennedy. The mission will send Orion 40,000 miles beyond the Moon and back and pave the road for future missions with astronauts. Together, NASA and its partners will build the infrastructure needed to explore the Moon for decades to come while laying the groundwork for future missions to Mars.
Last Updated: Nov. 9, 2018
Editor: Karen Northon


ЦитироватьHuman Spaceflight‏Подлинная учетная запись @esaspaceflight 21 мин. назад

The European Service Module is connected to the... Crew Module Adapter. Structural connection of the two elements for the @NASA_Orion spacecraft begins today @NASAKennedy. More on the #blog: http://blogs.esa.int/orion/2018/11/13/orions-european-service-module-structural-connection-begins/ ...


ЦитироватьPreparing America for Deep Space Episode 19: Showing Off Our Wares

NASA Johnson

Опубликовано: 14 нояб. 2018 г.

Big progress continues to be made in 2018 for NASA's Orion, Space Launch System (SLS), and Exploration Ground Systems (EGS) programs. Teams across America and in Europe are developing and building the spacecraft, rocket, and infrastructure necessary to send humans to deep space destinations including the Moon and beyond. Some major recent milestones include: Orion – final Orion Airdrop Test Complete; AA-2, stacked and on track; Orion's EM1 Service Module Completed and ready for shipment from Bremen, Germany to the United States. SLS – SLS right on schedule with RS-25 engine tests; EM-1 LH2 Core Stage Tank Thermal Protection Application; Intertank for NASA's new rocket readied for final assembly; EGS – Mobile Launcher moves to the Vehicle Assembly Building; Liquid Oxygen Tail Service Mast Umbilical Install to Mobile Launcher; Mobile Launcher Swing Arm Test.


ЦитироватьNov. 13, 2018

Orion Recovery Team: Ready to 'Rock and Roll'

At night, on Nov. 1, 2018, a test version of the Orion capsule is pulled into the well deck of the USS John P. Murtha during Underway Recovery Test-7 (URT) in the Pacific Ocean. URT-7 is one in a series of tests conducted by the Exploration Ground Systems Recovery Team to verify and validate procedures and hardware that will be used to recover the Orion spacecraft after it splashes down in the Pacific Ocean following deep space exploration missions.
Credits: NASA/Kim Shiflett

Equipment Passes Test
By Amanda Griffin
NASA's Kennedy Space Center, Florida

A NASA and Department of Defense team returned from a week of training at sea to improve joint landing and recovering operations planned for crew aboard the agency's Orion spacecraft from future deep space exploration missions.

Departing from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, the Exploration Ground Systems' team embarked on the USS John P. Murtha, an amphibious U.S. Navy ship, in the Pacific Ocean with the main goal of ensuring all of their recovery equipment was up to the task. This round of testing was known as Underway Recovery Test-7, or URT-7.

Recovery ground support equipment includes the Orion Recovery Cradle Assembly, or ORCA, the cradle in which the spacecraft will ultimately set down; winch and rigging lines lovingly referred to as LLAMAs, short for Line Load Attenuating Mechanism Assembly; and even seemingly small items, such as tow pins. But ensuring all of the equipment works as planned and without damage to the spacecraft is no small task.

The integrated recovery team worked in tandem to put the equipment through its paces this past week — and NASA's Jeremy Parr, lead design engineer, was on hand to evaluate testing.
"We had an amazing week," Parr said when all the testing was done and the ship was headed back to shore. "From start to finish, we had some bumps, we took it slow and had some training days, but by the end of the week we were having almost perfect runs. And that's because of the sailors and LLAMA operators — everyone was working together as a team."

For the past five years, Parr and others have been working on the recovery concept. With the exception of the winch's control system, everything has been designed and built in-house at Kennedy under Parr's leadership — and it all passed muster.

The entire Landing and Recovery Team is led by NASA's Melissa Jones. During URT-7, she was pleased to see all of the team's hard work pay off. "Testing this week has gone extremely well," she said.

The team performed the first complete recovery at night, which lasted until the wee hours of the morning. Jones chocked that up to lessons learned on possible complications of night operations and working with the ship and divers out in the open water in less-than-optimal conditions.

"The team continues to amaze me with their intelligence, determination, and tireless work ethic," Jones said. "A huge thanks to the crew of the USS John P. Murtha for their help and hospitality. The success of this week would not have been possible without their positivity and can-do attitude."

The crew aren't the only ones with a positive attitude. Parr and the rest of the team are heading back to Kennedy with a renewed sense of accomplishment.

"I now have complete confidence in every piece of hardware that we have," Parr said. "We're ready to rock and roll for the recovery of Orion after Exploration Mission-1."
Last Updated: Nov. 14, 2018
Editor: Bob Granath


Цитировать19 НОЯ, 13:51 Обновлено 14:18
Испытания американского космического корабля "Орион" намечены на март 2019 года

В NASA сообщили, что запуск капсулы "Ориона" нужен для проверки системы аварийного прерывания полета

ТАСС, 19 ноября. Американский пилотируемый космический корабль "Орион" планируется испытать в марте 2019 года. Будет проведен пробный пуск с прерыванием полета, сообщил ТАСС руководитель департамента пилотируемых полетов NASA Уильям Герстенмайер на конференции в Москве, посвященной двадцатилетию МКС.

"Тестовый запуск капсулы с прерыванием полета на высоте состоится, скорее всего, в марте, в крайнем случае, в апреле следующего года", - сказал Герстенмайер. Он отметил, что такой запуск капсулы "Ориона" нужен для проверки системы аварийного прерывания полета.

Герстенмайер также добавил, что готовятся испытания беспилотного корабля "Орион", предназначенного для полета к Луне. "Корабль, который отправится на Луну, начнут испытывать в следующем году в Кливленде. Это будут наземные испытания, включающие в себя вакуумные испытания, вибрационные тесты, проверку конструкторских решений. Капсула будет проходить эти испытания вместе Европейским служебным модулем уже в сборке", - сказал Герстенмайер.

По его словам, сейчас капсула "Ориона" и европейский служебный модуль находятся во Флориде. В ближайшее время их соберут вместе и отправят в Кливленд.


ЦитироватьЕКА. Йохан Дитрих Вернер рассказал о перспективах международного сотрудничества
... Создан и проходит испытания «Орион» — космический аппарат, который доставит астронавтов к окололунной платформе. ЕКА предоставляет для космического аппарата «Орион» служебный модуль, обеспечивающий астронавтов всем необходимым для жизни — электричеством, водой, воздухом. Создание первого служебного модуля завершено, в данный момент проводится прокладка кабелей на втором образце служебного модуля. Этот космический аппарат отправится дальше в космос, чем какой-либо другой пилотируемый корабль до него.
Осознание того, что на орбите нашего необитаемого спутника Луны находится постоянная международная база, в корне меняет образ мышления человека. Одно дело — отправиться на Луну в единичную миссию, чтобы победить в космической гонке, и совсем другое — работать в сотрудничестве с партнерами со всего мира и построить постоянно функционирующую станцию, предоставляющую возможности проведения исследований и полетов в дальний космос, неизведанный человеком...


ЦитироватьOrion Launch Abort System Jettison Motor hot fire test

NASA Langley Research Center

Опубликовано: 26 нояб. 2018 г.

A successful hot fire test of the Orion Launch Abort System Jettison Motor was conducted at Redstone Test Facility.


ЦитироватьNov. 21, 2018

Engineers Successfully Test Major Part of Orion Launch Abort System

A motor designed by Aerojet Rocketdyne for the Launch Abort System (LAS) on NASA's Orion spacecraft was successfully tested by engineers at the U.S. Army Redstone Test Center on Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. During the Orion Launch Abort System Jettison Motor Qualification Motor-1 Hot-Fire Test, the motor produced more than 40,000 pounds of thrust, enough to lift 26 elephants off the ground. The 1.5-second test was the first in a round of tests aimed at qualifying the LAS Jettison Motor for human spaceflight in preparation for Exploration Mission-2. The LAS is a safety mechanism for Orion that will launch atop NASA's Space Launch System (SLS), which will carry crew to deep space missions. The Jettison Motor is a critical element for ensuring astronaut safety. The Launch Abort System will safely lift the Orion Crew Module away from the launch vehicle in the event of an emergency on the launch pad or during ascent. Once Orion reaches a safe distance from the rocket, the Orion Jettison Motor would ignite to separate the LAS structure from the spacecraft, which could then deploy its parachutes for a safe landing. The Launch Abort System consists of three solid rocket motors: the Jettison Motor, the Abort Motor that pulls the Crew Module away from the launch vehicle, and the Attitude Control Motor used for steering to reorient the Crew Module's position following an abort. A jettison motor will also be included in an upcoming test of the Launch Abort System, Ascent Abort 2 (AA-2). The Jettison Motor was built by Aerojet Rocketdyne in Sacramento, California, for the Lockheed Martin-built Orion spacecraft's Launch Abort System. The LAS is led out of NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia in collaboration with NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.

Credit: NASA
Caption Credit: Jonathan Deal, NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center
Last Updated: Nov. 26, 2018
Editor: Kristyn Damadeo


ЦитироватьOrion's service and crew modules – Finally together

European Space Agency, ESA

Опубликовано: 29 нояб. 2018 г.

After a 24-hour journey from Bremen, Germany with stops in Hamburg and Portsmouth, USA, the European Service Module landed on 6 November 2018 at Kennedy Space Center in Florida.


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