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Автор ДмитрийК, 22.12.2005 10:58:03

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ЦитироватьWith Christmas Around the Corner Crew Researching Why Cells Change in Space
Mark Garcia
Posted Dec 22, 2017 at 10:52 am

The Expedition 54 crew members (from left) are NASA astronauts Joe Acaba and Mark Vande Hei, Roscosmos cosmonauts Alexander Misurkin and Anton Shkaplerov, NASA astronaut Scott Tingle and JAXA astronaut Norishige Kanai.

Six Expedition 54 crew members will spend Christmas orbiting Earth sharing a traditional meal and opening goodies delivered on recent cargo missions to the International Space Station. Veteran crew member Anton Shkaplerov of Roscosmos is spending his third holiday season in space.
Meanwhile, advanced space science is taking place seven days a week on the orbital lab as the astronauts explore a variety of phenomena that can only be revealed in the microgravity environment. Human research is especially important as doctors learn how to keep space travelers healthy and strong during spaceflight.

The station's newest Flight Engineers, Scott Tingle of NASA and Norishige Kanai of JAXA, collected and stored their blood samples this morning for the Cell-Free Epigenome experiment. The samples will be analyzed later on the ground for cellular changes that take place in crew members while living in space.

Astronaut Joe Acaba of NASA is testing new research hardware today for its ability to maintain cell cultures and enable cellular experiment work. Acaba swapped out gear inside the Bioculture System that is being validated as a long-term biological research facility.


ЦитироватьSpace to Ground: 2017: 12/22/2017

NASA Johnson

Опубликовано: 22 дек. 2017 г.



Цитировать Роскосмос
22 дек в 19:52

Планета тоже наряжается к Новому году

Фотография волшебного Полярного сияния от космонавта Антона Шкаплерова.


Цитировать Mark T. Vande Hei‏Подлинная учетная запись @Astro_Sabot 21 ч. назад

Space Station movie night, complete with "bungee cord chairs", drink bags, and a science fiction flick!




ЦитироватьЗнаменитости записали поздравление с Новым годом для космонавтов на МКС
В создании видеоролика приняли участие Федор Конюхов, Диана Арбенина, Николай Дроздов

Высокое качество
Среднее качество
Аудио дорожка
Поздравление космонавтов 2018© ТАСС/Музей космонавтики
Музей космонавтики подготовил видеопоздравление для членов экипажа Международной космической станции (МКС), которые встретят 2018 год на орбите. Как сообщает пресс-служба музея, в записи ролика приняли участие музыканты, журналисты, писатели и ученые.
"На протяжении года космонавты выходили на связь с Землей и поздравляли нас с праздниками. Мы решили перевернуть эту традицию и в этом году подготовить новогоднее обращение для международного космического экипажа", - цитирует пресс-служба PR-директора музея Дарью Чудную.
С Новым годом космонавтов поздравят путешественник Федор Конюхов, лидер группы "Ночные Снайперы" Диана Арбенина, директор Музея космонавтики Наталья Артюхина, президент Государственного музея изобразительных искусств им. А.С. Пушкина Ирина Антонова, поэт и актриса Вера Полозкова, журналист, писатель и режиссер Владимир Раевский, радио- и телеведущий Сергей Стиллавин, ученый, путешественник и телеведущий Николай Дроздов и радио- и телеведущая Маргарита Митрофанова.
В новогоднюю ночь на МКС будет находиться экипаж из шести человек: командир экспедиции Антон Шкаплеров (Россия), Александр Мисуркин (Россия), Скотт Тингл (США), Джозеф Акаба (США, Марк Ванде Хей (США), Норисигэ Канаи (Япония).
Космонавты начнут праздновать Новый год во время пролета над восточными островами. Затем они отпразднуют по токийскому времени, после - по московскому, а утром поздравят коллег из США.
Видеоролик на станцию передадут через Центр управления полетами.



ЦитироватьТренировки по внекорабельной деятельности

26 декабря 2017 | Подготовка

В гидротренажёрном комплексе (плавательном бассейне) Центра подготовки космонавтов имени Ю.А. Гагарина начались специальные испытания в интересах ВКД-45. Основная задача планируемого выхода в открытый космос – установка на внешней поверхности РС МКС научного оборудования в рамках российско-германского эксперимента ICARUS, целью которого является исследование и получение данных о глобальной миграции животных и птиц, а также экспериментальная отработка научной аппаратуры на борту РС МКС для дальнейшего использования на автоматических космических аппаратах.
Научные данные, которые будут получены в результате эксперимента, призваны помочь в решении различных экологических проблем, изучении изменения климата, сохранении биоразнообразия, контроле распространения инвазивных видов и инфекционных заболеваний, предотвращении катастрофических явлений, обеспечении безопасности воздушного движения.

В процессе работы испытатели и водолазы ЦПК совместно со специалистами РКК «Энергия» имени С.П. Королёва отработали операции по монтажу научной аппаратуры ICARUS, раскрытию приёмных антенн, прокладке кабельного жгута и другим задачам.

Всего запланировано три эксперимента. В январе 2018 года основной и дублирующий экипажи МКС-55/56 и МКС-56/57 в составе Олега Артемьева, Алексея Овчинина, Сергея Прокопьева и Олега Кононенко приступят к тренировкам по целевым задачам ВКД-45.

Источник: Пресс-служба ЦПК, фото ЦПК



Центр управления полетами (ЦУП) провел предновогодний образовательный сеанс связи с российским экипажем Международной космической станции (МКС) для лауреатов международного флешмоба «МЫ–ПЕРВЫЕ! СПУТНИК60» в рамках проекта #СПУТНИК60, приуроченного к полету первого искусственного спутника Земли.    
В 2017 году РОСКОСМОС в рамках мероприятий по празднованию 60-летия начала космической эры, запуска первого искусственного спутника Земли, в сотрудничестве с компанией РИСКСАТ провела флешмоб «МЫ–ПЕРВЫЕ! СПУТНИК60», который состоялся 4 октября в 40 регионах России, а также в Чехии, Великобритании, Боливии, Армении, Узбекистане, Марокко и в США. Всего в этом уникальном мероприятии приняли участие более 15 тысяч школьников и педагогов.
Самые активные участники флешмоба получили возможность пообщаться с членами российского экипажа МКС космонавтами РОСКОСМОСА – Александром МИСУРКИНЫМ и Антоном ШКАПЛЕРОВЫМ. Ребята поздравили космонавтов с наступающим 2018 годом и задали им вопросы.    
Школьники спросили об угрозе изменения климата и глобальном потеплении, о съёмках новых космических уроков на МКС и о том, как проходит адаптация к невесомости Антона ШКАПЛЕРОВА. Ребята также интересовались, как космонавты будут отмечать Новый Год, спрашивали о научной деятельности на МКС и, конечно, о «космическом» быте. Антон ШКАПЛЕРОВ и Александр МИСУРКИН дали самые исчерпывающие ответы и, в свою очередь, пожелали ребятам в Новом году всего самого хорошего.     
В этот же день перед школьниками выступили ведущий специалист РКК «Энергия», вице-президент AMSAT-RUS по пилотируемой программе, правнук К.Э. Циолковского Сергей САМБУРОВ и директор Дома–музея К.Э. Циолковского (ГМИК), заслуженный работник культуры, правнучка К.Э. Циолковского Елена ТИМОШЕНКОВА, которые рассказали о своём великом предке и о том, как Россия отмечала в этом году его 160–летие.


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 12/22/2017
Posted Dec 22, 2017 at 4:00 pm on ISS

Human Research Program (HRP) Collections – Cell-Free Epigenome:
With operator assistance, a 53S subject conducted blood sample collections to support the Cell Free Epigenome investigation. The blood samples were processed in the centrifuge and placed in the Minus Eighty Degree Celsius Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI). In this study, blood samples are collected from astronauts and cellular genes are analyzed. Blood carries molecular signals released from the cells inside the body. The results tell scientists how human body function during space flight.
Cell Science Validation Bag Change Out Operations:
The crew replaced the Bioculture System Cassette media and sump bags in the MSG with the media and sump bags from an ambient stowage container. After the bags were changed out, the cassettes were transferred back to the Bioculture System. This flight of the Bioculture System is to validate the hardware by testing and checking out its engineering and operational capability to maintain cell cultures for a long duration in the space flight environment on the ISS. Furthermore, the new enabling capabilities and procedures to manually conduct experiments with the specimens cultured in the Bio culture System will be demonstrated. Overall, the validation of the performance of the Bioculture System in the space flight environment is a critical step to insure the success of future space bioscience experiments that will be conducted on ISS using this facility.
Fluids Integrated Rack (FIR) Light Microscopy Module (LMM) Wide-field Camera Power/Data Cable Swap:
Today the crew replaced the damaged power/data cable to the LMM Wide-field Camera with the new cable that was flown on SpaceX-13. Ground controllers will begin checkouts later today. The LMM wide-field camera is one of two primary science cameras in the new microscope configuration and will be used to support every payload investigation in the FIR. The Light Microscopy Module (LMM) is a modified commercial, highly flexible, state-of-the-art light imaging microscope facility that provides researchers with powerful diagnostic hardware and software onboard the International Space Station (ISS).
JEM Camera Robot:
Today the crew activated the JEM Camera Robot and captured video of it while it performed maneuvers through the module. This device is a free-flying camera robot that provides real time video downlink and photographs. It is expected to reduce the crew time requirements to support video recording of activities, especially at the blind spot of existing JEM internal cameras.
APEX-05 Operations:
The crew photographed the four APEX-05 spare petri plates that are secured to the Advanced Biology Research Facility (ABRS) photo grid on the maintenance work area. When plants are grown in the confines of the International Space Station (ISS), they do not seem to get enough air and as a result, exhibit a stress response in their genes and proteins. The Spaceflight-induced Hypoxic/ROS Signaling (APEX-05) experiment grows different wild and mutant varieties of Arabidopsis thaliana, in order to understand how their genetic and molecular stress response systems work in space. The plants grow from seeds in the Veggie plant growth facility aboard the ISS, are frozen, and returned to Earth for detailed laboratory analysis.
Earth Imagery from ISS Target Operations:
Using the RED camera, the crew captured images of the Nile Delta and the Iberian Peninsula. This investigation creates a series of videos, showcasing Earth from space. These videos are taken with cameras on the ISS in 6K hi-resolution, then integrated into videos for screensavers for public enjoyment, exploration, and engagement.
Common Berthing Mechanism (CBM) Node 2 Nadir Bolt Inspection:
During recent berthing and unberthing activities, one of the bolts that secures a visiting vehicle to the Node2 Nadir port has shown anomalous loads. Today, the crew inspected and photographed this bolt for evaluation of a possible R&R.  The CBM bolts can only be accessed from inside the habitable volume when a vehicle is berthed to that particular port, so this task is being performed during the SpaceX-13 berthed period.  When the onboard activity was completed, ground teams evaluated the imagery captured, and made the decision to replace the bolt.  That R&R activity will take place next week.
Intermodule Ventilation (IMV) Flow Measurements:
Today the crew took airflow measurements in the IMV inlet for the Oxygen Generator System (OGS) Avionics Air Assembly (AAA) and in other locations in the USOS. They used an expired Velocicalc measurement tool and a new calibrated Velocicalc for flow validation.
Dragon LiOH Removal:
Today, the crew removed the LiOH filter bag from Dragon. The LiOH filter bag provided CO2 removal for the live cargo during Dragon free flyer operations.
Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) Operations:
After extensive evaluation yesterday, including imagery and test grapples, engineering teams have cleared the SSRMS for operations. Operations to remove payloads from the Dragon trunk and install them in their final locations on the outside of ISS will begin next week as planned.


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 12/25/2017
Posted Dec 25, 2017 at 4:00 pm on ISS

APEX-05 Operations:
Over the weekend, the crew photographed all of the APEX-05 petri plates, which includes twenty petri plates in the Veggie facility and four spares secured to the Advanced Biology Research Facility (ABRS) photo-grid on the maintenance work area. Today the crew took additional images of the four spare petri plates. When plants are grown in the confines of the International Space Station (ISS), they do not seem to get enough air and as a result, exhibit a stress response in their genes and proteins. The Spaceflight-induced Hypoxic/ROS Signaling (APEX-05) experiment grows different wild and mutant varieties of Arabidopsis thaliana, in order to understand how their genetic and molecular stress response systems work in space. The plants grow from seeds in the Veggie plant growth facility aboard the ISS, are frozen, and returned to Earth for detailed laboratory analysis.
Space Headaches:
Two 53S crewmembers completed daily questionnaires to support a week-long ESA Space Headache session which started onboard Soyuz prior to docking. The Space Headaches investigation requests crewmembers to respond to a questionnaire that may help in the development of methods to alleviate associated symptoms and improvement in the well-being and performance of crewmembers in space. Headaches during space flight can negatively affect mental and physical capacities of crewmembers that can influence performance during a space mission.
Synthetic Bone BioCell Operations:
Using the MSG laptop screen as a workaround for the non-functional video monitor, the crew completed microscopy and fixation operations of Synthetic Bone Biocells from Habitat B. The crew also completed a media exchange for Habitat C. Synthetic Bone uses BioCells from Habitats A, B, and C to test the functionality and effectiveness of new material that can assist in recovery from bone injuries or dental work during long-term space travel. Determining how well Tetranite integrates with bone cell cultures can also inform general strategies for addressing bone loss in space. Synthetic Bone examines the cellular response to a new type of bone adhesive in the microgravity environment of space. This experiment uses facilities aboard the International Space Station (ISS) to grow bone cells in the presence of a commercially available bone adhesive, and a new product called Tetranite. Sets of bone cell cultures grow with the different adhesives for 20 days and are then fixed, frozen, and returned to Earth for detailed analysis in a fully equipped biological laboratory.
Dragon Cargo Transfer:
Today the crew completed the planned Dragon cargo unloading operations, with the exception of a few locations that contain items that aren't immediately needed and will be removed at a later time. In the coming days, the crew will begin packing and loading the cargo that will be returned on Dragon.


Цитировать Сергей Рязанский‏Подлинная учетная запись @SergeyISS 25 дек.

Удивительно, насколько разные 2 берега, между которыми перекинута Асуанская плотина. Кстати, во время ее строительства многие памятники древнеегипетской культуры и архитектуры были перенесены из зоны, которой грозило полное затопление


ЦитироватьMedia Outlet

NASA Video

Опубликовано: 26 дек. 2017 г.

Aboard the International Space Station, Expedition 54 Flight Engineers Mark Vande Hei, Joe Acaba and Scott Tingle of NASA and Flight Engineer Norishige Kanai of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) discussed their mission and life and research on orbit during an in-flight interview Dec. 26 with the online media outlet, Mic. Tingle ad Kanai recently arrived at the station for a six-month mission, joining Vande Hei and Acaba, who have lived on the orbital laboratory since September.


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 12/26/2017
Posted Dec 26, 2017 at 4:00 pm on ISS

Rodent Research 6 (RR-6):
In support of the on-going RR-6 investigation, the crew removed the mice and restocked the rodent habitats with new food bars in addition to cleaning the lids and interiors cages of the habitats. The Rodent Research-6 (RR-6) mission uses mice flown aboard the International Space Station (ISS) and maintained on Earth to test drug delivery systems for combatting muscular breakdown in space or during disuse conditions. RR-6 includes several groups of mice selectively treated with a placebo or implanted with a nanochannel drug delivery chip that administers compounds meant to maintain muscle in low gravity/disuse conditions.
Amyloid Sample Transfer:
To prepare for incubation activities tomorrow, today four Amyloid samples were retrieved from the -95 degree Celsius Dewar of the Minus Eighty Degree Celsius Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI) and installed into the +2 degree Celsius Dewar of the MELFI. Amyloid fibril is the protein aggregation that is known to be associated with various diseases including Alzheimer's disease and diabetes. To develop treatments for Alzheimer's disease, it is important to elucidate the mechanism of amyloid fibril formation. In this study, aiming to elucidate the mechanism of amyloid fibril formation, we will prepare the high-quality homogeneous amyloid fibrils using microgravity environment, and bring back the samples to characterize the fibrillation process and intermediate structure by NMR and electron microscopic analyses.
Cell Science Validation Bag Change-Out Operations:
The crew replaced the Bioculture System Cassette media and sump bags in the MSG with the media and sump bags from an ambient stowage container. After the bags were changed out, the cassettes were transferred back into the Bioculture System. This flight of the Bioculture System is to validate the hardware by testing and checking out its engineering and operational capability to maintain cell cultures for a long duration in the space flight environment on the ISS. Furthermore, the new enabling capabilities and procedures to manually conduct experiments with the specimens cultured in the Bioculture System will be demonstrated.  Overall, the validation of the performance of the Bioculture System in the space flight environment is a critical step to insure the success of future space bioscience experiments that will be conducted on ISS using this facility.
Space Test Program – H5 (STP-H5) Innovative Coatings Experiment (ICE):
The crew photographed ICE material strips on STP-H5 from the Cupola and Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) windows. The harsh radiation and extreme temperatures of space can corrode the paint and coatings that protect spacecraft exteriors, potentially damaging a spacecraft's hull. Optical coatings are also important for robotic and human navigators, who would rely on specialized markings to capture or repair spacecraft. The STP-H5 ICE investigation studies new coatings for use on spacecraft in low Earth orbit, determining their stability after 2 years in space.  Photographs are taken at 60-day intervals.
Earth Imagery from ISS Target Operations:
Using the RED camera, the crew took images of Italy and the Nile Delta. This investigation creates a series of videos, showcasing Earth from space. These videos are taken with cameras on the ISS in 6K hi-resolution, then integrated into videos for screensavers for public enjoyment, exploration, and engagement.
NanoRacks External Platform (NREP)-3:
The crew pressurized the Japanese Experiment Module Airlock (JEMAL) and performed a leak check today in preparation for return of the slide table and the (NREP)-3 into the JEM. The Cavalier Space Processor, a passive remote sensor with onboard processing capability, will be installed on the NREP-3, which will be attached to the JEM External Facility next week.  NREP represents the first external commercial research capability for testing in support of scientific investigations, sensors, and electronic components in space.
Node 3 Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Maintenance:
The crew removed and replaced the WHC urine receptacle and insert filter. This was nominally planned periodic maintenance.
Mobile Servicing System (MSS) Operations:
This afternoon, Ground Controllers will translate the Mobile Transporter (MT) from Worksite 4 (WS4) to WS6 in preparation for Dragon external cargo activities scheduled for the next few days. Once the MT is positioned at WS6, the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) will be configured for external Dragon cargo operations. They will unstow Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) and setup for Total & Spectral solar Irradiance Sensor (TSIS) extraction from the Dragon trunk. They also will perform a Dragon Trunk Camera checkout and Dragon Trunk cargo survey.


ЦитироватьNew Crew Gets Used to Space as Cargo Craft Prepares to Depart
Posted Dec 27, 2017 at 1:02 pm on Space Station

Expedition 54-55 prime crew members (from left) Norishige Kanai of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Anton Shkaplerov of Roscosmos and Scott Tingle of NASA.

The International Space Station's three newest crew members are beginning their second week familiarizing themselves with the orbital lab's operations and systems. They and the other three Expedition 54 crew mates are also busy today with cargo operations, space science and station maintenance.
Also, a Russian cargo craft is departing the station tonight after a six-and-a-half month stay docked to the Zvezda service module. The Progress 67 cargo craft will undock from Zvezda tonight at 8:03 p.m. EST then re-enter Earth's atmosphere to burn up over the south Pacific Ocean.

Veteran cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov and first-time astronauts Scott Tingle of NASA and Norishige Kanai of JAXA are in their second week in Earth orbit and getting used to life in space. The new space residents, who arrived Dec. 19, have time set aside in their schedules to adjust to life and work in weightlessness.

Two-time station resident Joe Acaba from NASA worked throughout Wednesday gathering items for stowage inside the SpaceX Dragon resupply ship. Kanai assisted Acaba with the pre-packing duties readying the cargo for return to Earth inside Dragon on Jan. 13.

Tingle strapped himself into an exercise bike this morning breathing into a tube for a study measuring physical exertion in microgravity. In this long-running experiment, doctors are researching ways to ensure astronauts stay fit and healthy in space to maintain mission success.


ExHAM. Вид из модуля Кибо
Цитировать 金井 宣茂‏Подлинная учетная запись @Astro_Kanai 10 ч. назад

「きぼう」の中庭、船外ばく露部と呼ばれる場所です。 大活躍の「きぼうロボットアーム」や、ExHAM(エックスハム)という実験装置が見えます。


Цитировать 金井 宣茂‏Подлинная учетная запись @Astro_Kanai 3 ч. назад

宇宙ステーションから、おはようございます! 今日も地球は青いです。 今、窓から撮った写真をご紹介します。 シュカプレロフ船長のソユーズ宇宙船MS-07号機と、ロシアの補給船プログレスです。
ЦитироватьДоброе утро с космической станции! Сегодня земля синяя. Сейчас я представлю фотографии, сделанные из окон. Корабль «Союз» MS-07 и российский транспорт снабжения.


Цитировать Anton Shkaplerov‏ @Anton_Astrey 6 ч. назад

Все готовы к Новому году?Наш экипаж во всеоружии - модули и ёлки наряжены. На МКС работают представители разных стран, поэтому мы не могли пропустить католическое Рождество. Так что представляем вам нашу космическую версию Рождества или коротко - #SpaceXmas Илон, прости