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ЦитироватьCrew Sets Up New Science During Ongoing Bone Research

Mark Garcia
Posted Mar 10, 2020 at 2:20 pm

NASA astronauts and Andrew Morgan and Jessica Meir are pictured inside the cupola, the International Space Station's "window to the world," shortly after capturing the SpaceX Dragon resupply ship.

The Expedition 62 crew started unloading and activating new science experiments, which were delivered Monday aboard the SpaceX Dragon resupply ship.

NASA astronauts Andrew Morgan and Jessica Meir opened Dragon's hatch shortly after its capture and installation on Monday. The duo quickly retrieved critical research samples and installed science hardware, setting up operations aboard the International Space Station.

Mice are living on the station now after their ride to space aboard Dragon. Morgan placed the rodents in specialized habitats for a JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) investigation exploring how microgravity affects genetic expression. Observations will give doctors insights into the how human body will adapt to longer missions to the Moon, Mars and beyond.

Meir collected a science freezer and commercial research hardware from inside Dragon and began setting up the gear throughout the orbital lab. In the afternoon, she got back to work on ongoing bone research tending to bone cells being observed to understand Earth ailments such as osteoporosis.

Commander Oleg Skripochka of Roscosmos collected air samples from inside Dragon shortly after its hatch opening Monday. The veteran cosmonaut focused on Russian life support maintenance Tuesday morning before setting up Earth observation hardware during the afternoon.


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 3/10/2020

Mouse Mission-5:
The crew completed mouse transfer and related activities to start the mission. The purpose of this mission is to analyze any alterations of the gene expression patterns in several organs and the effects on the germ-cell development of mice exposed to a long-term space environment.
Nanoracks Module-9:
The crew performed the first set of operations ("Ops 1") on the Nanoracks mod-9 tubes including opening of clamps on 3 of the tubes, followed by gently (or vigorously depending on the tube) mixing of the contents by shaking them. Some of the experiments in this group of mixture tubes included the effects of microgravity on the growth of various organisms, as well as the effect of microgravity on the ability of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to perform double-stranded DNA break repairs. The experiments use NanoRacks MixStix, miniature laboratories activated by space station crew and eventually returned to the student teams on Earth for analysis.
Nanoracks Science Box:
In preparation for autonomous operations, the crew installed the NanoRacks Science Box into EXPRESS Rack 6 and connected the appropriate cables. NanoRacks Science Box, also known as Nanoracks Black Box, is a key part of NanoRacks' next generation International Space Station platforms. This new platform is specially designed to provide near-launch payload turnover of autonomous payloads while providing advanced science capabilities for customers, including use of robotics, new automated MixStix and NanoLab-style research. Black Box is a locker-sized platform that accommodates up to 18U of payloads. Technology Demonstrations on OA-5 NanoRacks-Black Box include NanoRacks-Valley Christian-Microsoft IoT NanoLab, NanoRacks-Edge of Space-Sphero-SPRK, and NanoRacks Automated MixStix.
The crew performed a cell culture media exchange on the remaining viable BioCells in habitat 3. Last week, some of the Biocells in multiple habitats were found to be contaminated and were removed. The cause of the contamination is under discussion. Millions of Americans experience bone loss, which results from disease or the reduced effects of gravity that can occur in bed-ridden patients. OsteoOmics tests whether magnetic levitation accurately simulates the free-fall conditions of microgravity by comparing genetic expression osteoblastic cells, a type of bone cell, levitated in a high-field superconducting magnet with cells flown in low-Earth orbit. This information helps scientists determine the molecular and metabolic changes that take place in magnetic levitation and real microgravity.
Space Cells-01:
The crew inserted 4 Space Cells-01 Plate Habitats into CGBA-4. Space Cells-01 examines gene expression changes and genetic mutations in hemp and coffee plant cells in microgravity. The cell cultures spend approximately one month on the space station then return to Earth for analysis of their physical structure and gene expression and are compared to preflight parameters. Results could help identify new varieties or chemical expressions in the plants and improve understanding of how plants manage the stress of space travel.
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Status:
Following UPA issues on Sunday which indicated a seizing of the drive train and imminent hard failure of the Pressure Control and Pump Assembly (PCPA), engineering teams met yesterday to develop a forward plan. Their assessment was that the PCPA is near end-of-life and recommended replacement of the unit with an available on-orbit spare.
Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Maintenance:
The crew removed and replaced the piping between the pump separator and the dose pump. During the activity the crew reported some dried contamination at the M-connector at the dose pump which has been noted on previous piping R&R's. The contamination, suspected to be dried pretreat, was photo documented, cleaned, and the hardware was replaced nominally. Ground teams will review the photos.
SpX-20 Cargo Unload:
The crew transferred center stack bags and unpacked 3 Double Coldbags (DCB) into Minus Eighty Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI), Microgravity Experiment Research Locker Incubator II (MERLIN) and ambient locations. After they removed the science from the bags, the ice bricks and DCBs were temp stowed.
Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) Double Walkoff:
An SSRMS double walkoff to Mobile Base System (MBS) 1 is in work in preparation for the LEE A snare survey scheduled Wednesday.


ЦитироватьCrew Begins Cardiac Research and Continues Unloading New Science Experiments

Mark Garcia
Posted Mar 11, 2020 at 4:03 pm

The amber hue hovering just above the Earth's limb is the atmospheric glow with the Milky Way's stars sparkling in the background as photographed from the space station.

Bone cells and now heart cells are on the space research agenda for the Expedition 62 crew. The International Space Station continues gearing up for more space investigations recently delivered aboard the SpaceX Dragon resupply ship.

NASA Flight Engineer Jessica Meir turned her attention today to a new experiment exploring cardiac activity in microgravity. She tended to heart cells swapping media that nourishes the samples being observed and manipulated with magnetic sensors. The results could inform measures to keep astronauts healthy on long-term missions and possibly treat heart conditions on Earth.

Bone health is also important for humans living and working on and off the Earth. Over in the Japanese Kibo laboratory module, NASA astronaut Andrew Morgan worked in the Life Science Glovebox servicing bone cell samples for an experiment that began in February. That research is comparing samples nurtured in weightlessness to a set of samples that are magnetically levitated in a lab on Earth. Insights could prove valuable when treating bone ailments such as osteoporosis.

The pair also split their time on several other investigations ranging from radiation detection to protein crystals. Radiation detectors were retrieved from Dragon and installed throughout the station to characterize the orbital lab's radiation dosage and distribution. The crew also looked at protein crystals that grow better in space than on Earth, for a pair of studies, PCG-10 and JAXA Moderate Temp PCG, supporting the development of more effective medications.

Commander Oleg Skripochka focused on Russian communications gear throughout the day testing two-way audio and video satellite links. He also spent some time exploring advanced photography techniques to locate Earth targets.


ЦитироватьКосмические объекты 19 раз опасно сближались с российскими спутниками в прошлом году
12.03.2020 5:00:00

Дуброво (Московская область). 12 марта. ИНТЕРФАКС - Главный центр разведки космической обстановки Космических войск ВКС в прошлом году выдал два десятка предупреждений об опасном сближении различных предметов в космосе с российскими космическими аппаратами, сообщил журналистам начальник центра полковник Сергей Сучков.

Сучков сообщил, что в 2019 году специалисты Центра выдали "19 предупреждений об опасных сближениях космических объектов с космическими аппаратами российской орбитальной группировки".

Они также зафиксировали за прошлый год три опасных сближения космических объектов с Международной космической станцией.

Основной задачей Главного центра разведки космической обстановки является парирование угроз из космоса и в космосе.

"Также Центр решает задачи по выявлению изменений космической обстановки, которые могут создать ту или иную угрозу. Помимо этого, Центр обеспечивает безопасность полетов космических аппаратов, в том числе Международной космической станции (МКС), и ведет главный каталог космических объектов", - сказал Сучков.
Он сообщил, что глобальный контроль обстановки в околоземном космическом пространстве позволяют обеспечивать специализированные радиотехнические, лазерно- оптические и оптико-электронные наземные средства системы контроля космического пространства, расположенные в Московском регионе, Алтайском крае, Дальневосточном регионе, Карачаево-Черкессии и Таджикистане. Ежедневно в составе боевых расчетов на объектах Главного центра разведки космической обстановки несут круглосуточное дежурство более 300 специалистов Космических войск ВКС.

Специалисты Главного центра разведки космической обстановки в 2019 году провели более трех тысяч специальных работ по контролю изменений космической обстановки, в ходе которых обнаружили и приняли на сопровождение около 700 космических объектов, осуществили контроль за выводом на орбиты около 300 космических аппаратов, обеспечили прогнозирование и контроль прекращения баллистического существования более 200 космических объектов.

По словам начальника Центра, российский каталог космических объектов в настоящее время включает около 20 тысяч элементов, которые отслеживают Космические войска. Каталог предназначен для долговременного хранения информации о космических объектах искусственного происхождения на высотах от 120 км до 50 тысяч км


ЦитироватьОрбиту МКС скорректируют перед прибытием нового экипажа
06:41 12.03.2020

МОСКВА, 12 мар - РИА Новости. Коррекцию орбиты Международной космической станции планируется осуществить 19 марта перед прилетом нового экипажа на пилотируемом корабле "Союз МС-16", сообщило НАСА.

Запуск "Союза МС-16" ракетой-носителем "Союз-2.1а" с космодрома Байконур намечается на 9 апреля. В его экипаж входят россияне Анатолий Иванишин и Иван Вагнер и американец Кристофер Кэссиди.

На сайте НАСА отмечается, что операцию по корректировке орбиты МКС планируется начать в 20.18 мск, она продлится 534 секунды.

Предыдущая коррекция орбиты станции была выполнена 23 января в два этапа с помощью двигателей грузового корабля "Прогресс МС-13".

Сейчас на борту МКС работают россиянин Олег Скрипочка и американцы Эндрю Морган и Джессика Меир. Их возвращение на Землю на корабле "Союз МС-15" намечается на 17 апреля.


Цитировать12.03.2020 08:30
Корабль «Прогресс МС-13» скорректирует орбиту МКС

В соответствии с программой полёта Международной космической станции на 19 марта 2020 года запланирована коррекция её орбиты. Цель — формирование рабочей орбиты станции для обеспечения четырёхвитковой схемы сближения пилотируемого корабля «Союз МС-16» с МКС 9 апреля и посадки спускаемого аппарата корабля «Союз МС-15» 17 апреля.

По предварительным данным службы баллистико-навигационного обеспечения Центра управления полётами ЦНИИмаш, двигатели грузового корабля «Прогресс МС-13», который находится в составе станции, будут включены в 20:14 мск и проработают 534 сек. В результате станция получит приращение скорости 0,6 м/с. После выполнения манёвра средняя высота полёта увеличится на 1,1 км и составит около 419 км.

Запуск пилотируемого корабля «Союз МС-16» с экипажем в составе космонавтов Роскосмоса Анатолия Иванишина и Ивана Вагнера и астронавта NASA Кристофера Кэссиди запланирован на 9 апреля 2020 года в 11:05 мск с космодрома Байконур. Стыковка к модулю «Поиск» российского сегмента Международной космической станции намечена на 17:16 мск.

Посадка спускаемого аппарата пилотируемого корабля «Союз МС-15» с экипажем в составе космонавта Роскосмоса Олега Скрипочки, астронавтов NASA Эндрю Моргана и Джессики Меир запланирована на 17 апреля 2020 года.

Дмитрий Фёдоров

Прогрессами часто поднимают орбиту станции. Всегда интересовало - стыковочный узел Прогресса, что, лежит на оси центра массы станции? Наверное - нет? Если нет, то каким местом станция компенсирует вращение, которое ей сообщает Прогресс при включении двигателей? Или у станции свой двигатель, а Прогресс "поднимает орбиту" только за счёт своего топлива? Кто вообще следит за развесовкой всей конструкции, и как? Отслеживается ли масса "в прямом эфире", или всякая внутренняя рассыпуха типа еды и лаптопов (и экипажа) недостаточно влияет своим расположением на центр масс, потому что слишком лёгкая?


ЦитироватьДмитрий Фёдоров написал:
Прогрессами часто поднимают орбиту станции. Всегда интересовало - стыковочный узел Прогресса, что, лежит на оси центра массы станции? Наверное - нет? Если нет, то каким местом станция компенсирует вращение, которое ей сообщает Прогресс при включении двигателей? Или у станции свой двигатель, а Прогресс "поднимает орбиту" только за счёт своего топлива?
"Прогресс" обычно висит на агрегатном отсеке модуля "Звезда" (по оси станции) или на модуле "Пирс" (перпендикулярно ей). В обоих случаях для поддержания ориентации МКС во время маневра используются двигатели ориентации модуля "Звезда". "Прогресс" использует при маневре либо свое топливо из баков системы дозаправки или комбинированной двигательной установки, либо топливо, хранящееся в баках модулей "Заря" и "Звезда".


Цитироватьanik написал:"Прогресс" использует при маневре либо свое топливо из баков системы дозаправки или комбинированной двигательной установки, либо топливо, хранящееся в баках модулей "Заря" и "Звезда".
Век живи - век учись, так дураком и помрёшь. :( 
До сих пор не знал что из станции можно перегонять топливо обратно в Прогресс... :( 
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 3/11/2020

The crew retrieved the DOSIS-3D Passive Detector Pouch (PDP) from the Dragon vehicle and installed the ten passive detector packs and one triple detector pack at appropriate locations. This experiment uses active and passive detectors to determine the radiation doses inside the ISS and provides documentation of the actual nature and distribution of the radiation fields. A concise three dimensional dose distribution map of all the segments of the ISS will be developed based on this data and data from JAXA and NASA monitoring devices.
Engineered Heart Tissue/FE8:
Using the Life Science Glovebox, the crew performed the cell culture media change for the Engineered Heart Tissue chambers. A Human induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPSC)-based 3D Microphysiological System for Modeling Cardiac Dysfunction in Microgravity (Engineered Heart Tissues) assesses human cardiac function in microgravity. It uses 3D cultured cardiac muscle tissue that mimics the architecture and function of adult human cardiac muscle. A magnet-based sensor placed underneath the tissue culture chamber allows real-time, non-destructive analysis of the functional performance and maturation of the tissues in space, which is compared with those cultured on Earth.
Medium Temp PCG:
The crew retrieved the JAXA Protein Crystal Growth (PCG) container, started the investigation, then stowed it in Freezer-Refrigerator Of STirling cycle (FROST2). The high quality protein crystal growth experiment at moderate temperature (JAXA MT PCG) is aimed at the growth of crystals of biological macromolecules by the counter-diffusion technique or permeation method. The main scientific objective of the JAXA Moderate Temp PCG experiment is to make high quality protein crystals in the microgravity environment at moderate temperature.
Nanoracks Mod-51:
The crew initiated the sub investigations contained within the Mod-51. These sub experiments are the Vitamin-C Flask with syringe, Waxworm flask, Adipic acid and Venom flex plates, Yeast and amylase mixture tubes, and Flask with Flatworms.  Inspection and/or activation of the experiments were nominal and the hardware was stowed. Nanoracks Mod-51 is an aluminum module with a Velcro lid that can accommodate various sub-experiments.
The crew completed media exchange for Biocell habitat 4. During the activity, they noted only 3 of the biocells were free of contamination. The media was exchanged on the 3 healthy Biocells and the 3 Biocells with contamination were bagged and frozen for later ground analysis. Cause of the contamination is under discussion. Millions of Americans experience bone loss which results from disease or the reduced effects of gravity that can occur in bed-ridden patients. OsteoOmics tests whether magnetic levitation accurately simulates the free-fall conditions of microgravity by comparing genetic expression osteoblastic cells, a type of bone cell, levitated in a high-field superconducting magnet with cells flown in low-Earth orbit. This information helps scientists determine the molecular and metabolic changes that take place in magnetic levitation and real microgravity.
The crew retrieved the PCG-10 hardware from its temporary ambient stow location and placed it in the permanent stow location. Microgravity Crystallization of Glycogen Synthase-Glycogenin Protein Complex (CASIS PCG 10) crystallizes human glycogen synthase proteins on the space station. These include enzymes critical for glycogen synthesis in the liver and those present in muscle. The lack of convection in microgravity can result in higher quality crystals that contribute to better understanding of a protein's structure and support development of more effective medications with fewer side effects.
Latching End Effector (LEE) A Snare Survey:
Following yesterday's Space Station Remote Manipulator stem (SSRMS double walkoff, today the LEE A Snare survey was completed. The Robotics team will now unstow the Special Purpose Dexterous manipulator (SPDM) and Robot Micro Conical Tool (RMCT) in preparation for tomorrow's Material International Space Station Experiment (MISSE) operations.


ЦитироватьStation Works External Science, Maintenance Before Next Crew Launch

Mark Garcia
Posted Mar 12, 2020 at 4:50 pm

NASA astronaut and Andrew Morgan takes photographs of the Earth fr om the Window Observation Research Facility inside NASA's Destiny laboratory module.

The Expedition 62 crew took a break today from its weeks-long space biology research aboard the International Space Station. Instead, the orbital residents focused on setting up an external science payload and maintaining life support systems.

Research takes place not only inside the space station, but also outside as scientists study how extreme temperatures and space radiation affect a variety of materials. NASA Flight Engineer Andrew Morgan configured hardware today containing a materials science experiment for installation outside the orbital lab. He placed the gear inside the Kibo laboratory module's airlock wh ere it was depressurized. The Canadarm2 robotic arm will retrieve the experiment and externally install it on the station.

NASA astronaut Jessica Meir started her day collecting samples of the station's water for microbial analysis. In the afternoon, she serviced an experiment module that can generate artificial gravity environments before working on orbital plumbing at the end of her shift.

Veteran cosmonaut and station Commander Oleg Skripochka continued more communication tests today checking two-way audio and video satellite links. He also wrapped up a study that observed Earth's upper atmosphere in visible and near-infrared wavelengths. At the end of the day, Skripochka shared his inputs for the long-running experiment researching the interactions between crews and mission controllers.

The new Expedition 63 crew is in Russia getting ready for its launch on April 9 aboard the Soyuz MS-16 crew ship. NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy with Roscosmos cosmonauts Anatoly Ivanishin and Ivan Vagner are wrapping up two days of final qualification exams. The trio will soon head to the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan for final preparations before beginning their 195-day mission aboard the orbiting lab.


ЦитироватьSpace to Ground: 20x: 03/13/2020

NASA Johnson

13 мар. 2020 г.
https://www.youtube.com/embed/m5tbJ7GvaVQ (2:31)


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 3/12/2020

Materials ISS Experiment (MISSE):
The crew installed three MISSE Sample Carriers (MSCs) onto MISS Transfer Tray 2 (MTT 2), and installed the MTT onto the JEM airlock slide table. This is in preparation for a subsequent robotic external exchange of several MISSE Flight Facility MSCs later this week. The MISSE-FF platform provides the ability to test materials, coatings, and components or other larger experiments in the harsh environment of space, which is virtually impossible to do collectively on Earth. Testing in low-Earth orbit (LEO) allows the integrated testing of how materials react to exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UV), atomic oxygen (AO), ionizing radiation, ultrahigh vacuum (UHV), charged particles, thermal cycles, electromagnetic radiation, and micro-meteoroids in the LEO environment.
MVP-2 (Multi-use Variable-g Platform-02):
In preparation for the Cell-03 investigation tomorrow, the crew replaced the hard drive and installed a new door on the MVP-2 unit. The commercially developed, owned and operated Techshot MVP includes 2 internal carousels that simultaneously can produce up to 2 g of artificial gravity. MVP is used to conduct research in space with a wide variety of sample types, such as fruit flies, flatworms, plants, fish, cells, protein crystals and many others.
Nanoracks Module-9 (Mod-9) ops 2:
The crew performed the second set of operations ("Ops 2") on the Nanoracks mod-9 tubes. Ops 2 involved only the deactivation of Mixture Tube #1, which looks at double-stranded DNA break repair in haploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae under spaceflight conditions. The deactivation is accomplished by opening the blue clamp and missing the contents by shaking the tube. The experiments use NanoRacks MixStix, miniature laboratories activated by ISS crew and eventually returned to the student teams on Earth for analysis.
Water Storage System (WSS) Acoustic Measurements:
The Nitrogen (N2) vent cap o-ring was removed on January 3rd to help mitigate unacceptably loud noise that the WSS N2 vent generates when venting the Storage Tanks. Before this mitigation was implemented, the noise level was around 85 dBA with crew wearing hearing protection during the last vent operation after the tank equalizations, which was above the limit for intermittent noise which is 78 dBA for less than 2 minutes. Today the crew completed the first set of acoustic measurements on the WSS N2 vent following this mitigation. Crew photo documented the measurements and ground teams will review the imagery.


ЦитироватьCardiac Research, Bone Studies on Station Promote Advanced Therapies on Earth

Mark Garcia
Posted Mar 13, 2020 at 12:40 pm

Expedition 62 Flight Engineer Jessica Meir swaps media that nourishes bone samples inside the Life Science Glovebox located in Japan's Kibo laboratory module.

New cardiac research is beginning today on the International Space Station. NASA astronaut Jessica Meir is installing gear that will support heart cells being produced inside the U.S. Destiny laboratory module. Those cells will be compared to cultures on Earth to promote regenerative cell therapies.

She also continued bone sample operations for the ongoing OsteoOmics-02 study. The investigation takes place in the Japanese Kibo laboratory module and may reveal innovative bone treatments for humans living on Earth and in space.

Meir also joined fellow NASA Flight Engineer Andrew Morgan for maintenance work on a U.S. spacesuit. The duo recharged and swapped out components inside the suit ahead of spacewalks planned for this year.

Morgan also spent Friday working on orbital plumbing and space biology research. He first serviced hardware in the station's bathroom located in the Tranquility module during the morning. Afterward, Morgan photographed bacteria samples for an experiment seeking improved therapies for antibiotic-resistant infections.

Commander Oleg Skripochka spent the majority of his day focusing on life support and computer activities over in the Russian segment of the space station. In the afternoon, the veteran cosmonaut set up and activated gear that observes the atmosphere at nighttime in near-ultraviolet wavelengths.


Цитировать Jessica Meir‏ @Astro_Jessica 2 ч. назад

That's the @SpaceX #Dragon we captured this week, peeking out just above the monitor (and my curls). It has been a packed week of #science on @Space_Station with the new experiments and supplies it delivered. #Wear62Friday #STEM


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 3/13/2020

ISS HAM pass:
The crew participated in an ISS HAM pass with South Australia Wing, Parafield, South Australia.  Questions included how the crew judges direction in space, how astronaut training in the pool compares to the actual activities performed in space, and how long it takes to get to the ISS. ISS Ham Radio provides opportunities to engage and educate students, teachers, parents and other members of the community in science, technology, engineering and math by providing a means to communicate between astronauts and the ground HAM radio units.
MVP2 cell-03:
The crew installed Nutrient Tubesets into the Emory Modules, inserted the Emory Modules into MVP-02 and prepared for cell insertion on Saturday. This project will study the generation of cardiomyocytes, specialized heart muscle cells, for use in research and clinical applications. Specifically, the team is studying the differentiation of these heart cells from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), adult cells that have been altered to reinstate characteristics of natural stem cells. Simulated microgravity studies have allowed the team to increase the yield, purity, and survival of cardiomyocytes derived from iPSCs, and true spaceflight conditions are expected to further enhance these effects. Understanding how microgravity improves cardiomyocyte differentiation will enable the team to create clinically relevant heart tissue for use in regenerative medicine, disease modeling, and drug discovery.
Using the Life Science Glovebox (LSG), the crew was planned to perform the fixation (preservation) operations on the remaining BioCell in BioCell Habitat 2 but it was contaminated. The ground team is assessing the possible source of the contamination which has affected the majority of the 24 total BioCells in the 4 habitats. Millions of Americans experience bone loss, which results from disease or the reduced effects of gravity that can occur in bed-ridden patients. OsteoOmics tests whether magnetic levitation accurately simulates the free-fall conditions of microgravity by comparing genetic expression osteoblastic cells, a type of bone cell, levitated in a high-field superconducting magnet with cells flown in low-Earth orbit. This information helps scientists determine the molecular and metabolic changes that take place in magnetic levitation and real microgravity.
Phage Evolution:
The crew performed SABL removals and MELFI insertions to support the last part of the Phage Evolution investigation. Evolution of New Phage-Bacteria Interactions from Exposure to Space Environment (Phage Evolution) examines the effects of microgravity and radiation exposure on phage and bacterial host interactions, including phage specificity for a bacterial host and host resistance to specific phages. Bacteriophages, or phages, are viruses that invade and destroy targeted bacteria without harming human cells or the body's beneficial bacterial population. Characterizing microgravity's effects on phages could lead to improved therapies that provide alternative treatments for antibiotic-resistant infections.
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Status:
Following UPA issues last Sunday which indicated a seizing of the drive train and imminent hard failure of the Pressure Control and Pump Assembly (PCPA), engineering teams concluded that the PCPA was near end-of-life and recommended replacement of the unit with an available on-orbit spare. The crew completed the R&R, however, the UPA faulted out due to a PCPA high current signature during initial startup. Two additional restarts were attempted with similar fault signatures. Ground teams are evaluating the data and forward plan.
Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) In-Flight Refill Unit/Fluid Pumping Unit (FPU) Sampling:
To satisfy maintenance requirements for on-orbit stowage, the crew dumped and filled EMU 3004 feedwater tanks using iodinated water from a Contingency Water Container – Iodinated (CWC-I). After a recharge, a small quantity was dumped from the feedwater tanks to provide ullage for condensate collection during the next EMU prebreathe. In addition, this procedure includes steps for taking two water samples from the IRU: the first after the full EMU dump and the second 4 hours later.


ЦитироватьCrew Explores Heart Cells, Genetic Expression for Earth and Space Benefits

Mark Garcia
Posted Mar 16, 2020 at 1:16 pm

Expedition 62 Commander Oleg Skripochka of Roscosmos, in the middle, is flanked by NASA Flight Engineers Andrew Morgan and Jessica Meir inside U.S. Destiny laboratory module.

The Expedition 62 crew focused on a variety of human research and space biology studies aboard the International Space Station today. Back on Earth, three new crewmembers are in training in Russia before their mission begins in April.

Microgravity shifts the flow of body fluids, such as blood and water, which accumulate in an astronaut's head creating pressure in the cranium and on the eyes. Doctors are continuously studying this phenomenon to counteract the effects and keep long-term space crews healthy.

In preparation for upcoming operations with the ongoing Fluid Shifts study, NASA astronaut Andrew Morgan collected medical hardware, such as an ultrasound device, sensors and cables. He transferred the research gear to the Russian segment, where they will be used to test a specialized body suit that draws fluids toward the lower body expanding veins and tissues.

Morgan then moved on to a Japanese study that looks at how weightlessness affects genetic expression in mice. Results may inform future therapies that keep crews safe in space and prevent muscle atrophy conditions on Earth.

NASA Flight Engineer Jessica Meir relaxed on Monday aboard the orbiting lab after working Saturday afternoon on cardiac research. She serviced heart cells being manipulated and analyzed with magnet-sensors and stowed them in a science freezer. The space samples are being compared to cell cultures on the ground possibly benefitting human cardiac function on Earth and in space.

Commander Oleg Skripochka began his morning on a long-running Russian study exploring how cosmonauts will pilot spacecraft and even robotic rovers on future planetary missions. During the afternoon, he turned his attention to life support maintenance.

Over in Russia, three Expedition 63 crewmembers are getting ready for their launch to the space station on April 9. NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy and Roscosmos cosmonauts Anatoly Ivanishin and Ivan Vagner wrapped up two days of Soyuz qualification exams last week. They will have a news conference this Friday before heading out to the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on Tuesday, March 24. Once there, the crew will be in final preparations ahead of their 195-day mission in space.


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 3/16/2020

Fluid Shifts:
The crew set up the appropriate hardware in the Russian segment to support the Fluid Shifts Chibis testing later this week. Fluid Shifts is a NASA investigation, divided into Dilution Measurements, Baseline Imaging, and Imaging with Chibis. The Chibis hardware is used to perform the Lower Body Negative Pressure (LBNP) part of the experiment. The Fluid Shifts experiment investigates the causes for severe and lasting physical changes to astronaut's eyes. Because the headward fluid shift is a hypothesized contributor to these changes, reversing this fluid shift with a LBNP device is being evaluated as a possible intervention. Results from this study may help to develop preventative measures against lasting changes in vision and prevention of eye damage.
Mouse Mission-5:
The crew performed routine mouse habitat maintenance activities for the continuing Mouse Mission-5 investigation. The purpose of this mission is to analyze any alterations of the gene expression patterns in several organs and the effects on the germ-cell development of mice exposed to a long-term space environment.


ЦитироватьSpace Impacts on Heart and Bones May Provide Earth Therapies

Mark Garcia
Posted Mar 17, 2020 at 3:21 pm

The aurora australis, or "southern lights," highlights a starry nighttime orbital pass above the Indian Ocean southwest of Australia from June 2019..

Human research and space biology dominated the research schedule aboard the International Space Station today. The Expedition 62 crew investigated how microgravity impacts heart and bone cells and head and eye pressure.

All three crewmembers tested a unique suit Tuesday that draws body fluids, such as blood and water, towards the feet. This counteracts space-caused fluid shifts toward the head that create pressure on an astronaut's eyes and cranium. One visible symptom, called "puffy face," is a redder and rounder face due to those shifts. However, astronauts have reported vision problems after living in space for months at a time.

Flight Engineer Andrew Morgan put on the suit with help from Commander Oleg Skripochka in the station's Zvezda service module. NASA astronaut Jessica Meir then scanned Morgan's eyes, head and chest with an ultrasound device to measure blood flow through his veins and arteries. Doctors on Earth monitored the activities to learn more about the effectiveness of the negative pressure body suit.

Morgan then moved on to cardiac research, learning how to create and culture heart cells on the space station. Results could provide advanced therapies to prevent heart conditions on Earth and in space. Meir continued more bone research servicing bone samples to help scientists better understand Earth ailments such as osteoporosis.

The commander stayed in the station's Russian segment inventorying cargo from a Russian resupply ship. Skripochka, a veteran of three station missions, made space in the Progress 74 cargo craft temporarily stowing goods and rearranging hardware to reduce clutter aboard the orbiting lab.


Цитироватьtnt22 написал:
Space Impacts on Heart and Bones May Provide Earth Therapies
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1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер