Китайская космическая станция

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ЦитироватьКНР приветствует использование своей космической станции всеми членами ООН
МОСКВА, 28 мая — РИА Новости. Китай приветствует использование своей будущей космической станции всеми членами-государствами ООН, передает агентство Синьхуа со ссылкой на постоянного представителя Китая при международных организациях в Вене Ши Джунцзюаня (Shi Zhongjun).
"Китайская космическая станция принадлежит не только Китаю, но и всему миру. Все страны, независимо от их размера и уровня развития, могут участвовать в сотрудничестве на равной основе", — заявил Джунцзюань.
По его словам, "Китай, как развивающаяся страна, готов помочь другим развивающимся странам в развитии космической техники и создании космического потенциала".
Китай планирует запустить основной модуль своей космической станции в 2019 году для тестирования соответствующих технологий. Планируется, что полноценное функционирование станции начнется в 2022 году.


ЦитироватьКитай приветствует использование своей будущей космической станции всеми членами-государствами ООН, передает агентство Синьхуа со ссылкой на постоянного представителя Китая при международных организациях в Вене Ши Джунцзюаня (Shi Zhongjun). 
"Китайская космическая станция принадлежит не только Китаю, но и всему миру. Все страны, независимо от их размера и уровня развития, могут участвовать в сотрудничестве на равной основе", — заявил Джунцзюань
Текст пропринадлежит всему миру громкий, а на сайте отдела ООН первый этап выбора экспериментов на борту станции
Цитировать http://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/informationfor/media/united-nations-and-china-invite-applications-to-conduct-experiments-on-board-chinas-space-station.html

For information only - not an official document

28 May 2018
United Nations and China invite applications to conduct experiments on-board China's Space Station

VIENNA, 28 May 2018 (UN Information Service) -The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and China's Manned Space Agency (CMSA) have invited applications from United Nations Member States to conduct experiments on-board China's Space Station (CSS).

said Ambassador Shi Zhongjun, representative of China to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Vienna. 

There are three possibilities for orbital experiments in the first round of opportunities:
1. Conducting experiments inside the CSS by utilizing experiment payloads developed by sel ected applicants.
2. Conducting experiments inside the CSS by utilizing experiment facilities provided by China.
3. Conducting experiments outside the CSS by utilizing payloads developed by selected applicants.
Public and private organizations including institutes, academies, universities and private enterprises with a scientific orientation are invited to apply for the opportunity by 31 August 2018. Institutions fr om developing countries are particularly encouraged to apply.
Сам процесс и документы на 

Интересен документ Handbook on China Space Station  (PDF Format, English)  на 30 страницах


ЦитироватьКитайская космическая станция принадлежит не только Китаю, но и всему миру. Все страны, независимо от их размера и уровня развития, могут участвовать в сотрудничестве на равной основе
Ну что сказать - молодцы! Верной дорогой идут китайские товарищи! 


ЦитироватьTAU пишет:
ЦитироватьКитайская космическая станция принадлежит не только Китаю, но и всему миру. Все страны, независимо от их размера и уровня развития, могут участвовать в сотрудничестве на равной основе
Ну что сказать - молодцы! Верной дорогой идут китайские товарищи!
Ну а мы пойдём последней шестёркой в американской лунной этой вот.
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер


ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Ну а мы пойдём последней шестёркой в американской лунной этой вот.
Не факт. Пока США не горят желанием с нами связываться. К осени должны решить, берут РФ в проект или нет. А то пока мнения разные есть.


А подряд на туалет кому отдали?




ЦитироватьPaleopulo пишет:
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Ну а мы пойдём последней шестёркой в американской лунной этой вот.
Не факт. Пока США не горят желанием с нами связываться.
При чём тут США?  Мы горим желанием.
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер


ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
При чём тут США? Мы горим желанием.

При станции. Могут нас пустить в тамбур покататься. А могут и на перроне оставить. С горящим желанием.


ЦитироватьPaleopulo пишет:
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
При чём тут США? Мы горим желанием.
При станции. 
Дык США при станции (точнее при возможности) а мы - при желании. Почувствуй разницу.
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер


Мне наше желание поучаствовать в американской лунной станции напоминает известную притчу. 

Ездил мужик всю жизнь на Запорожце, мечтал о Мерседесе и копил на него деньги. Но смог скопить только 100 долларов. Когда понял что Мерина не будет приехал в техцентр, объяснил ситуацию, отдал сто баксов и попросил поставить на его Запор хоть что-нибудь от Мерседеса. Ну мужики посмотрели на 100 баксов, на Запор, на мужика, вошли в положение и сказали ему чтоб оставил машину и приходил завтра. 
 Назавтра мужик приходит, на дворе стоит его Запорожец, они ему дают ключи и говорят: -Ну, пробуй!
Он садится, поварачивает ключ и его Запор со страшным проворотом срывается с места и несётся вперёд, недоезжая 10 метров до забора колёса с таким же проворотом начинают вращаться назад, Запор тормозит, несётся задним ходом назад, возвращается к тому месту откуда стартовал, затем цикл повторяется. 
 Накатавшись вдоволь мужик выключает зажигание, вылазит из машины и бухается в ноги механикам:
-Герои! Спасители! Что вы мне поставили? 
-Мотор от дворников...
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер


ЦитироватьЧебурашка пишет:
А подряд на туалет кому отдали?
На Орионе сделали отечественный, штатовский. Видимо не понравилось глумление про памперсы. Вроде как и на МКС должны привезти на испытания свой.


ЦитироватьWhat we know about China's space station: modules, crew, launch plans and more
by Andrew Jones | Jun 05, 2018 15:27 | CHINABEIJINGUNITED STATES

Depiction of the China Space Station in low Earth orbit, with two docked Shenzhou crewed spacecraft (bottom, rear centre) and Tianzhou cargo craft (left in foreground). UNOOSA/CMSA

China last week opened up its planned space station to international cooperation, with the first module set to launch in 2020. The road to this point has been long, requiring serious resources and innovation.

China officially approved its space station programme way back in 1992, when the country's economy was around 26 smaller in GDP terms than today.

The ambitious three-step plan, named Project 921, involved first developing a human-rated rocket and spacecraft, orbiting Tiangong space labs as test beds and, with new, large rockets, constructing a 60-100 metric tonne modular space station in low Earth orbit.

China launched the first Long March 2F rocket with an uncrewed test Shenzhou spacecraft in November 1999. In October 2003, Yang Liwei became first Chinese astronaut in space aboard Shenzhou 5. Tiangong-1, which recently met a fiery end, was launched in 2011 and visited by two crews in 2012 and 2013, proving lift support and docking systems. Tiangong-2, Shenzhou-11 and Tianzhou-1 further verified systems, and China is now looking to begin constructing the Chinese Space Station (CSS) starting around 2020.

Tianhe core module
The core module, Tianhe (天合, or "harmony of the heavens" ), is first of three 20 metric tonne modules that will make up the CSS.

Tianhe includes the living quarters for the crew and control compartment and will be the first into orbit. It will have the capability to recycle a high rate of water from respiration and excretion.

It is expected to launch around 2020, after which it will be joined by two experiment modules, Wentian and Mengtian to be used for a range of science objectives.

Tianhe was developed by the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST), a subsidiary of the country's main space contractor, the China Aerospace Science and Technology Group (CASC) and is by far the largest and most complex spacecraft yet.

Also see: Tianhe: A look at the core module of the Chinese Space Station

A view of the Tianhe living compartment, with five Control Moment Gyroscopes (CMGs) visible. CCTV/framegrab
Experiment modules
Two experiment modules, named Wentian (问天), or "quest for the heavens," and Mengtian (梦天), or"dreaming of the heavens,") will complete the basic T-shaped CSS, joined by a docking hub.

The experiment modules will be equipped with an array of science racks for experiments in space life sciences and biotechnology, microgravity fluid physics and combustion, material science in space, fundamental physics in microgravity and other areas.

The two modules have science experiment racks inside within its pressurised sections, and external racks.

A view of the Tianhe core module of the Chinese Space Station, showing the outside of the astronaut habitat section. CCTV/Framegrab
More like Mir than ISS
Once completed, the 60-tonne CSS is expected to be operational for at least 10 years.

It will somewhat resemble the Mir space station, while there are apparent similarities between the Tianhe and Russian Zvezda module of the International Space Station. The China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) has also released a handbook for the CSS.

A rendering of the completed Chinese Space Station, including two docked Shenzhou spacecraft (bottom-centre), experiment modules (left and right) and a Tianzhou cargo craft (top) docked to the Tianhe core module. CMSA

Overall the ISS is much larger, at around 420 metric tonnes, but with construction beginning in 1998, the much older facility could be decommissioned after 2024, or passed to commercial ownership, depending on the policy choices of the leading partner, the United States.

The International Space Station is featured in this image photographed by an STS-132 crew member on board the Space Shuttle Atlantis after the station and shuttle began their post-undocking relative separation. NASA/Crew of STS-132 NASA/Crew of STS-132
'Arms and wings'
The CSS will be aided by two robotic arms and two flexible solar arrays, or 'wings', each with a 30-metre wingspan.

"Together with biaxial sun pointing mechanisms and high-efficient lithium ion batteries, they constitute a sophisticated and powerful space station power system," Zhou Jianping, a senior space official, said in 2016.

The station will also have two robotic arms, with a total length of 15 metres, Zhou added, noting that human-machine coordination will make the building and maintaining of the Space Station possible. The arms will also be used for installing experiments.

The large mechanical arm for the Chinese Space Station, undergoing testing. Framegrab/CCTV
Orbit and launch schedule
The CSS will orbit with an inclination of between 41 and 43 degrees, closely matching the latitude of the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre, from which the Long March 2F rocket will launch astronauts to the space station.

The Tianhe module will be launched after a successful test flight of the Long March 5B, a 1.5 stage variant of the 2.5 stage Long March 5 developed for missions to geostationary transfer orbit, the Moon and Mars.

The Long March 5B is set to debut in June 2019 from Wenchang. If successful, the following launch would then carry the Tianhe module to an orbit of around 390 kilometres above the Earth, around 2020.

Once in orbit, Tianhe is then set to be visited by the Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft in order to deliver supplies and propellant, and then by the first crew, aboard Shenzhou-12.

The crew of Shenzhou-10 in preparation for launch in June 2013. CNS

The Wentian and Mengtian experiment modules, along with further Tianzhou and crewed Shenzhou missions, will then follow, to be joined by a docking hub, with the orbital outpost to be completed around 2022, orbiting at an altitude between 340-450 kilometres above the Earth.

The CSS will be supported by Tianlian data relay satellites, much like the tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) the United States uses for communications satellites, and the Beijing Aerospace Control Center (BACC).

The first docking of Tiangong-2 space lab and the approaching Tianzhou-1 cargo spacecraft in April 2017. Youtube/CCTV+
Xuntian telescope
It is also planned that the CSS will be joined by a co-orbiting optical module, also known as the Xuntian space telescope (巡天, or 'observing the heavens'). The Hubble-class space telescope will share the same orbit as the CSS and be able to dock with it for maintenance, repairs and propellant supply.

Xuntian will have a mirror around 2 metres in diameter, similar to that of Hubble, but with a field of view 200 times greater, according to latest announcements.

A rendering of the Xuntian space telescope, or Chinese Space Station optical module, in a presentation from the China Manned Space Agency. Sina Weibo/Lin Xiaoyi
Launch, supply and support
To construct, maintain and send crew to the CSS, China will use three different launch vehicles, which will lift off from two different launch centre, Jiuquan in the northwest of the country for orbiting astronauts, and Wenchang in the south for launching the modules and sending cargo craft to dock with the CSS.

The 20-metric-tonne CSS modules will be launched from the specially developed coastal Wenchang Space Launch Centre by the Long March 5B.

The original Long March 5 suffered a failure on its second flight in July last year, prompting an investigation and subsequent redesign of the first stage engines. It will make a return to flight around November, and if all goes well, the Long March 5B will have its own test flight in June 2019.

The first Long March 5 rocket being rolled out for launch at Wenchang in late October 2016. Su Dong China Daily

The Long March 7 is, similar to the Long March 5, a new generation of cryogenic rocket powered by kerosene and liquid oxygen. It was designed for launching specially designed Tianzhou cargo spacecraft to send supplies and experiments to the CSS. Tianzhou craft can carry nearly 6.5 tonnes of cargo, including 2.5 tonnes of fuel into orbit.

The Long March 2F – an older, hypergolic rocket developed in the 1990s – is China's only human-rated launch vehicle and is launched from Jiuquan in the Gobi Desert. It can launch the 8-tonne Shenzhou spacecraft with three astronauts aboard. The rocket is distinctive for the launch escape tower, which can carry astronauts away from the rest of the rocket body in the event of an emergency during launch.

Shenzhou-10 within payload fairing and topped with a launch escape system, atop the Long March 2F rocket at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre in June 2013.
Space station crew
China has 16 active astronauts, sel ected in two rounds in 1998 and 2010. 11 of these have flown to space, starting in October 2003 with Yang Liwei aboard Shenzhou 5, which made China only the third country to achievement independent human spaceflight.

In the near 15 years since, China has only flown five further human spaceflight missions, most recently Shenzhou-11 in 2016. This was by far the longest at 33 days.

Stays on the CSS will be around 3-6 months at different stages of construction and development, requiring China's astronauts to both launch more often, but also adapt to much longer stays in space. Astronauts will be able to perform extravehicular activities thanks to module airlocks.

Liu Yang, China's first woman in space, in front of the charred Shenzhou-9 return capsule after spending two weeks aboard Tiangong-1. CNS

In April China also opened a third selection round of astronauts, with the requirements changing to reflect the new CSS era. While the previous two rounds drew only from air force pilots, this time civilians are welcome to apply as mission specialists, drawing on engineers and scientists fr om China's space sector.

The current astronauts have been in training for extravehicular activities andfield survival.

Yang Liwei, who became China's first astronaut in space in 2003, in the Badain Jaran desert for field training in May 2018. Huang Siyu China Daily
International cooperation
In May China announced the first opportunity for all United Nations countries to apply to be involved in science missions aboard the CSS.

The move is one that aims to put China's space activities in a positive light, boosting the country's space and soft power, while also providing developing nations with access to space.

China is also collaborating with the European Space Agency with a view to ESA astronauts potentially flying with Chinese counterparts.

Last August Sam Cristoforetti and Matthias Maurer joined 16 Chinese colleagues for joint sea survival training off the coast of Shandong, as part of CSS mission training. These early stages of cooperation could bloom into European visitors to the CSS.

ESA astronaut Matthias Maurer joined Chinese colleagues Liu Boming and Ye Guangfu in Yantai, China to take part in their sea survival training, on 19 August 2017. ESA–Stephane Corvaja
Stepping stone
The CSS is not the final point in Chinese ambitions for human spaceflight and space exploration. The orbital platform will, along with its own objectives, provide experience that will be useful for ventures beyond low Earth orbit.

With early work on a super heavy-lift launch vehicle, similar to the Saturn V rocket that took NASA astronauts to the Moon, and a new generation crewed spacecraft ongoing, China is signalling that it is eyeing up human missions to the Moon, which could begin in the early 2030s.

This would be no flags-and-footprints endeavour, and is likely to involve establishing a human lunar outpost.

A conceptual Chinese lunar base on Sinus Iridum. CAST


ЦитироватьChina readying for space station era: Yang Liwei
Source: Xinhua | 2018-07-08 16:12:22 | Editor: Yamei

BEIJING, July 8 (Xinhua) -- China is accelerating its timetable for a space station, with the core capsule expected to be launched in 2020, says Yang Liwei, director of the China Manned Space Engineering Office and the country's first astronaut.

Yang told Chinese media recently that the two experiment modules of the space station will be sent into space in 2021 and 2022. Three or four manned missions and several cargo spacecraft are planned in 2021 and 2022.

After construction of the main parts of the space station, a capsule holding a large optical telescope will be sent into the same orbit to fly with the station, Yang said.

During construction of the station, the number of manned space missions will rise to about five a year, compared with once every two or three years when China began sending astronauts into space more than a decade ago. Astronaut recruitment will be expanded.
Born in Suizhong County, of Huludao City, northeast China's Liaoning Province, in 1965, Yang has the rank of major general. He became China's first astronaut when he went into space aboard the Shenzhou-5 craft on Oct. 15, 2003.

"Every second of that day was totally new to me. Nothing can surpass that stunning memory," Yang recalled.

China drew up a manned space flight plan code named "Dawn Project" in the 1970s, but lacked the economic and technological conditions to implement it.

In 1986, the State Council listed space technology in a high-tech development plan. In 1992, China launched its manned space flight program. The success of Shenzhou-5 made China the third country to acquire manned space travel technology on its own.

China gained space transport technologies through the Shenzhou-5 and Shenzhou-6 spacecraft, and extra-vehicular space-walk technologies through the Shenzhou-7 mission.

The Shenzhou-8 and Shenzhou-9 missions helped China master autonomous and manned rendezvous and docking technologies. China's manned space flight technologies have matured since the Shenzhou-10 mission. From Shenzhou-5 to Shenzhou-11, China has sent 11 astronauts into space.

Yang said he could only eat prepared food like moon cake when he was aboard Shenzhou-5. But when Shenzhou-11 carried Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong to China's first space lab Tiangong-2 in 2016, the two astronauts chose more than 100 kinds of food for their one-month stay.

Yang likened Shenzhou-5 to a tractor and Shenzhou-11 to a limousine.

"When Shenzhou-5 was orbiting the Earth in 2003, I could communicate with the ground controllers only 15 percent of the time. When Jing and Chen were in space in 2016 they could communicate with the ground for 85 percent of the flight. They could watch news programs, use mobile phones, send messages to the ground and log on to the Internet," Yang said.

China has become a major power in space, but still lags behind the leading powers, Yang said.

China's reform and opening up over the past four decades have emancipated mindset, promoting economic growth and enhancing comprehensive national strength. The past 20 years have witnessed the rapid development of its space industry, Yang said.

Exploration of the unknown is the impetus of human advancement. Many technologies first developed during space exploration are later used to benefit ordinary people, such as CT or MRI for medical use, Yang said.

"I'm expecting more resources for the development of the space industry. China's space station will be a platform for more advanced space science experiments to serve economic and social development on Earth," Yang said.


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Дрион покидает Землю


ЦитироватьChina solicits int'l cooperation experiments on space station
Source: Xinhua | 2018-08-05 19:42:11 | Editor: mmm

BEIJING, Aug. 5 (Xinhua) -- China is asking the world to collaborate in experiments on its planned space station so as to promote international space cooperation and sustainable global development.

The Committee on Science and Technology Experiments of the Chinese Space Station was established recently under the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST).

The offer is open to the entire international community. Proposals and projects can be submitted online (www.css-research.cn) and peer-reviewed. The candidate projects will go through to the China Manned Space Agency.

"We are looking forward to experiments to better sustain space exploration. We also expect China's space station to be an in-space incubator of new technologies that can improve people's lives," said Zhang Hongtai, president of CAST.

CAST might also provide opportunities to conduct some international cooperation experiments on other spacecraft or satellites, said Zhang.

"China is further opening up, and space exploration is a shared challenge for China and other countries. We hope to solicit and evaluate experiments with common international practices, and sel ect the most promising and innovative projects. The research data will be shared by the international community," said Bao Weimin, chairman of the newly established committee and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The committee comprises 14 Chinese scientists, and scientists from other countries are welcome to participate, Bao said. It is based in the Qian Xuesen Laboratory of Space Technology under CAST, which focuses on the development of new space technologies.

"We welcome scientists around the globe to submit projects or to become peer-review experts. We hope to have in-depth cooperation," said Chen Hong, head of the Qian Xuesen Laboratory.

"We'd like to provide engineering consultation and support for the international cooperation projects to ensure the implementation of cutting-edge experiments on the space station," said Long Jiang, head of the Institute of Manned Space System Engineering under CAST, the main manufacturer of China's space station.

To stimulate interest in young people and foster their imaginations and creativity, a special program, the Youth Program of Scientific Education Experiment on the Chinese Space Station, was launched at the beginning of 2018.

The program has collected nearly 200 youth education experiments nationwide, and selected a preliminary list of 30 projects. The program is mainly for primary and middle school students. "We also welcome young students fr om around the world to participate," said Yao Wei, a researcher at the Qian Xuesen Laboratory.


ЦитироватьКитай стремится к международному сотрудничеству по научным экспериментам на своей будущей космической станции
2018-08-05 20:49:55丨Russian.News.Cn

Пекин, 5 августа /Синьхуа/ -- Китай призывает международное сообщество к взаимодействию в научных экспериментах на своей будущей космической станции с целью продвижения международного космического сотрудничества и продолжительного глобального развития.

На днях при Китайском исследовательском институте космических технологий /CAST/ был учрежден комитет по делам научно-технологических экспериментов на китайской космической станции.

Канал по приему предложений открыт для всего международного сообщества. Предложения и проекты можно передать на рассмотрение через сайт www.css-research.cn. Отбором проектов будет заниматься китайская служба пилотируемой космонавтики.

"Мы ищем экспериментальные проекты, полезные для продвижения космических исследований. Мы также надеемся, что будущая китайская космическая станция станет орбитальным инкубатором новых технологий, которые помогут в улучшении жизни человечества", -- отметил директор СAST Чжан Хунтай.

По его словам, СAST может также предоставить возможность проведения международных совместных экспериментов на других космических кораблях или спутниках.

"Китай все шире открывается внешнему миру, и освоение космоса является общей задачей Китая и других стран. Мы готовы оценить проекты в соответствии с общепринятой международной практикой и выбрать наиболее перспективные и инновационные из них. Результаты исследований будут доступны для всего международного сообщества", -- заверил председатель недавно учрежденного комитета, академик Академии наук Китая Бао Вэйминь.


Вобщем пока мы пилим бюджет, надуваем щёки и жуём сопли Китай выпрет нас со второго места в пилотируемой космонавтике.
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер


ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Китай выпрет нас со второго места в пилотируемой космонавтике.
Вы  из китая? 
Ведь китай уже сейчас на втором месте.
..и как он может сам себя выпереть?
роскосмос - сборище ворюг и бюрократов
одноразовый Ф9 - лучшая в мире ракета для вывода на ГПО.
ФХ бесперспективная связка дров.
КК Союз - лучший на долгие годы вперед.
Бочки стс-100,крю дрэгон,педерация,орион -
убогие бюрократические выкидыши


Цитироватьaxxenm пишет:
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Китай выпрет нас со второго места в пилотируемой космонавтике.
Вы из китая?
Ведь китай уже сейчас на втором месте.
..и как он может сам себя выпереть?
В пилотируемой космонавтике ещё нет. Во всей остальной - да.
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер