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ЦитироватьПредприятие "Роскосмоса" помогло Маску пристыковать Dragon-2 к МКС

МОСКВА, 16 мая - РИА Новости. Ракетно-космическая корпорация "Энергия" (входит в госкорпорацию "Роскосмос") признала, что успешная стыковка к МКС в марте американского космического корабля Dragon-2 компании SpaceX Илона Маска стала возможной благодаря стыковочному адаптеру, основную конструкцию которого изготовило российское предприятие, говорится в материалах на сайте "Роскосмоса".

Пилотируемый корабль Dragon-2 в марте совершил первый испытательный полет в беспилотном режиме со стыковкой к МКС. Как сообщил тогда РИА Новости источник в ракетно-космической отрасли, основную часть международного стыковочного адаптера IDA на модуле Harmony МКС, к которому причалил Dragon-2, произвела РКК "Энергия". В марте на предприятии сообщили РИА Новости, что не располагают информацией об этом.
Цитировать"Но все же не стоит забывать, что удачная стыковка американского корабля с МКС в автоматическом режиме осуществилась в том числе и благодаря стыковочному адаптеру IDA, основная конструкция которого разработана и изготовлена в "Энергии", - говорится на сайте "Роскосмоса" со ссылкой на начальника пресс-центра РКК "Энергия" Ирину Романову.
В материалах отмечается, что предприятие по заказу американской компании Boeing разработало и изготовило три летных образца и четыре элемента для испытаний основной конструкции стыковочного адаптера IDA. Сделанные в "Энергии" летные образцы Boeing дооснастил рядом элементов: кольцом, теплозащитой, кожухами, мишенью и транзитными электроразъемами.

Первый адаптер IDA был утерян в результате аварийного запуска грузового корабля Dragon в июне 2015 года. Второй адаптер был доставлен на МКС кораблем Dragon в июле 2016 года (к нему впервые в марте 2019 года причалил Dragon-2). Третий адаптер, произведенный для замены потерянного первого IDA, планируется доставить на Dragon в июле 2019 года.


ЦитироватьВ РАН рассказали о разработке рыбного рациона для космонавтов

МОСКВА, 16 мая – РИА Новости. Рыбные консервы не исчезли из меню экипажей Международной космической станции, космонавты получают рыбу от коммерческих производителей, пока не разработано специальное питание, сообщил РИА Новости в четверг заведующий отделом питания Института медико-биологических проблем (ИМБП) Александр Агуреев.

Ранее директор НИИ пищеконцентратной промышленности и специальной пищевой технологии Виктор Добровольский сообщал РИА Новости, что Санкт-Петербургский научный институт "Гипрорыбфлот" перестал производить рыбные консервы для космонавтов на МКС. По его словам, производство будет восстановлено, но уже на базе самого НИИ.
Цитировать"Например, на крайнем (космическом корабле) "Союзе" на станцию отправили консервы – белугу натуральную, белугу заливную, осетра натурального и заливного", - сказал Агуреев.
Он пояснил, что помимо специально разработанных для космонавтов рационов питания (производит Бирюлевский экспериментальный завод), в меню включаются продукты промышленного производства. Например, в советское время на космонавтов работали три рыбных комбината – в Астрахани, Калининграде и Ленинграде. Санкт-Петербургский комбинат дольше всех продолжал производить консервы для космонавтов, но и он в конечном счете прекратил производство.

Как рассказал ученый, помимо основного рациона на МКС отправляют и дополнительные наборы, которые формируются с учетом индивидуальных вкусов члена экипажа. Российские космонавты получают таким образом пыжьяна, язя и ряпушку.

Агуреев рассказал, что с каждым производителем при этом заключается контракт. Просто так пойти и купить рыбу в магазине нельзя из соображений безопасности экипажа.


Цитировать. Роскосмос
час назад


В то время, как вся страна отдыхала в майские праздники, работа российских космонавтов на Международной космической станции практически не прерывалась. Экипаж был занят проведением научных экспериментов, сбором данных и поддержанием работоспособности космического «города» МКС. 

Один из экспериментов называется «Сепарация». Его цель — получение из урины чистой воды. Переработанная жидкость будет использоваться только для технических нужд, например, для получения кислорода. В скором времени эта экспериментальная установка может превратиться в штатную бортовую систему, которая даст хорошую экономию для грузопотока. А еще испытание этой системы регенерации воды — важный этап подготовки к пилотируемым миссиям на Луну и Марс. 

Помимо этого, Олег Кононенко и Алексей Овчинин успели провести и небольшие ремонтные работы, заменив блок очистки атмосферы от углекислого газа в системе «Воздух».


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 5/15/2019

Microgravity Experiment Research Locker/INcubator (MERLIN) Desiccant Swap:
The crew completed a routine desiccant swap on MERLIN1. These activities are performed as needed to maintain the desired humidity environment inside the units. MERLIN incubators are capable of storing samples at temperatures from -20.0°C to +48.5°C. MERLIN is part of the Cold Stowage Fleet of hardware which includes Minus Eighty Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI) and General Laboratory Active Cryogenic ISS Experiment Refrigerator (GLACIER), Polar, and Coldbags.
Microalgae Biosynthesis in Microgravity (MicroAlgae):
The crew performed the daily mixing and deploy, periodic photography, and then stowed the experiment at the end of the day to maintain the day/night cycle for the algae. MicroAlgae studies the effects of microgravity on Haematococcus pluvialis, a tiny freshwater algae capable of producing a powerful antioxidant known as astaxanthin. It could provide a readily available dietary supplement to promote astronaut health on long-duration space exploration missions. This research was proposed by a community college student and alumna of the NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars (NCAS) program.
POLAR-2 desiccant swap:
The crew replaced the used POLAR-2 desiccant pack with fresh desiccant. When humidity reached the target level, the unit will powered up as a backup cold stowage capability for items in EXPRESS rack 9B. POLAR is a Cold Stowage managed facility that provides transport and storage of science samples at cryogenic temperatures (-80ºC) to and from the ISS. Its capable of holding 12.75 liters of volume.
Rodent Research-12 Operations:
The crew performed operations for 10 of the mice. Rodent Research-12, Tetanus Antibody Response by B cells in Space (TARBIS), examines the effects of spaceflight on the function of antibody production and immune memory. Spaceflight is known to have a dramatic influence on immune response, but there is little research on its effect following an actual challenge to the body's immune system. Using a mouse model makes this possible, as the mouse immune system closely parallels that of humans.
Moderate Temperature Loop (MTL) Pump Package Assembly (PPA) Gas Trap Plug Installation:
The crew installed gas trap plugs on the 6 USOS Pump Package Assemblies (PPAs). The plugs slow the release of ammonia escaping through the gas trap vent hole in the event of an Interface Heat Exchanger (IFHX) breach and reduces coolant leakage during ISS vacuum condition.
Mobile Servicing System (MSS) Ops:
Overnight, Robotics Ground Controllers translated the Mobile Transporter (MT) from Worksite (WS)6 to WS7. Tonight, Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) will remove the failed Battery Charge Discharge Unit (BCDU) from ELC-1, maneuver it to the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Airlock, and install it on the JEM ORU Transfer Interface (JOTI). This activity is in preparation for crew packing of the failed BCDU for return on SpX-17.


ЦитироватьImmunology Research for Crew Health and Computer Spacewalk Training Today

Mark Garcia
Posted May 16, 2019 at 1:03 pm

NASA astronaut Nick Hague conducts research operations in the Microgravity Sciences Glovebox exploring why pathogens become more virulent in outer space.

Critical life science continues apace aboard the International Space Station today helping NASA support human missions to the Moon and beyond. The Expedition 59 crew is also gearing up for another maintenance spacewalk at the end of May.

Two NASA astronauts and one Canadian Space Agency astronaut kept up their busy science schedule today with more immunology research in the U.S. Destiny laboratory module. The three flight engineers, Christina Koch, Anne McClain and David Saint-Jacques, have been observing how the rodent immune system, which are similar to that in humans, respond to microgravity. Doctors plan to use the results to help keep astronauts healthier in space and treat people on the ground with Earth-bound ailments.

Flight Engineer Nick Hague continued his weeklong research to understand why pathogens become more virulent in the weightless environment of outer space. Doctors want to boost an astronaut's space-exposed immune system to prevent further impacts by opportunistic pathogens. Hague also swapped protein crystal samples in a specialized microscope for a biophysics experiment exploring cancer treatment and radiation protection.

Two cosmonauts are preparing for the next spacewalk at the orbital lab scheduled for May 29. Commander Oleg Kononenko joined Flight Engineer Alexey Ovchinin for a computer training session today reviewing their spacewalk activities and worksites on the Russian side of the orbital lab. The duo will spend about six hours removing experiments, sampling station surfaces and jettisoning obsolete hardware.


ЦитироватьOn the menu in orbit

Canadian Space Agency

Опубликовано: 16 мая 2019 г.

2019-05-16 - What do astronauts eat in space? There is a standard menu aboard the International Space Station, but crewmembers can also add variety by requesting some of their favourite meals or foods that represent their culture. Here is a glimpse of what is on the menu for CSA astronaut David Saint-Jacques. (Credits: Canadian Space Agency, NASA)


Цитировать10:14, 17 мая 2019
Первому астронавту ОАЭ для питания на МКС приготовят консервы с арабскими блюдами

Москва. 17 мая. INTERFAX.RU - Космическое питание для первого в истории Объединенных Арабских Эмиратов астронавта Хаззы аль-Мансури будет включать в себя блюда арабской кухни, следует из материалов системы "СПАРК-маркетинг".

В частности, для Аль-Мансури будет приготовлена космическая версия мадрубы (тушеная рыба или курица с рисом, овощами и специями в сливочном соусе). Вторым блюдом станет балалет - обжаренная сладкая лапша с корицей, шафраном и кардамоном.

Кроме того, на МКС отправят запас консервов с салуной - острым бульоном с овощами, который употребляют как самостоятельное блюдо или с рисом.

Всего будет изготовлено более 274 стограммовых банок с салуной и балалетом и 137 туб объемом 165 миллилитров для мадрубы. Из них сформируют девять наборов, семь из которых отправятся на МКС.

Ранее сообщалось, что Аль-Мансури должен отправиться на МКС 25 сентября этого года вместе с россиянином Олегом Скрипочкой и американкой Джессикой Миер.
В настоящее время первый астронавт ОАЭ вместе со своим соотечественником Султаном аль-Нейади проводит тренировки в Центре подготовки космонавтов (ЦПК). Он вернется на Землю 3 октября на корабле "Союз МС-12" вместе с астронавтом NASA Ником Хейгом и космонавтом "Роскосмоса" Алексеем Овчининым.

Астронавту из США Кристине Кук, прилетевшей на МКС 14 марта с россиянином и американцем, придется задержаться на орбите, так как в корабле только три места. Она вернется на Землю другим кораблем со Скрипочкой и Миер 6 февраля 2020 года, установив рекорд для женщин по продолжительности пребывания в космосе.

Полет астронавта ОАЭ приведёт к продлению времени нахождения на станции и члена другой экспедиции. Дольше запланированного на орбите пробудет Эндрю Морган, который 20 июля отправится в космос вместе с россиянином Александром Скворцовым и астронавтом Европейского космического агентства (ESA) Лукой Пармитано из Италии.


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 5/16/2019

Fluids Integrated Rack (FIR)/Light Microscopy Module (LMM)/Biophysics-6:
At the conclusion of the LMM Bio-6 run, which began on 18-April, the crew removed the sample plate fr om the FIR/LMM and stowed it for return. Science teams reported they have not seen the expected crystal growth, but did see some areas with a precipitate and will perform further inspection and analysis once the plate is back on the ground. LMM/Bio-6, more formally known as Growth Rate Dispersion as a Predictive Indicator for Biological Crystal Samples Where Quality Can Be Improved with Microgravity Growth, studies ground-based predictions of which crystals benefit from crystallization in microgravity, wh ere Earth's gravity does not interfere with their formation. The plate installed contains samples of Geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase (GGPPS) which is a protein produced in osteoporosis, multiple myeloma, and Paget's disease.Observing crystallized proteins via X-ray crystallography on the ground allows scientists to determine how they are built, which can explain how they work or how other molecules, such as drugs, might interact with them.
The crew performed the daily mixing and deploy, and stowed at the end of the day to maintain the day/night cycle for the algae. Microalgae Biosynthesis in Microgravity (MicroAlgae) studies the effects of microgravity on Haematococcus pluvialis, a tiny freshwater algae capable of producing a powerful antioxidant known as astaxanthin. It could provide a readily available dietary supplement to promote astronaut health on long-duration space exploration missions. This research was proposed by a community college student and alumna of the NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars (NCAS) program.
Using the MSG, the crew inoculated a new culture bag and preserved the used culture bag. The Micro-14 (Characterizing the Effects of Spaceflight on the Candida albicansAdaptation Responses) life science research mission investigates and evaluates responses of the C. albicans, a type of yeast, to microgravity conditions and, in particular, to assess changes at the physiological, cellular, and molecular level and to characterize virulence factors.
Rodent Research-12 Sample Gathering:
The crew performed sample gathering activities for 10 of the mice. The activities went smoothly and were completed ahead of schedule. Rodent Research-12, Tetanus Antibody Response by B cells in Space (TARBIS), examines the effects of spaceflight on the function of antibody production and immune memory. Spaceflight is known to have a dramatic influence on immune response, but there is little research on its effect following an actual challenge to the body's immune system. Using a mouse model makes this possible, as the mouse immune system closely parallels that of humans.
Node 2 Common Cabin Air Assembly (CCAA) Heat Exchanger (HX) Remove and Replace:
The crew is currently completing replacement of the degraded N2 CCA HX with an on-orbit spare to support the additional heat loads generated by dual vehicle berthed operations. The CCAA is the primary component responsible for the control of temperature and humidity in the USOS segment and consists of a fan, a condensing heat exchanger, an air/water separator, temperature and liquid sensors, and electrical controlling hardware. The degraded unit is planned for return on SpX-18.
Emergency Egress Guidance System (EEGS) Installation:
In preparation for United States Crew Vehicles (USCV), the crew installed new EEGS markers in Node 1 Forward to US Lab, US Lab Forward to Node 2, Airlock Port to Node 1, PMM Aft to Node 1, and Node 3 Starboard to Node 1 hatchways. Node 2 Zenith and Forward hatchways remain to be installed and will be scheduled at a later date. EEGS are Photo-luminescent markers that provide the crew with the path to their escape vehicles in the event an emergency requires an evacuation of ISS when power to the lights have failed.
Mobile Servicing System (MSS) Operations:
Last night and this morning ground controllers used the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) to remove the failed Battery Charge Discharge Unit (BCDU) from ELC-1 and placed it onto the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Airlock ORU Transfer Interface (JOTI). The crew will bring the failed BCDU inside ISS tomorrow in preparation for its return on SpX-17 currently planned for June 3.


ЦитироватьSpace to Ground: Watching the Earth Breathe: 05/17/2019

NASA Johnson

Опубликовано: 17 мая 2019 г.


ЦитироватьMultitude of Space Biology Research as Crew Looks to Next Spacewalk

Mark Garcia
Posted May 17, 2019 at 11:22 am

The Canadarm2 robotic arm with its robotic hand, also known as Dextre, attached for fine-tuned robotics work extends across the frame as the International Space Station orbited 256 miles above the Atlantic Ocean. The SpaceX Dragon resupply ship is pictured at right berthed to the Harmony module.

Four Expedition 59 astronauts spent Friday investigating a multitude of space biology phenomena while two cosmonauts continued preparing for an upcoming spacewalk. International Space Station hardware is also ready for return to Earth inside the SpaceX Dragon resupply ship.

The crew is exploring how space impacts a variety of microscopic physiological processes today to get humans ready to go to the Moon in 2024. DNA, pathogens and microalgae as well as their benefits and risks to astronauts are just some of the microbiological systems scientists are studying in space.

The Bio-Analyzer is a new device from the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) being tested aboard the space station for its ability to process and analyze biological samples quickly. CSA astronaut David Saint-Jacques added his blood samples to the biomedical device today so doctors could check his biomarkers from the ground.

NASA astronaut Christina Koch studied a pair of yeast strains today using the miniPCR hardware for the Genes In Space-6 study. The experiment is exploring how space radiation damages DNA and how the cell repair mechanism works in microgravity. Koch later tended to plants grown inside the Veggie PONDS botany facility.

More research into why pathogens become more virulent in space continued today as Flight Engineer Nick Hague processed culture samples for the microbiology study. Hague also checked on microalgae sample packs that may serve as a dietary supplement for future astronauts.

Hague also configured a variety of space biology hardware, both large and small, ensuring critical research operations continue successfully on the orbital lab. He first worked on a pair of refrigerator-sized Human Research Facility racks before checking out the shoebox-sized TangoLab-1 facility that enables a variety of tissue, cell and botany investigations.

Anne McClain of NASA turned her attention Friday to old hardware disconnected during a spacewalk earlier this year. She will retrieve a failed Battery Charge Discharge Unit (BCDU) resting outside the Kibo laboratory module's airlock and bring it inside the station. The Canadarm2's robotic hand, known as Dextre, removed the BCDU early Thursday from a truss structure logistics carrier and placed it outside Kibo. The BCDU will be packed aboard the SpaceX Dragon cargo craft for analysis after it returns to Earth June 3.

Two cosmonauts are getting ready for the fourth station spacewalk this year scheduled to take place May 29. Commander Oleg Kononenko and Flight Engineer Alexey Ovchinin tagged up with Russian spacewalk specialists on the ground today for assistance setting up their Orlan spacesuits. The duo will remove experiments, sample station surfaces and jettison obsolete hardware during their six-hour excursion.


ЦитироватьMay 16, 2019

Here's Looking at You! Astrobee's First Robot Completes Initial Hardware Checks in Space

Image Credit: NASA

NASA astronaut Anne McClain performs the first series of tests of an Astrobee robot, Bumble, during a hardware checkout. To her right is the docking station that was installed in the Kibo module on the International Space Station on Feb. 15. Bumble, and another robot named Honey, launched to the space station on Apr. 17, aboard Northrop Grumman's eleventh commercial resupply services mission from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. When needed the robots will be able to return to their docking station on their own and recharge their battery power.

Bumble, the first Astrobee robot to power up in space, blinks while connected to its docking station in the Kibo module of the International Space Station. On April 30, NASA astronaut Anne McClain unpacked Bumble and worked with Astrobee's team at NASA's Ames Research Center in California's Silicon Valley to do an initial series of tests to verify that all of the robot's subsystems — avionics, cameras, propulsion and docking for power and data transfer — were working properly before Bumble really takes flight later this spring.
Credits: NASA

Astrobee is a free-flying robot system that will provide a research platform for the orbiting laboratory. The system includes three robots as well as a docking station for recharging. Robots will play a significant part in the agency's mission to return to the Moon as well as other deep space missions. Astrobee will be used to test how robots can assist crew and perform caretaking duties on spacecraft. This will increase astronaut productivity and help maintain spacecraft when astronauts are not present near the Moon, Mars or other deep-space outposts.

Last Updated: May 17, 2019
Editor: Rick Chen


ЦитироватьStudying vection, an interesting optical illusion, with David Saint-Jacques

Canadian Space Agency

Опубликовано: 17 мая 2019 г.

2019-05-17 - Canadian Space Agency astronaut David Saint-Jacques explains how a Canadian experiment is using virtual reality to take a closer look at an optical illusion known as vection. The term "vection" refers to the mistaken feeling of self-movement, triggered by seeing something else moving. The study, led by researchers from York University's Centre for Vision Research, is examining whether astronauts' perception of their motion and their surroundings is affected by weightlessness. (Credits: Canadian Space Agency, NASA)


ЦитироватьЦПК: отдача от российского сегмента МКС вырастет благодаря модулю "Наука"

МОСКВА, 18 мая – РИА Новости. Научная отдача от российского сегмента МКС резко вырастет после пристыковки к нему Многофункционального лабораторного модуля "Наука", сообщил в интервью РИА Новости начальник Центра подготовки космонавтов, Герой России Павел Власов.
Цитировать"Когда в следующем году прибудет Многофункциональный лабораторный модуль, научная отдача от российского сегмента резко возрастет: большая часть рабочего времени увеличенного экипажа будет посвящена научным экспериментам, а не поддержанию работоспособности станции", - сказал он.
Власов сообщил, что минувшей зимой в связи с аварией ракеты "Союз-ФГ" на российском сегменте МКС остался работать только один космонавт Олег Кононенко. "У него обслуживание и поддержание работоспособности систем "съедало" значительную часть рабочего времени", - сказал начальник ЦПК.

Ранее исполнительный директор госкорпорации "Роскосмос" по пилотируемым космическим программам, Герой Советского союз и Герой России Сергей Крикалев рассказал в интервью РИА Новости, что космонавты тратят все больше времени на обслуживание систем Международной космической станции в связи с их износом.

О низкой научной отдаче российского сегмента МКС говорилось еще в 2015 году. Тогда экспертный совет военно-промышленной комиссии объяснял это тем, что основная масса исследований была уже выполнена на станциях "Салют" и "Мир", введение в строй новых модулей российского сегмента МКС задерживалось, а также отмечался дефицит энергетики и каналов связи.


А ещё пару Прогрессов в год впридачу к Науке он найдут?
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер


К Науке для науки и НЭМ нужен, а то дефицит своих энергогенерирующих мощностей. 
Прибыльнее для "деньги сейчас" спальное место туристам сдавать.


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 5/17/2019

The crew collected a finger blood sample, mixed the sample with reagents, and analyzed the processed sample using the Biomarker instrument of the Bio-Analyzer. They also processed a control sample in the Cellular Labeling instrument. Although the ISS is equipped with health and life sciences research tools, existing instrumentation for the analysis of biological samples is almost completely lacking as compared to capabilities found in laboratories on Earth. The Bio-Analyzer Commissioning tests the Bio-Analyzer facility, which was specifically developed to quantify molecules and cells in body fluids such as blood, urine or saliva. The analysis is conducted on blood samples collected through a finger prick and the instrument provides the data within 2 hours after blood collection.
EML (Electro-Magnetic Levitator) Gas Valve Close:
In support of the current science campaign, the crew closed all EML gas valves. Ground teams report that they have successfully performed multiple melt cycles in a helium atmosphere for Al89Cu11 and Al65Ni35 samples (the numbers indicate percent composition). The EML is a multi-user facility designed for containerless materials processing in space. It supports research in the areas of meta-stable states and phases along with the measurement of high-accurate thermophysical properties of liquid metallic alloys at high temperatures. EML can accommodate up to 18 samples, each 5 to 8 mm in size. Heating rates of up to 100 Kelvin per second can be achieved with a maximum temperature of 2,100°C.
Fluids Integrated Rack (FIR)/Light Microscopy Module (LMM)/ACE-T-12 Module Config:
The crew configured the LMM for the next ACE science runs, removed the LMM Petri Base from the LMM Auxiliary Fluids Container (AFC), configured the LMM objective lenses, and installed the LMM Control Base and ACE Module. ACE-T-12 will be the next experiment to run in the FIR/LMM. It involves design and assembly of complex three-dimensional (3D) structures from colloids, or particles of different sizes suspended in a fluid. It employs a recently discovered technique, Nanoparticle Haloing (NPH), which uses highly charged nanoparticles to stabilize much larger, non-charged particles.
Circadian Rhythms:
The crew initiated a 36 hour experiment run by donning the armband monitor, Thermolab Double Sensors and other supporting hardware. Circadian Rhythms investigates the role of synchronized circadian rhythms, or the "biological clock," and how it changes during long-duration spaceflight. Researchers hypothesize that a non-24-hour cycle of light and dark affects crewmembers' circadian clocks.
Genes in Space-6:
The crew performed Genes in Space 6 activities this week, and the ground team reported the science could not have gone better and historic science was performed on Friday. Genes in Space-6 determines the optimal DNA repair mechanisms that cells use in the spaceflight environment. The investigation evaluates the entire process in space for the first time by inducing DNA damage in cells and assessing mutation and repair at the molecular level using the miniPCR and the Biomolecule Sequencer tools aboard the space station.
ISS Experience:
The crew set up the ISS Experience and captured a crew exercise session. The ISS Experience creates a virtual reality film documenting daily life aboard the ISS. The 8 to 10 minute videos created from footage taken during the six-month investigation cover different aspects of crew life, execution of science aboard the station, and the international partnerships involved. The ISS Experience uses a Z-CAM V1 Pro Cinematic Virtual Reality (VR) 360-degree camera with nine 190° fisheye lenses.
JAXA Mouse Mission:
The crew performed routine cage watering maintenance activities in support of the ongoing JAXA Mouse Mission. The purpose of this Mouse Mission is to analyze any alterations of the gene expression patterns in several organs and the effects on the germ-cell development of mice exposed to a long-term (e.g. more than 30 days) space environment. Data collected could suggest not only experimental information about mice in the space environment, but also fundamental information about humans exposed to a prolonged space environment.
As a continuation of the CASIS PCG-14, the crew ins erted a PCG Kit in to MELFI. The Wisconsin Crystal Growing Contest-Wisconsin Space Crystals (CASIS PCG 14) investigation has two goals: to explore closed-system crystallization of inorganic salts from aqueous solutions using evaporation facilitated by a desiccant, and to examine how well a previously optimized thermal-gradient inorganic salt crystallization procedure translates to other systems. Middle and high school students compete to grow the most perfect ground-based crystals, as judged by experts in crystallography, and those with the fewest imperfections then fly their experiments aboard the space station.
Veggie PONDS-2 (Passive Orbital Nutrient Delivery System-2) terminate:
Today the crew took photos of the PONDS-2 modules, evacuated the fluid from the modules, and packed the six clear modules for return to the ground for further analysis. This closes out the PONDS-2 experiment which began on 25-April. Organisms grow differently in space, from single-celled bacteria to plants and humans. Future long-duration space missions will require crew members to grow their own food. Therefore, understanding how plants respond to microgravity and demonstrating the reliable vegetable production on orbit are important steps toward that goal. Veggie PONDS uses a newly developed passive nutrient delivery system and the Veggie plant growth facility aboard the ISS to cultivate lettuce and mizuna greens which are to be harvested on-orbit, and consumed, with samples returned to Earth for analysis.
Battery Charge/Discharge Unit (BCDU) Retrieval:
Today the crew retrieved the failed channel 4A3 BCDU from the Japanese Experiment Module Airlock (JEMAL) and packaged it for return on SpaceX-17. This BCDU showed anomalous behavior during activation after US EVA 52 and, by bringing it home for Test, Teardown and Evaluation (TT&E), experts hope to understand why it failed.


ЦитироватьBiology and Physics on Station Today Promote Moon Mission Success in 2024

Mark Garcia
Posted May 20, 2019 at 12:47 pm

A moonrise fr om 2016 is photographed from the space station with the Earth's limb, the atmospheric glow and the aurora below.

The six residents aboard the International Space Station kicked off the workweek today exploring microgravity's long-term impacts on biology and physics. The Expedition 59 crew is also ramping up for a fourth spacewalk at the orbital lab this year.

NASA is planning to send men and women to the Moon in 2024 and life science on the station will help flight surgeons keep lunar astronauts healthy. The space physics research will also provide critical insights to engineers designing future spacecraft and habitats for exploration missions.

Several dozen mice and their immune systems, which are similar to humans, are being continuously observed in specialized habitats. Flight Engineer Anne McClain tended to the mice today cleaning cages and restocking food in Japan's Kibo laboratory module. Doctors are testing the hypothesis the immune response decreases in space and exploring advanced vaccines and therapies benefiting both astronauts and Earthlings.

NASA astronauts Christina Koch and Nick Hague also researched a variety of space biological phenomena. Koch wrapped up a pathogen study today seeking to understand why virulence increases in microgravity. Hague cleaned up Veggie Ponds botany hardware in Europe's Columbus laboratory module wh ere small crops of edible plants are grown. He then photographed protein crystal samples in the afternoon for a student-designed investigation as Koch assisted him.

David Saint-Jacques of the Canadian Space Agency recorded a video demonstrating Isaac Newton's Second and Third Laws. The video will help young students understand how force and acceleration influence air and space missions. He also transferred data captured from tiny internal satellites exploring space debris cleanup technology.

Commander Oleg Kononenko and Flight Engineer Alexey Ovchinin are getting ready for a spacewalk planned for May 29. The cosmonauts are resizing their spacesuits, inspecting the components and checking for leaks today. The duo will remove experiments, sample station surfaces and jettison obsolete hardware during their six-hour excursion.


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 5/20/2019

Multi-purpose Variable-G Platform (MVP) Cell-01:
Over the weekend, the crew exchanged nutrients for the Cell-01 Experiment Modules and reinstalled them into the MVP. During the procedure, it was discovered that one of the new nutrient bags was defective and a new nutrient bag was retrieved to complete operations. The Cartilage–Bone–Synovium (CBS) Micro-Physiological System (MPS) using the MVP Cell-01 aboard the ISS studies the effects of spaceflight on musculoskeletal disease biology. Motivated by a disease called Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis in which a traumatic joint injury may lead to arthritis after loss of cartilage and bone, the ability of potential drugs to prevent the progression of this disease is tested on Earth and in space.
Over the weekend, the crew preserved processed Culture bags in preparation for return on SpX-17. Today, the hardware was removed from the Micro-Gravity Science Glovebox (MSG), completing Micro-14 mission Operations. The Micro-14 (Characterizing the Effects of Spaceflight on the Candida albicans Adaptation Responses) life science research mission will investigate and evaluate the responses of the Candida albicans microorganism to microgravity conditions and, in particular, to assess changes at the physiological, cellular, and molecular level and to characterize virulence factors.
ISS HERA (Hybrid Electronic Radiation Assessor):
Over the weekend, the crew deactivated and stowed the hardware for the ISS HERA radiation assessor completing, a 40-day mission data-gathering period. ISS HERA refines data analysis and operational products that support future exploration missions. It uses an existing on-orbit radiation detection system developed for Orion and Exploration Mission 1 (EM-1), modified to operate on the ISS. The investigation also serves an opportunity to evaluate this hardware in the space radiation environment prior to the EM-1 flight.
Circadian Rhythms:
The crew downloaded Circadian Rhythm armband data in the morning, then doffed the hardware later in the day to completing a 24hr data collection. Circadian Rhythms investigates the role of synchronized circadian rhythms, or the "biological clock," and how it changes during long-duration spaceflight. Researchers hypothesize that a non-24-hour cycle of light and dark affects crewmembers' circadian clocks.
CASIS PCG 14 (Wisconsin Crystal Growing Contest-Wisconsin Space Crystals):
The crew performed liquid extraction from the crystal growth sample bags and documented photos of each of the two PCG kits. Previous investigations have shown that crystals grow larger and with fewer imperfections in microgravity. The CASIS PCG 14 investigation has two goals: to explore closed-system crystallization of inorganic salts from aqueous solutions using evaporation facilitated by a desiccant, and to examine how well a previously optimized thermal-gradient inorganic salt crystallization procedure translates to other systems. Middle and high school students compete to grow the most perfect ground-based crystals, as judged by experts in crystallography, and those with the fewest imperfections then fly their experiments aboard the space station.
The ISS Experience:
The crew performed a recording to demonstrate a crewmember start of the day and closing of the day's activities.The ISS Experience creates a virtual reality film documenting daily life aboard the ISS. The 8 to 10 minute videos created from footage taken during the six-month investigation cover different aspects of crew life, execution of science aboard the station, and the international partnerships involved. The ISS Experience uses a Z-CAM V1 Pro Cinematic Virtual Reality (VR) 360-degree camera with nine 190° fisheye lenses.
Story Time From Space:
The crew completed an educational recording event using acceleration and oscillator tube devices to demonstrate Newton's second and third laws of motion in microgravity. Story Time From Space combines science literacy outreach with simple demonstrations recorded aboard the ISS. Crewmembers read five science, technology, engineering and mathematics-related children's books in orbit, and complete simple science concept experiments. Crewmembers videotape themselves reading the books and completing demonstrations. Video and data collected during the demonstrations are downlinked to the ground and posted in a video library with accompanying educational materials.
Node 3 (N3) Common Cabin Air Assembly (CCAA) Water Separator (WS) Remove & Replace (R&R):
In response to water carryover events in excess of six hours, the crew R&Rd the degraded CCAA WS in Node 3 today. The CCAA system is the primary component responsible for the control of temperature and humidity in the USOS segment. An air/water separator is part of this system and is required to control humidity in the ISS. The degraded unit was packed for return on the next available SpaceX vehicle for repair and refurbishment.


ЦитироватьToday's DNA, Immunity, Time Studies Boost Health in Space and on Earth

Mark Garcia
Posted May 21, 2019 at 3:35 pm

The full moon is pictured from the International Space Station as the orbiting complex orbited 263 miles above the South Atlantic Ocean.

The Expedition 59 crew is spending all day Tuesday exploring how astronauts adjust with Earth's gravity no longer bearing down on them. Spacewalk preparations and lab maintenance are also ongoing aboard the International Space Station.

Station crewmembers and future astronauts going to the Moon in 2024 have to adjust to the lack of a sunrise/sunset cycle humans experience everyday on Earth. As a result, time perception is impacted and may affect sleep and work patterns. Astronauts Anne McClain, Nick Hague and David Saint-Jacques started the day on a study, going on since July 2017, exploring subjective changes in time that can alter physical and cognitive performance.

Hague later sequenced DNA samples for a study exploring how increased exposure to space radiation impacts crew health. He used the Biomolecule Sequencer for the investigation to demonstrate DNA sequencing in space. The Genes In Space-6 experiment is researching how space radiation damages DNA and how the cell repair mechanism works in microgravity.

Immune system studies continued full speed ahead today to test the hypothesis the immune response decreases in space. Astronaut Christina Koch teamed up with McClain and Saint-Jacques throughout the day observing mice for the study. Observations may help scientists develop advanced vaccines and therapies benefiting both astronauts and Earthlings.

Commander Oleg Kononenko continues to set up a pair of Russian Orlan spacesuits and outfit the Pirs airlock as the May 29 spacewalk approaches. Flight Engineer Alexey Ovchinin worked on space cardiology research before switching to space plumbing and pumping urine into the Progress 71 cargo craft.


Цитировать22 МАЯ, 11:50
Российские космонавты проверят обшивку МКС на микроповреждения

Выход Олега Кононенко и Алексея Овчинина в открытый космос запланирован на 29 мая

МОСКВА, 22 мая. /ТАСС/. Российские космонавты Олег Кононенко и Алексей Овчинин возьмут пробы с поверхности Международной космической станции (МКС) для оценки возможных микроповреждений ее обшивки. Об этом сообщили ТАСС в пресс-службе ЦНИИмаш.

Выход в открытый космос запланирован на 29 мая. Он продлится около шести часов. Кононенко и Овчинин выйдут из стыковочного отсека-модуля "Пирс" в 18:50 мск.

"Запланировано взятие проб-мазков во время выхода в открытый космос в рамках КЭ [космического эксперимента] "Тест" с поверхности модуля "Поиск" для оценки степени возможных микроповреждений оболочки станции в результате воздействия неблагоприятных факторов космического полета", - сказали в пресс-службе о задачах во время выхода.

Также Кононенко и Овчинин очистят иллюминаторы на малом исследовательском модуле "Поиск", уточнили в ЦНИИмаш.

Космонавты должны будут снять устройства экспонирования по космическим экспериментам "Тест" и "Выносливость", которые размещены на внешней поверхности модуля "Поиск". Их планируется поместить в изолирующий контейнер, чтобы доставить на Землю для последующего изучения, пояснили в пресс-службе.

Установка нового оборудования, как отметили в ЦНИИмаш, во время ближайшего выхода за борт станции не предполагается.