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Атмосфера Земли с Салюта-6
ДалееЖенское лицо космоса
Настоящее издание представляет собою воспоминания космонавта-испытателя, полковника ВВС Валентины Леонидовны...
ДалееБудни Российских аэрокосмических инженеровСборник новеллИздание второе исправленное
ДалееЖизнеобеспечение экипажей летательных аппаратов после вынужденного приземления или приводнения
Книга посвящена актуальной проблеме выживания человека, оказавшегося в результате аварии самолета, корабля или...
ДалееБългарски воин (журнапл, спец. Выпуск)
Български войн в космоса „Български воин”, в който подробно е описано неосъщественото скачване между кораба...
ДалееБуран. Основы проектирования интелектуальной системы управления орбитальным кораблем на атмосферном участке полета
Далее«Бураном» сожжённые
ДалееThe Story of Space Station Mir
ДалееThis new ocean
ДалееTo Orbit and Back Again: How the Space Shuttle Flew in Space
The Space Shuttle has been the dominant machinein the U.S. space program for thirty years and has generated a great deal of interest among space enthusiasts and engineers. This book enables readers to...
ДалееU.S. Human SpaceflightA Record of Achievement (1961-2006)
This monograph is an updating of U.S. Human Spaceflight: A Record of Achievement, 1961–1998 (Monograph in Aerospace History No. 9, July 1998), compiled by Judith A. Rumerman. It extends the timeframe covered...
ДалееUS Spacesuits
ДалееU. S. Spacesuits (2nd edition)
ДалееSpace Shuttle Launch System 1972-2004
The Space Shuttle is one of the oldest and most famous manned launch systems and the only launch vehicle that has been used for a longer period of time is the Soviet (now Russian) R-7 booster. By the start of...
Далее140 суток в космосе специальный выпуск»Известия»
О полете «Салют — 6»
ДалееSpacewalk: The Astounding Gemini 4 Mission (American Space Missions-Astronauts, Exploration, and Discovery
Далее211 суток на борту «Салюта-7»
60-летие образования СССР ознаменовано новой выдающейся победой отечественной науки и техники в изучении и...
ДалееThe Apollo 13 MissionOvercoming Adversity
This businesslike profile of the spacecraft’s anything-but-routine course won’t keep readers riveted the way the Tom Hanks movie will, but it does put the mission into historical context while...
Далее3 300 000 километров в космосе
ДалееToward a History of the Space Shuttle: An Annotated Bibliography Part 2,
This annotated bibliography is a continuation of Toward a History of the Space Shuttle: An Annotated Bibliography, published by NASA in December 1992. (This publication is available here.) This volume includes...
Далее700000 километров в космосе
ДалееThe First Men on the MoonThe Story of Apollo 11
The First Men on the Moon offers a lively definitive account of the Apollo 11 mission based on the in-flight transcripts post-flight debriefing, with illustrative contextual pictures, especially featuring...
ДалееАстронавт Необычайное путешествие в поисках тайн Вселенной
В детстве Майкл Массимино по прозвищу Масса мечтал стать Человеком-пауком, но в июле 1969 года он вместе со всем...
ДалееThe International Space Station: Building for the Future
ДалееThe International Space Station: Operating an Outpost in the New Frontier
The International Space Station: Operating an Outpost in the New Frontier looks at the operations of the International Space Station from the perspective of the Houston flight control team, under the...
ДалееThe Rebirth of the Russian Space Program50 Years After Sputnik, New Frontiers
Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication may only be reproduced,...
ДалееThe Seventh LandingGoing Back to the Moon, This Time to Stay
It’s been thirty-five years since people last trod the dusty plains of the Moon. Over the course of six landings from 1969 to 1972, twelve men explored, four-wheeled, dug and hiked across the lunar...
ДалееThe Story of Manned Space Stations: An Introduction
ДалееSpaceflight in the Shuttle Era and Beyond RedefiningHumanity’sPurpose in Space
A book on spacefl ight began to form in my mind when the space shuttle and my career launched simultaneously; my professional life spans the shuttle era. For thirty-plus years, I have worked in various roles...
ДалееSpace Flight. The First 30 Years
В брошюре описаны американские пилотируемые полёты в космос.
ДалееJane’s Spaceflight Directory
ДалееSpace Food and Nutrition
Space food research meets the challenge of providing food that tastes good and travels well in space. The activities in this NASA educator guide for grades K-8 emphasize hands-on and cooperative involvement of...
ДалееLiving and Working in Space: The NASA History of Skylab
ДалееSpace RescueEnsuring the Safety of Manned Spacecraft
In Space Rescue: Ensuring the Safety of Manned Spacecraft, author David J. Shayler reviews the development of crew survival and escape methods from the earliest designs of manned spacecraft to the current...
ДалееManned Spaceflight Log
ДалееSpace Shuttle Challenger. Ten Journeys into the Unknown / Шаттл «Челленджер».
Ironically, the loss of Challenger in January 1986 fired my interest in space exploration more than any other single event. I was nine years old. My parents were, at the time, midway through moving house and,...
ДалееManned Spaceflight.
ДалееSpace Shuttle Columbia — Her Missions and Crews
ДалееMoondustIn Search of the Men Who Fell to Earth
Few human inventions are associated with the future more than rockets. They have enabled humans to escape the gravitational bonds of Earth and fly to the Moon and beyond. Rockets have placed satellites into...
ДалееNASA Plan for Commercial LEO
Development to achieve a robust low-Earth orbit economy from which NASA can purchase services as one of many customers Summary and Near-Term Implementation Plans
ДалееNASA Space Shuttle 1981 onwards all models
ДалееPraxis Manned Spaceflight Log 1961 — 2006
ДалееPsychology of Space Exploration
This e-book explores some of the contributions of psychology to yesterday’s great space race, today’s orbiter and International Space Station missions, and tomorrow’s journeys beyond...
ДалееProject ApolloThe Tough Decisions
NASA SP-2005-4537. Monographs in Aerospace History Series No. 37. Presents the history of the manned space program from September 1, 1960 to January 5, 1968. Outlines chronologically and in detail the steps...
ДалееReference guide to the International Space StationAssembly complete ed.
Assembly of the International Space Station (ISS) is a remarkable achievement. Since November 2, 2000, humankind has maintained a continuous presence in space. Over this timespan, the ISS International...
ДалееSalyut — The First Space Station: Triumph and Tragedy
ДалееiInternational Space Station Benefits for Humanity 2nd Edition
The International Space Station (ISS) is a unique scientific platform that enables researchers from all over the world to put their talents to work on innovative experiments that could not be done anywhere...