X-15 Flight manual
X-15 — экспериментальный самолёт, оснащённый ракетными двигателями. Основная задача Х-15 — изучение условий полета...
ДалееX-15 — экспериментальный самолёт, оснащённый ракетными двигателями. Основная задача Х-15 — изучение условий полета...
ДалееThe Hypersonic Revolution began as a study effort while I was Director of the Special Staff Office at the Aeronautical Systems Division of Air Force Systems Command (ASD, now the Aeronautical Systems Center of...
ДалееThe Hypersonic Revolution began as a study effort while I was Director of the Special Staff Office at the Aeronautical Systems Division of Air Force Systems Command (ASD, now the Aeronautical Systems Center of...
Далее«Эта книга представляет собой обзор советских космических усилий в долгосрочной перспективе. Несомненно, она...
ДалееThe world’s most populous nation views space as an asset, not only from a technological and commercial perspective but also from a political one. The repercussions of this ideology already extend far beyond...
ДалееPUBLISHER’S NOTICE: While the publisher has made every effort to be accurate and to contact all original copyright holders for permission to quote or otherwise use material, it is possible that some...
Далее«Эта книга является историей проекта Орион. В 1957 году небольшая группа ученых во главе с физиком Теодором В....
ДалееThis final entry in the History of Human Space Exploration mini-series by Ben Evans continues with an in-depth look at the latter part of the 20th century and the start of the new millennium. Picking up where...
ДалееСерия книг издательства Praxis Publishing посвящена освоению человечеством космического пространства. Каждая книга...
ДалееADVANCE PRAISE FOR SPACEWALKER “Spacewalker is the book for anyone who ever dreamed of flying in space.” –Neil ArmStroNg, Commander of Apollo 11 “this is the story of one man’s lifelong quest to...
ДалееLand, sea, and air—those are three environments where wars are waged. That is why the United States, like most countries, has three branches of armed forces: an army, a navy, and an air force. But with the...
ДалееThe Complete Book of Spaceflight compiles more than 3,000 extensively cross-referenced entries, spanning every historic milestone and technological achievement in the quest to conquer space. In this...
ДалееJPL опубликовала небольшую брошюру в ознаменование десятой годовщины запуска Эксплорера-1 1 февраля 1958 года. Бывший...
ДалееMythologies explores the history of the Soviet human space program within a political and cultural context, giving particular attention to the two professional groups—space engineers and cosmonauts—who...
ДалееSpacecraft takes a long look at humankind’s attempts and advances in leaving Earth through incredible illustrations and authoritatively written profiles on Sputnik, the International Space Station, and...
ДалееThis work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations,...
ДалееIronically, the loss of Challenger in January 1986 fired my interest in space exploration more than any other single event. I was nine years old. My parents were, at the time, midway through moving house and,...
ДалееПродолжение серии иллюстрированных энциклопедий от издательства Britannica. Данная энциклопедия посвящена теме...
ДалееSpace Exploration: Triumphs and Tragedies is part of the Information Plus Reference Series. The purpose of each volume of the series is to present the latest facts on a topic of pressing concern in modern...
ДалееМир, конструктивное международное сотрудничество на Земле и в космосе — вот единственная альтернатива аварийной...
ДалееNASA’s contributions to aeronautics : aerodynamics, structures, propulsion, and controls / Richard P. Hallion, editor. v. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. “NASA/SP-2010-570.” 1. United...
ДалееThe first ballistic missle in its use during WWII.
ДалееThe second volume includes case studies and essays on NACA-NASA research for contributions including wind shear and lightning research, flight operations, human factors, wind tunnels, composite structures,...
ДалееThis book outlines the development of space technology for military purposes from its very beginnings during World War 2 right up to the latest, most sophisticated systems. The author starts with references to...
ДалееOn 29 July 1958, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act, creating the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), which became operational on 1 October of that...
ДалееIn 1995, the NASA Systems Engineering Handbook (NASA/SP-6105) was initially published to bring the fundamental concepts and techniques of systems engineering to the National Aeronautics and Space...
ДалееHow are modern aircraft, helicopters, multi-stage rockets constructed? What keeps them in the air? What kind of engines are used in flight vehicles, how are they built? What instruments are installed in...
ДалееLess than one year after the Columbia Space Shuttle accident on 1 February 2003, President George W. Bush announced at NASA Headquarters that the Agency would embark on a new Vision for Space Exploration as it...
Далееksiążeczki z serii » Biblioteczka Skrzydlatej Polski» wydawane w latach 70 i 80.
ДалееApril 12, 2011 was the 50th Anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s pioneering journey into space. To commemorate this momentous achievement, Springer-Praxis has produced a mini-series of books that reveals how...
ДалееThe NASA Glenn History Office has undertaken the task of documenting many of its historic facilities. Histories of the Icing Research Tunnel, Plum Brook Reactor Facility, Rocket Engine Test Facility, and...
ДалееCredit for the concept of a celebration to mark the 30th anniversary of the first free flight of the X-15 rocket powered research aircraft belongs to Milton 0. Thompson, Ames-Dryden Flight Research Facility...
ДалееProceedings of October 2007 conference, sponsored by the NASA History Division and the National Air and Space Museum, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Sputnik 1 launch in October 1957 and the dawn of...
ДалееJane’s Space Recognition Guide is the essential, most comprehensive guide to spacecraft and space exploration. It includes: Civilian and military spacecraft Shuttles and satellites Space agencies,...
ДалееDuring the 1950s. American aircraft designers emphasized configurations that flew increasingly high and fast, a trend that continued for nearly two decades. Then, during rhe 1970s, efficiency, noise reduction,...
ДалееThe 50th anniversary of NASA on 1 October 2008 found an agency in the midst of deep transition. In the closing year of the presidency of George W. Bush, only a month before the presidential election and in the...