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Space Exploration

Продолжение серии иллюстрированных энциклопедий от издательства Britannica. Данная энциклопедия посвящена теме...

The First Decade of Space Research

JPL опубликовала небольшую брошюру в ознаменование десятой годовщины запуска Эксплорера-1 1 февраля 1958 года. Бывший...

Rescue: аварийный выход

Мир, конструктивное международное сотрудничество на Земле и в космосе — вот единственная альтернатива аварийной...

Saturn V (SA-503) Flight Manual

This manual was prepared to provide the astronaut with a single source reference as to the characteristics and functions of the SA-503 launch vehicle and the AS-503 manned flight mission. A revision to the...

Skylab Saturn 1B Flight Manual

Ok space fanatics, here is the actual FLIGHT MANUAL for the Skylab Saturn 1B!! That’s right, read up on this, jump into your trusty time machine back to the early 70’s and hijack that bad puppy and...

Soviet Aircraft and Rockets

How are modern aircraft, helicopters, multi-stage rockets constructed? What keeps them in the air? What kind of engines are used in flight vehicles, how are they built? What instruments are installed in...

Secret Projects: Military Space Technology

This book outlines the development of space technology for military purposes from its very beginnings during World War 2 right up to the latest, most sophisticated systems. The author starts with references to...

How to survive in spaceТом 1

As part of our celebrations for the 50th anniversary of ESA’s mission control centre in Darmstadt, Germany, we are pleased to make available the delightful ESOC history, How to Survive in Space, as a...

How to survive in spaceТом 2

As part of our celebrations for the 50th anniversary of ESA’s mission control centre in Darmstadt, Germany, we are pleased to make available the delightful ESOC history, How to Survive in Space, as a...

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