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Планеты и жизнь

Об интересных гипотезах и научных предположениях, о возникновении жизни на Земле и на других планетах...

Дневная звезда

Книга известного английского астронома и популяризатора посвящена «дневной звезде» — Солнцу, источнику...

Геологи изучают планеты

В популярной форме изложены последние данные по геологии Луны, Марса, Венеры; описаны материки и океаны на этих...

Titan: Exploring an Earthlike World, 2 edition

Titan: Exploring an Earthlike World presents the most comprehensive description in book form of what is currently known about Titan, the largest satellite of the planet Saturn and arguably the most intriguing...

Voyager Mission Status Bulletins

Полная подборка всех номеров (№1 — 99) официального бюллетеня NASA по миссии автоматических межпланетных станций...

To Mars and Beyond, Fast!

This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations,...

Венера раскрывает тайны

В книге s популярной форме рассказывается о советской программе изучения планеты Венера с помощью автоматических...

Вам, земляне. 2-е изд.

Происхождение Земли и ее эволюция тесно связаны с космическим окружением нашей планеты. В книге рассказано о...

В мире множества лун

Книга популярно рассказывает о мире естественных спутников планет (кроме Луны). За последние годы наши знания об...

Venus Express: Results of the Nominal Mission

More than 25 spacecraft from the United States and the Soviet Union visited Venus in the 20th century, but in spite of the many successful measurements they made, a great number of fundamental problems in the...

The Sun as a Star

Using mathematics appropriate for advanced undergraduate students in physics, this textbook provides a broad and wide-ranging introduction to the Sun as a star. Tayler provides succinct derivations of key...

The Solar System, 9-e edition

With this newly revised Ninth Edition of THE SOLAR SYSTEM, the authors’ goals are to help you use astronomy to understand science—and use science to understand what we are. Fascinating, engaging,...

Searching for Water in the Universe

In «The Search for Water in the Solar System and Beyond», Therese Encrenaz takes the reader on a journey through the Universe in search of water. She begins by introducing the most well-known of...

Should We Colonize Other Planets

As humans continue to degrade and destroy our planet’s resources, leading to predictions of total ecological collapse, some (such as the entrepreneur Elon Musk) now suggest that a human colony elsewhere may...

The next steps in exploring deep space.

Notice: The cosmic study or position paper that is the subject of this report was approved by the Board of Trustees of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) in charge of the governing policy. Any...

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