SGDC 1, Koreasat-7 (Mugungwa 7) – Ariane 5 ECA – Куру ELA-3 – 04.05.2017 21:50 UTC

Автор Salo, 01.02.2017 09:08:48

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Пока конфликт не урегулирован
На 14:00 ДМВ блокированы дороги побережья от бразильской до суринамской границ у основных городоа Фр. Гвианы и развязки вглубь страны
Цитировать France Guyane‏ @franceguyane 1 ч. назад

La Guyane bloquée : le point à 8h15  #Societe #Guyane

Отменён вечерний авиарейс сообщением Кайенна-Париж (Орли)
Цитировать GuyaneActuHebdo‏ @GuyaneActu 29 мин. назад
#URGENT Le Vol Air @AirFranceFR CayenneParis-Orly prévu ce soir à 18h45 est annulé. #Guyane #CriseSociale #Blocage

Многие бастующие недовольны соглашением между компаниеё ENDEL и ГКЦ.
Отдельная песня - забастрвка аграриев страны.
Плюс учащиеся средних школ и пр. учебных заведений - чего бы не делать, лишь бы в школу не ходить :D



Сообщение Arianespace
ЦитироватьAriane 5                                                          March 23, 2017

 Arianespace VA236: launch delay
The evolution of the situation does not permit the restart of operations for the Ariane 5 launch scheduled for today, Thursday, March 23, Arianespace has decided to postpone the launch.

The launch vehicle, with its SGDC and KOREASAT-7 satellite payloads, remain in a stand-by mode and are being maintained in fully safe conditions.

Arianespace Flight VA236 – which is scheduled to launch SGDC for Telebras S.A., performed within the framework of a contract with SGDC prime contractor VISIONA Tecnologia Espacial S.A.; and KOREASAT-7 for ktsat.                        


Пресс-релиз Arianespace
ЦитироватьAriane 5                                                          March 23, 2017

Arianespace VA236: launch delay

 The evolution of the situation does not permit the restart of operations for the Ariane 5 launch scheduled for today, Thursday, March 23, Arianespace has decided to postpone the launch.

The launch vehicle, with its SGDC and KOREASAT-7 satellite payloads, remain in a stand-by mode and are being maintained in fully safe conditions.

Arianespace Flight VA236 – which is scheduled to launch SGDC for Telebras S.A., performed within the framework of a contract with SGDC prime contractor VISIONA Tecnologia Espacial S.A.; and KOREASAT-7 for ktsat.



Цитировать Arianespace‏ @Arianespace 3 мин. назад

Due to evolution of the situation, Flight #VA236 is deferred. Launcher & payloads are in fully safe conditions.


Работники ENDEL завершили забастовку, но ГКЦ остаётся в блокаде
Цитировать DutchSpace‏ @DutchSpace 2 ч. назад

Locals are reporting Endel ended strike & are being flown to the #CSG base, so #VA236 roll-out could happen,however base access is blocked


Цитировать DutchSpace‏ @DutchSpace 14 мин. назад

Update on #Kourou : Local people are telling me no roll-out before Monday,would mean earliest possible launch on the 28th #VA236


Авиарейс Париж-Кайенна развернули в полёте обратно в Париж
Цитировать DutchSpace‏ @DutchSpace 8 мин. назад

Also, @airfrance flight AF852 from Paris to Cayenne (CDG to CAY) has turned around back to Paris #Kourou #CSG #VA236


Транспортная блокада расширяется
Цитировать DutchSpace‏ @DutchSpace 7 мин. назад

More updates: also a "local" flight from the French Caribbean Fort de France(FDF) to Cayenne(CAY) has been canceled #CSG #VA236


Цитировать Spaceflight Now‏ @SpaceflightNow 10 мин. назад

An Ariane 5 rocket launch has been grounded until further notice by protesters in French Guiana. ...
ЦитироватьLaunches from Kourou temporarily suspended by social unrest
 March 23, 2017 Stephen Clark


A barricade outside the Guiana Space Center. Credit: France Guyane
The launch an Ariane 5 rocket with Brazilian and Korean communications satellites that was set for this week has been postponed indefinitely after protesters blocked access to the French Guiana spaceport.
The heavy-lift launcher was scheduled to lift off Tuesday, but widespread protests and a strike by workers from one of Arianespace's subcontractors prevented the planned rollout of the Ariane 5 to its launch pad Monday.

Arianespace hoped to reschedule the launch for later in the week, but the company announced Thursday that the commercial flight will remain grounded until further notice.

"The evolution of the situation does not permit the restart of operations for the Ariane 5 launch scheduled for today," Arianespace said in a statement Thursday.

The fully-assembled Ariane 5 rocket, topped by the SGDC and Koreasat 7 communications satellites for the Brazilian government and South Korea's commercial operator KTsat, are secured inside the spaceport's final assembly building, officials said.

Arianespace chief executive Stephane Israel tweeted Wednesday that officials will set a new target launch date as soon as possible.

The delay will likely cause Arianespace to push back the following launch from French Guiana. Once the Ariane 5 takes off, a Russian-made Soyuz rocket is next in line at the tropical space base, slated to loft the Boeing-built SES 15 communications satellite into orbit to provide in-flight Internet connectivity for airline passengers, and support government, networking and maritime customers across North America.

SES 15 also hosts a payload for the FAA's Wide-Area Augmentation System to enhance airline navigation and safety across the United States.

Liftoff of SES 15 was scheduled for April 4, but it takes nearly two weeks to reconfigure the French Guiana spaceport and downrange tracking stations between launches.

File photo of an Ariane 5 rocket ready for rollout from the Guiana Space Center's final assembly building to the ELA-3 launch zone. Credit: Stephen Clark/Spaceflight Now
Workers from Endel Engie, the company tasked with driving the Ariane 5 rocket from its assembly building to the launch pad at the Guiana Space Center, went on strike Monday and prevented the booster's rollout. A union representative told French media that the strike was called to reopen wage negotiations.

The Endel Engie strike was part of a wider net of protests this week across French Guiana, a lightly-populated French department on the northeastern coast of South America. France Guyane, a local newspaper, reported Thursday that most businesses in Cayenne, the territory's capital, were closed and large aircraft were prohibited from landing at the city's airport.

Some schools in French Guiana were also closed this week, and an Air France flight from Paris to Cayenne turned around over the Atlantic Ocean and returned to France on Thursday.

Local workers are protesting high crime rates, hiring practices and economic conditions in French Guiana, along with the proposed privatization of the Kourou Medical and Surgical Center, or CMCK, in the town closest to the space center.

Protesters set up blockades on roads across French Guiana, including a barrier on the main highway leading into the Guiana Space Center, a facility managed by CNES, the French space agency, with financial support from the European Space Agency.

Protesters at the barrier outside the Guiana Space Center also included workers from a road transport union, who claim they are not receiving sufficient work during construction of ground facilities for the next-generation Ariane 6 rocket, according to France Guyane.

A CNES spokesperson declined to comment on the situation Thursday.

Davy Rimane, general secretary of a French Guiana electricians' union, said the protest outside the Ariane 5 launch base was symbolic because the French government "only has eyes for the space center," the French newspaper Le Figaro reported.

France Guyane reported Thursday that the Endel Engie strike was over, but drivers had to be helicoptered into the space center to get past blockades outside the southeastern gate of the spaceport.

The newspaper reported that local officials said there will be no launch until the conflicts are over.

The French government said Thursday that the plan to privatize the Kourou hospital has been suspended, and authorities invited local representatives to meet in Paris on Tuesday to hear their grievances.


Цитировать DutchSpace‏ @DutchSpace 4 ч. назад

Current state of play(TBC): #VA236 NET 28th #VS17 NET probably 11/04 launcher at CSG #VA237 impact unknown but #Ariane5 EPC already at #CSG


Цитировать DutchSpace‏ @DutchSpace 10 мин. назад

Update on the #Kourou situation: still blockages, flight from Paris (Orly) to Cayenne for both Air France & Air Caraïbes have been cancelled


Цитировать Peter B. de Selding‏ @pbdes 2 ч. назад

The labor unrest in French Guiana, Europe's spaceport, is not improving. A general strike has been called for, starting Monday.


Цитировать DutchSpace‏ @DutchSpace 9 мин. назад

Update from #Kourou : strikers collective is setting their demands at the carapa roundabout, roll-out and launch tomorrow unlikely #VA236


to tnt22 - спасибо, что держите в курсе дела здесь и по другим веткам


Цитировать DutchSpace‏ @DutchSpace 3 ч. назад

Update from #Kourou : still no flights to/from Paris to Cayenne, #CSG still blocked #VA236 delayed #V17 impacted #VA237 S/C stuck at airport


Какие-то забастовки мешают освоению космоса  :cry:  Там явно не хватает российского ОМОНа  :evil:


ЦитироватьЗловредный пишет:
Какие-то забастовки мешают освоению космоса  :cry:  Там явно не хватает российского ОМОНа  :evil:  
Зачем ОМОН, однако? Там своих хватает:

Разрешите представить - 3-й пехотный полк Иностранного легиона, расквартирован аккурат в Куру.
Согласно тёте Вики, специально для обеспечения безопасности космодрома... Ну так, на сам космодром вроде и не суются, пока всё вокруг да около... Зато целых два министра из метрополии едут типа поговорить... Мож разрулят...


Цитировать DutchSpace‏ @DutchSpace 6 ч назад

Update fr om #Kourou 1: still no flights to/from Paris to Cayenne, #CSG still blocked #VA236 delayed #V17 delayed #VA237 S/C stuck at airport
Дополнение - Eutelsat 172B таки улетел из Кайенны на Руслане
Цитировать DutchSpace‏ @DutchSpace 3 ч. назад

Interesting, the Antonov that had Eutelsat 172B inside at #Cayenne has left yesterday,no word on wh ere the S/C is currently... #VA237 #CSG


Ух блин, как там весело
ЦитироватьЗабастовки во Французской Гвиане продолжаются: дата пуска Ariane 5 по-прежнему неизвестна

Дата пуска ракеты Ariane 5 со спутниками SGDC (бразильский государственный спутник связи) и Koreasat 7 в очередной раз переносится на неопределенный срок из-за забастовок во Французской Гвиане, где расположен космодром Куру. Изначально планировалось вывести спутники на орбиту 21 марта.

    Дата пуска ракеты Ariane 5 со спутниками SGDC (бразильский государственный спутник связи) и Koreasat 7 в очередной раз переносится на неопределенный срок из-за забастовок во Французской Гвиане, где расположен космодром Куру. Изначально планировалось вывести спутники на орбиту 21 марта.

    Кроме того, команда инженеров Boeing заблокирована в отеле Cayenne и не может приступить к предстартовой подготовке спутника SES-15, который должна вывести на орбиту ракета-носитель «Союз»: изначально старт был запланирован на 4 апреля.
    Премьер-министр Франции Бернар Казнев (Bernard Caseneuve) направил во Французскую Гвиану министерскую делегацию для разрешения сложившегося кризиса. Основные причины недовольства бастующих – высокие уровни преступности, безработица и низкий уровень жизни. В забастовке принимают участие 27 профсоюзов, среди которых и ответственные за перевозку ракеты из сборочного здания на стартовую площадку.

    Авиакомпания Air France отменила рейсы во Французскую Гвиану из-за напряженной социальной обстановки, а правительство США официально порекомендовало гражданам воздержаться от поездок в страну, сообщает Advanced Television.
    Беспорядки во Французской Гвиане начали на прошлой недели. 23 марта компания Arianespace сообщила, что обстановка в стране не позволяет возобновить предпусковую подготовку.
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