Mars Reconnaissanse Orbiter!

Автор Dark, 08.07.2005 06:33:12

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Sinuous Ridge Materials in Reuyl Crater

ЦитироватьThere are some interesting erosional signs in this observation, which will make for a good comparison with other intracrater fans and fluvial sedimentary landforms.

We can also see an inverted channel system, possibly ponded toward the southwest. As we've learned recently, it's possible that perhaps a fluid was in part of this crater, as is hypothesized for Gale Crater (see artist rendition picture) where Curiosity is exploring. At high resolution, we might be able to resolve fine-scale layering/bedding and/or large, transported clasts (boulders).

Reuyl Crater is approximately 86 kilometers in diameter and was named after Dirk Reuyl, a Dutch-American physicist and astronomer (1906—1972) who made astronomical measurements of the diameter of Mars in the 1940s.

This caption is based on the original science rationale.

Written by: HiRISE Science Team (audio: Tre Gibbs)   (8 April 2015)


Интересно, почему так часто ориентация опубликованного снимка заставляет видеть пузыри вместо кратеров? Так трудно развернуть солнцем вверх?


Дмитрий Виницкий

Как не разворачивай, глаз без навыка будет ошибаться.


Вот хоть убей, а в обеих вариантах кратеры вижу, а пузыри  - нет. Может у меня со зрением что не так?  :(


В первом пузыри, во втором ямы
На форуме прошу обращаться ко мне на "ты". Спасибо.


Пару минут всматриваюсь, но в упор не вижу никаких пузырей (что на первом, что на перевернутом).


ЦитироватьТангаж пишет:
Пару минут всматриваюсь, но в упор не вижу никаких пузырей (что на первом, что на перевернутом).
Ага! К окулисту за мной будете  ;)


ЦитироватьТангаж пишет:
Пару минут всматриваюсь, но в упор не вижу никаких пузырей (что на первом, что на перевернутом).
Значит, установка "на фото - кратеры" напрочь забивает воображение. Представьте, что свет на первом снимке падает сверху (что соответствует бытовой привычке), тогда кольцевые структуры можно интерпретировать не как кратеры, а как выпуклые "нашлёпки".

che wi

Light Toned Deposit in the Aureum Chaos Region on Mars

ЦитироватьThe High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera aboard NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter acquired this closeup image of a light-toned deposit in Aureum Chaos, a 368 kilometer (229 mile) wide area in the eastern part of Valles Marineris, on Jan. 15, 2015, at 2:51 p.m. local Mars time.

The objective of this observation is to examine a light-toned deposit in a region of what is called "chaotic terrain." There are indications of layers in the image. Some shapes suggest erosion by a fluid moving north and south. The top of the light-toned deposit appears rough, in contrast to the smoothness of its surroundings.

che wi

Frosty Gullies on the Northern Plains

ЦитироватьSeasonal frost commonly forms at middle and high latitudes on Mars, much like winter snow on Earth. However, on Mars most frost is carbon dioxide (dry ice) rather than water ice. This frost appears to cause surface activity, including flows in gullies.

This image shows frost in gully alcoves in a crater on the Northern plains. The frost highlights details of the alcoves, since it forms in different amounts depending on slopes and shadows as well as the type of material making up the ground. Rugged rock outcrops appear dark and shadowed, while frost highlights the upper alcove and the steepest route down the slope.

Most changes associated with gullies are observed in the Southern hemisphere. However, some are seen in the Northern hemisphere, where steep slopes are less common. HiRISE is monitoring these gullies to look for changes and to understand the behavior of the frost.

che wi

Potential Active Processes in Porter Crater

ЦитироватьThe extended-mission status of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and the HiRISE camera has greatly increased our understanding of numerous active processes occurring on Mars. By taking carefully planned repeat images of surface, we now have an important record of how the surface evolves for a maximum of 5 Mars years.

This image shows the central peak in Porter Crater. Although there are no repeat images here we can infer several active geologic processes, based on morphologic evidence and lessons learned from past well-monitored sites.

Shallow gullies are located on the south and east facing slopes of the central peak. These features might have been carved by violates, such as carbon dioxide frost, sometime in the recent geologic past.

Meanwhile on the northern slopes are several smaller slope features that have a morphology hinting at recurring slope lineae (RSL). Alternatively, these features could be the remnants of past active gullies. Several more HiRISE images would be needed to characterize their behavior and confirm their status as RSL (see "Recurring Slope Lineae in Equatorial Regions of Mars").

Southward on the slopes below the peak is a large dune field. Dunes show sharp crests with prominent ripples, both signs of actively migrating dunes. Also, we can see dust devil tracks crossing the nearby dusty surfaces and clear evidence for ongoing modification by swirling winds that persistently remove surface dust.

che wi

Sedimentary Deposits within Ius Chasma

ЦитироватьSedimentary deposits are common within Valles Marineris. Most of the larger chasmata contain kilometer-thick light-toned layered deposits composed of sulfates. However, some of the chasmata, like Ius Chasma shown in this HiRISE image, either lack these deposits or have much thinner deposits.

The light-toned deposits in Ius Chasma are observed both along the floor and inner wallrock materials. Some of the light-toned deposits appear to post-date formation of the chasma floor, whereas other deposits appear to lie beneath wallrock materials, indicating they are older. By examining the stratigraphy using digital terrain models and 3D images, it should be possible to decipher the relative ages of the different geologic units. CRISM data may also provide insight into the mineralogy, which will tell scientists about the aqueous conditions that emplaced the light-toned deposits.

che wi

Purple Mountain's Majesty

ЦитироватьThis image of an isolated mountain in the Southern highlands reveals a large exposure of "purplish" bedrock.

Since HiRISE color is shifted to longer wavelengths than visible color and given relative stretches, this really means that the bedrock is roughly dark in the broad red bandpass image compared to the blue-green and near-infrared bandpass images.

In the RGB (red-green-blue) color image, which excludes the near-infrared bandpass image, the bedrock appears bluish in color. This small mountain is located near the northeastern rim of the giant Hellas impact basin, and could be impact ejecta.


А чего нигде не обсуждается, что нашли лед?
Лед сразу под реголитом, 40 метров толщиной, занимает площадь равную Техасу вместе с Калифорнией.
И нашли не на полюсе, а в средних широтах.


ЦитироватьSellin пишет:
ЦитироватьДмитрий Виницкий пишет:
Тайга. Красноватая марсианская тайга.
Больше похоже на  Пэйнтед-дезерт .
Имею скафандр готов путешествовать.

che wi

С помощью MRO подтвердили, что жидкая вода существует на Марсе

NASA Confirms Evidence That Liquid Water Flows on Today's Mars

che wi

Down in the Paleochannels

ЦитироватьTransverse aeolian ridges—or TAR—are mysterious, wind-blown features that are intermediate in size between ripples and much larger sand dunes.

Ripples form from hopping sand grains, and dunes form from sand grains being blown over longer distances. One hypothesis for TAR formation is that larger grains like pebbles are rolled on top of smaller ripples; then, finer dust settles into the cracks, "inflating" the pebbles, making the TAR larger than typical ripples.

Looking between the TAR, one sees a network of ancient, beaten-up channels that were carved by water, lava, or both.

This whole area is located in Solis Planum, an interesting, tectonic terrain south of Noctis Labrynthus which generally slopes toward the south.


ЦитироватьЗонд MRO сфотографировал сход каменной лавины на Марсе
15:4129.12.2015 (обновлено: 15:45 29.12.2015)88140
Сайт НАСА представил фотографии высокого разрешения, на которых можно увидеть следы недавно сшедшей каменной лавины на поверхности Марса, обнажившей древние породы Красной планеты.

© Фото: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona

МОСКВА, 29 дек – РИА Новости. НАСА опубликовало на своем сайте высококачественные фотографии стен одного из марсианских каньонов, по которой в совсем недавнем прошлом прошла "лавина" из камней и почвы, чье изучение может пролить свет на прошлое Марса.
Поверхность Марса, вопреки представлениям обывателей и ученых в прошлом, не является полностью мертвой и безжизненной – на Красной планете существуют "живые" дюны, чьи пески медленно движутся под действием силы ветра, а в некоторых его регионах периодически появляются "ручьи" из очень соленой воды и лавины, вызываемые таянием сухого льда, замороженной углекислоты.
Яркий пример подобных лавин был сфотографирован камерой HiRISE, установленной на борту зонда MRO, изучающего Марс с 2006 года. Судя по выступающим камням на склонах каньона, где произошел подобный сход грунта, и отсутствию кратеров на нем, это происшествие случилось совсем недавно, что дает ученым шанс изучить то, как выглядят и устроены породы, сформировавшиеся в далеком прошлом Марса.
Зонд MRO стартовал с Земли 12 августа 2005 года, на дорогу до Марса ему потребовалось семь месяцев. Как отмечают специалисты миссии, момент выхода на орбиту планеты был особенно тревожным, поскольку MRO, выполнявший торможение, некоторое время находился за Марсом и был "отрезан" от связи с Землей.
Основная миссия зонда была рассчитана на два земных года, за которые аппарат успешно выполнил все возложенные на него задачи. После этого он продолжил работу в марсианской группировке исследовательских зондов — вместе с Mars Odyssey, запущенным в 2001 году, и европейским Mars Express 2003 года. До прибытия американского MAVEN'а и индийского "Мангальяна" к Марсу, MRO был самым "молодым" действующим зондом на орбите планеты.

РИА Новости
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"

che wi

Ancient Rivers

ЦитироватьEarly in Martian history, liquid water energetically carved the surface, forming channel systems that look remarkably similar to river valleys and drainage networks on Earth. Exactly how these channels formed—by rainfall, snowmelt, or seepage from underground springs—is often debated.

The answer has important ramifications about the early Martian climate. Clues about the source of the water may indicate the shape, layout, and scale of the various tributaries in a channel system.

Our image shows an example of just such a water-carved channel. The channel pattern, called "dendritic" because of its tree–like branching, begins at the top of the image and runs down over the rim of an ancient impact basin across the basin floor.

The soil surface overlying these channels, and indeed the entire landscape, has been changed and reworked over the intervening millions of years, by the combined actions of wind and ice. Over time, the original channels become muted or even erased. Nevertheless, some characteristics of the smallest tributary channels are still visible at scales seen by HiRISE.

che wi

Erosion and Deposition in Schaeberle Crater

ЦитироватьSchaeberle Crater is a large, heavily-infilled crater with many interesting features. This image shows a window into the crater fill deposit, showcasing eroding bedrock and aeolian landforms.

This pit is located near the geometric center of our image, making it a central pit crater. Central pit craters are thought to form from impact melt draining through subsurface cracks in the deepest part of the crater shortly following impact.

A closeup image shows light-toned bedrock and a small cliff that appears to be weathering away. Below the cliff there are several different types of aeolian features, including ripples and transverse aeolian ridges (TAR). The sand that forms the small, bluish ripples may be weathering out of the cliff face, in contrast to the larger, light-toned TAR which are thought to be currently inactive.

More of the TAR are visible in another closeup image. In this case, they are clearly covered by a dark, ripple-covered sand sheet. We have only imaged this location once, so it is impossible to determine whether or not the sand sheet is blowing in the wind. But due to repeated HiRISE imaging in other areas, active dunes are now known to be common across Mars and we can reasonably speculate that these dunes are moving, too.