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By Marcia Smith | Posted: May 27, 2019 8:36 am ET

(из-за Трамповского окончания абзаца)


TRUMP: "Prime Minister Abe and I have agreed to dramatically expand our nations' cooperation in human space exploration. Japan will join our mission to send U.S. astronauts to space. We'll be going to the moon. We'll be going to Mars very soon."

THE FACTS: Not very soon. The U.S. will almost certainly not be sending humans to Mars in his presidency, even if he wins a second term.

The Trump administration has a placed a priority on the moon over Mars for human exploration (President Barack Obama favored Mars) and hopes to accelerate NASA's plan for returning people to the lunar surface. It has asked Congress to approve enough money to make a moon mission possible by 2024, instead 2028. But even if that happens, Mars would come years after that. International space agencies have made aspirational statements about possibly landing humans on Mars during the 2030s.
Цитировать https://www.state.gov/president-donald-j-trump-and-prime-minister-shinzo-abe-advance-the-united-states-and-japans-global-partnership/

President Donald J. Trump and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Advance the United States' and Japan's Global Partnership

President Trump and Prime Minister Abe agreed on the importance of a sustained human presence on and around the Moon. Building on its International Space Station (ISS) experience, Japanese astronauts will strive to join American astronauts on the Moon and destinations beyond.


U.S. and Japan to cooperate on return to the moon

by Jeff Foust — May 29, 2019

"I am pleased to confirm that Prime Minister Abe and I have agreed to dramatically expand our nations' cooperation in human space exploration," Trump said. "Japan will join our mission to send U.S. astronauts to space. We'll be going to the moon. We'll be going to Mars very soon. It's very exciting."
"Accelerating the landing date to 2024 makes it harder for us to incorporate our international partners early," acknowledged Ken Bowersox, deputy associate administrator for human exploration and operations at NASA, during a May 28 meeting of a NASA Advisory Council committee. "We're still looking at working with our international partners. A lot of their elements were going to come after 2024 anyway."

However, he added that if international partners can accelerate their contributions, "they're welcome to participate in the early phases."



European Space Agency, ESA

Опубликовано: 9 июн. 2019 г.

Overview of the Heracles mission. We are leading an alliance of international space agencies to prepare a robotic mission to the Moon to retrieve samples and return them to Earth.
The video shows a launch on an Ariane 6 rocket, separation from the rocket boosters over Earth and a transfer to the Moon.

The Heracles lander will target a previously unexplored region near the lunar South Pole as an interesting area for researchers. A lander with a rover inside and ascent module on top will land there.

Monitored and controlled from the lunar Gateway, the rover will scout the terrain in preparation for the future arrival of astronauts, and collect samples.

The ascent module will take off from the surface and fly to the Gateway with the samples taken by the rover.

When the ascent module carrying the sample container arrives, the Gateway's robotic arm will capture it and extract the sample container. The sample container will be received by the astronauts via a science airlock and pack it in NASA's Orion spacecraft that is powered by the European Service Module.

Orion will fly to Earth with astronauts and land with the Heracles lunar samples for analysis in the best laboratories on Earth.

Other goals of the mission include testing new hardware, demonstrating technology and gaining experience in operations while strengthening international partnerships in exploration. Its development will provide an Ariane 64-based lunar cargo lander available for commercialisation by European and partners' industry.

Heracles is an international programme to use the Gateway to the fullest and deliver samples to scientists on Earth using new technology that is more capable and lighter than previous missions.


Мда. Трамп, Пейс - программу колбасит незнай как
Цитировать https://spacepolicyonline.com/news/pace-trumps-tweet-reflects-impatience/

By Marcia Smith | Posted: June 8, 2019 11:36 pm ET | Last Updated: June 8, 2019 11:52 pm ET

Scott Pace said today that President Trump's tweet yesterday reflects impatience, not a lack of support for NASA's lunar program. For him, the message was that NASA should spend less time talking about the technical details of getting to the Moon and more about the bigger vision of putting humans on Mars. In discussing the lunar plans, Pace said the U.S. part of the Gateway will remain in its minimalist form until the International Space Station (ISS) is retired because NASA cannot afford both.
Now it will have a "minimal" configuration, with only the Power and Propulsion Element (PPE) and a mini-habitation module in 2024. NASA has said repeatedly that the original capabilities with full-size habitation modules and scientific research facilities would be restored thereafter.

The question is when. NASA still talks about 2028 as a milestone, but Pace said that U.S. expansion of the Gateway will not happen until after the ISS is decommissioned because NASA cannot afford both. When U.S. government support of ISS will end is an open question, but key members of Congress want it to operate at least until 2030.
Pace told SpacePolicyOnline.com via email afterwards that his comments refer only to the U.S. portion of the Gateway, not what international partners may contribute. Canada has committed to supplying a robotic arm, Canadarm3, similar to those it built for the space shuttle and the ISS. Discussions with other potential partners like Japan, Russia and the European Space Agency are ongoing.
Пейс говорит что минимальная американская инфраструктура окололунной станции 2024 года будет пока не измениться уровень / прекратится финансирование МКС - денег нет.


У РИА снизу постучали (Fake news) - https://ria.ru/20190614/1555581551.html

Цитировать https://spacenews.com/bridenstine-estimates-artemis-cost-at-20-30-billion/

by Jeff Foust — June 14, 2019

WASHINGTON — NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said in a television interview June 13 that it will cost the agency an additional $20 billion to $30 billion to return humans to the moon, the first range of costs given by the agency for the program.

In an interview with CNN, Bridenstine said that estimate would be above earlier projections for costs of existing elements of what's now called the Artemis program, such as the Space Launch System rocket and Orion spacecraft

"For the whole program, to get a sustainable presence on the moon, we're looking at between 20 and 30 billion dollars," he said. "When we talk about the 20 to 30 billion dollars, it would be 20 or 30 billion on top of the normal NASA budget but, of course, that would be spread over five years."
ну и там про возможные сокращение других программ и переводы денег Администратором НАСА

"Полная реализация программы и создание всех условий для постоянного присутствия на Луне потребует от нас примерно 20-30 миллиардов долларов. Речь, конечно же, идет не об общем бюджете НАСА, а о сумме дополнительных расходов, которые будут распределены на последующие пять лет", — заявил Джим Брайденстайн, текущий руководитель космического агентства.


Цитироватьtnt22 пишет:
 18 ИЮН, 17:22 Обновлено 17:31
 Роскосмос пока не рассматривает американский корабль "Орион" для полетов космонавтов РФ

 ЛЕ-БУРЖЕ /Франция/, 18 июня. /ТАСС/ . Американский пилотируемый корабль "Орион" пока не рассматривается для полетов на нем российских космонавтов. Об этом сообщил во вторник ТАСС заместитель гендиректора госкорпорации по международному сотрудничеству Сергей Савельев на Международном аэрокосмическом салоне "Ле-Бурже - 2019".

"Возможность организации так называемых перекрестных полетов (российских космонавтов на новых американских кораблях, а астронавтов NASA - на российских "Союзах " ) активно обсуждается в настоящее время, в первую очередь с международно-правовой точки зрения. NASA готовит проект соответствующего документа, который затем будем прорабатывать. Весь этот диалог ведется по поводу космических кораблей компаний Boeing и Space X, корабль "Орион" пока не рассматривается [для полетов российских космонавтов]", - сказал Савельев.
По его словам, остается открытым вопрос об условиях осуществления таких полетов, а также о количестве успешных полетов с американскими астронавтами на борту, позволяющих считать надежность новых кораблей достаточной для полета российских космонавтов.

Источник в ракетно-космической отрасли пояснил ТАСС, что полеты российских космонавтов на американских "Орионах" не рассматриваются с технической точки зрения, поскольку эти корабли не предназначены для полетов на низкие орбиты, где находится Международная космическая станция (средняя высота ее орбиты - 420 км над Землей).

Корабль "Орион" будет выводить на орбиту разрабатываемая в США ракета-носитель Space Launch System (SLS). Планируется, что первый полет без экипажа корабль совершит в 2020 году: облетит Луну и вернется на Землю. Пилотируемый полет может состояться в 2022 году.
НАСА планирует использовать "Орион" в рамках освоения Луны. Управление рассчитывает, что в середине 2030-х с помощью "Ориона" астронавты совершат экспедицию на Марс.
конечно если перекрестные полеты, хааа а Рогозин про резервную транспортную систему заикался... а ему она значит не нужна.

Раньше немного говорили что раз Россия делает шлюзовой модуль, то российский космонавт может полететь на Орионе. 

Партнеры США по станции так и так должны летать на Орионе если не имеют своих пилотируемые средства доставки.


Вчера, 16:21

....заместитель генерального директора госкорпорации "Роскосмос" Сергей Савельев.

"Мы пока еще не приняли окончательное решение об уровне и объеме нашего участия в проекте создания окололунной платформы Gateway. Однако после завершения испытаний нового космического корабля и ракеты-носителя сверхтяжелого класса мы готовы оказать поддержку проекту - как минимум, предоставляя резервное средство поддержки и спасения экипажа", - сказал он.



18 ИЮН, 18:49

...заместитель гендиректора госкорпорации по международному сотрудничеству Сергей Савельев на Международном аэрокосмическом салоне "Ле-Бурже-2019".

"Мы пока еще не приняли окончательное решение об уровне и объеме нашего участия в проекте создания Окололунной платформы Gateway, однако после завершения испытаний нового космического корабля и ракеты-носителя сверхтяжелого класса мы готовы оказать поддержку проекту, как минимум предоставляя резервное средство поддержки и спасения экипажа", - сказал он.
Про Лунный Союз не слова, а завершения испытаний нового космического корабля и ракеты-носителя сверхтяжелого класса наверное через 10 лет от сказанного сейчас.


NASA to Partner with American Industry to Supply Artemis Moon Missions

June 14, 2019

In the latest step in sending astronauts to the lunar surface within five years, NASA issued a draft solicitation June 14 to industry seeking comments for a future opportunity for American companies to deliver cargo and other supplies to the Gateway in lunar orbit.

The first logistics service to the orbital outpost is expected to deliver science, cargo and other supplies in support of the agency's new Artemis lunar exploration program, which includes sending the first woman and the next man to the surface of the Moon by 2024.

Last fall, NASA asked American companies for ideas on how to best supply the Gateway, which will be located in an orbit around the Moon about 250,000 miles from Earth. The Gateway will be a command and service module for missions to the lunar surface and eventually, exploration farther into the solar system. Following up on that initial request for information, today NASA published a draft solicitation for industry comments on its logistics approach, which are due July 10, 2019.

"We're asking industry to provide a spacecraft to deliver cargo and other supplies to the Gateway. It will dock to the orbital outpost, but will be responsible for generating its own power," said Marshall Smith, director, human lunar exploration programs at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "We're using the Moon as a proving ground for Mars to develop the technologies and systems we need for exploration farther into the solar system, so we look forward to seeing how industry responds to our upcoming solicitation, and potentially awarding multiple contracts for this lunar service."

This latest call is mirroring similar cargo resupply services the agency pioneered with industry closer to home. NASA led the way for commercialization of low-Earth orbit, and is now providing new opportunities for private companies in deep space.

"The Gateway, and specifically our logistics supply requirements, enables the deep space supply chain, taking the next step toward further commercialization of space," said Mark Wiese, NASA's Gateway logistics element manager at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. "In addition to delivering cargo, science and other supplies to the Gateway with these services, there's potential for an extension to industry to deliver other elements of our lunar architecture with this solicitation."

A formal solicitation for a firm-fixed price contract is expected this summer. NASA anticipates the maximum contract award for all Gateway services over the course of 15 years will be valued at $7 billion.

NASA will host an industry day forum in Florida on June 26 to answer questions and explain the proposed approach for logistic deliveries. Additional details about that opportunity for industry are available online.

This announcement comes on the heels of other recent agency efforts to accelerate its Moon to Mars exploration plans. At the end of May, NASA awarded a contract to Maxar Technologies to build, launch, and demonstrate in space the power and propulsion element of the Gateway. And ahead of sending astronauts to the Moon, the agency will use a series of commercial Moon deliveries to send a suite of science instruments and technology demonstrations to the surface to continue studying Earth's nearest neighbor. NASA is also working with 11 companies to study the proposed architecture for a new integrated human landing system, which would be staged at the Gateway for missions to the lunar surface.

Charged with returning to the Moon within five years, NASA's lunar exploration plans are based on a two-phase approach: the first is focused on speed – landing on the Moon by 2024 – while the second will establish a sustained human presence on and around the Moon by 2028. The agency will use what we learn on the Moon to prepare for the next giant leap – sending astronauts to Mars.

Много файлов


Цитировать"Мы пока еще не приняли окончательное решение об уровне и объеме нашего участия в проекте создания окололунной платформы Gateway."
Ничего страшного. Не мы одни. Уганда тоже ещё не приняла решения по объёму своего участия.
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер


Касаемо приглашения России


США хотят, чтобы все партнеры по МКС участвовали в программе возвращения на Луну

15 ИЮЛ, 22:27
ВАШИНГТОН, 15 июля. /ТАСС/. Соединенные Штаты выступают за то, чтобы все государства - члены проекта создания и эксплуатации Международной космической станции (МКС), включая Россию, участвовали в американской программе возвращения человека на Луну. Об этом заявил в понедельник на телефонном брифинге для журналистов, отвечая на вопросы корреспондента ТАСС, руководитель Национального управления США по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства (NASA) Джеймс Брайденстайн.

"Мне кажется, Международная космическая станция - это, как я упоминал ранее, не только чудо техники, но и чудо дипломатии. Считаю, что это [начинание] сработало очень хорошо для всех вовлеченных [в него] стран. На мой взгляд, речь идет о модели [сотрудничества] применительно к тому, как мы движемся к Луне. И, да, мы бы хотели, чтобы все партнеры [по созданию и эксплуатации] МКС стали частью этих усилий, направленных на возвращение на Луну", - сказал шеф американского космического ведомства.
Какие пронырливые журналисты ТАСС, а их просил Роскосмос такие неудобные вопросы задавать?

Дмитрий Инфан

Слишком много слов в квадратных скобках.


ТАСС на фоне 50-летия высадки американцев или землян на Луне решил написать о планах и покритиковать американцев

Марат Кузаев

ляпы, ляпы.... например:
ЦитироватьИз-за сжатых сроков перед первой высадкой на поверхность спутника "Врата" будут готовы в минимальной комплектации: блок с двигательной установкой и отсек для экипажа
ну может и не ляпы....

зато  Роскосмос у нас строит вместе с НАСА
ЦитироватьОдин из проектов предполагает и российский многоцелевой отсек для присоединения других модулей. Кроме Роскосмоса, вместе с NASA станцию хотят строить ESA, Японское агентство аэрокосмических исследований (JAXA), Канадское космическое агентство (CSA) и частные компании.
пока строит вместе с НАСА только Канадское. Японское JAXA 16 июля на публичном симпозиуме по развитию упоминало , но правительство пока денег не выделяло.


На сайте НАСА в новостях не нашел

18 July 2019
Mission planners at NASA and ESA's Operations Centre (ESOC) have spent months debating the pros and cons of different orbits, and have now decided on the path of the lunar Gateway.
Like the International Space Station, the Gateway will be a permanent and changeable human outpost. Instead of circling our planet however, it will orbit the Moon, acting as a base for astronauts and robots exploring the lunar surface.

Like a mountain refuge, it will also provide shelter and a place to stock up on supplies for astronauts en route to more distant destinations, as well as providing a place to relay communications and a laboratory for scientific research.
Mission analysis teams at ESOC are continuing to work closely with international partners to understand how this choice of orbit affects vital aspects of the mission – including landing, rendezvous with future spacecraft and contingency scenarios needed to keep people and infrastructure safe.

The Gateway, it has recently been decided, will follow a 'near-rectilinear halo orbit', or NRHO.

The angelic halo orbit

Instead of orbiting around the Moon in a low lunar orbit like Apollo, the Gateway will follow a highly 'eccentric' path. At is closest, it will pass 3000 km fr om the lunar surface and at its furthest, 70 000 km. The orbit will actually rotate together with the moon, and as seen fr om the Earth will appear a little like a lunar halo.
Orbits like this are possible because of the interplay between the Earth and Moon's gravitational forces. As the two large bodies dance through space, a smaller object can be 'caught' in a variety of stable or near-stable positions in relation to the orbiting masses, also known as libration or Lagrange points.

Such locations are perfect for planning long-term missions, and to some extent dictate the design of the spacecraft, what it can carry to and fr om orbit, and how much energy it needs to get – and stay – there.
Travelling on the NRHO path, one revolution of the Gateway in its orbit about the Moon would take approximately seven days. This period was chosen to lim it the number of eclipses, when the gateway would be shrouded by the Earth or Moon's shadow.
"Finding a lunar orbit for the gateway is no trivial thing." says Markus Landgraf, Architecture Analyst working with ESA's Human and Robotic Exploration activities.

"If you want to stay there for several years, the near rectilinear halo orbit is slightly unstable and objects in this orbit do have a tendency of drifting away".
To keep the Gateway in position, regular small station-keeping manoeuvres will be required.

Take the stage
So why this orbit? The fundamental limiting factor when moving parts from Earth, to a potential lunar base and the Moon's surface, is energy.

"In human spaceflight we don't fly one single, monolithic spacecraft," explains Florian Renk, Mission Analyst in ESOC's Flight Dynamics Division.

"Instead we fly bits and pieces, putting parts together in space and soon on the surface of the Moon. Some parts we leave behind, some we bring back – the structures are forever evolving."

To escape Earth's gravitational pull requires a huge amount of energy. To then land on the Moon and not hurtle straight past it, we have to slow down by losing that same energy. We can save some of this energy by leaving parts of the spacecraft in orbit, taking only what we need to the surface of the Moon.

A permanent base in this orbit around the Moon will act as a staging post, from wh ere parts can be left behind, picked up and assembled. After liftoff, only a moderate manoeuvre will be needed to slow a visiting spacecraft to rendezvous with the Gateway.

The Lunar lander will then transport people, robots and infrastructure down to the surface when the Gateway is closest to the Moon, which happens about every seven days. Likewise, a transfer window to the gateway opens about every seven days for the return trip from the lunar surface.

Forward to the Moon

During the 2020s, the Gateway will be assembled and operated in the vicinity of the Moon, wh ere it will move between different orbits and enable the most distant human space missions ever attempted.

It will offer a platform for scientific discovery in deep space and build invaluable experience for the challenges of future human missions to Mars.

"The flight dynamics expertise here at ESOC is unique in Europe," adds Rolf Densing, ESA's Director of Operations.

"Our analysts and flight dynamics experts provide support to a full range of missions, including some of the most complex and exciting like the lunar Gateway. We can't wait to see this ambitious international endeavour realised."
Движение на орбите Луны

На русском - кто как мог на основе ESA


Title Gateway, Heracles and Orion

Artist's impression of the Orion spacecraft at the Gateway with Heracles ascent element docked.

ESA is working with the Canadian and Japanese space agencies to prepare the Heracles robotic mission to the Moon in the mid-to-late-2020s. Using the Gateway as a halfway point, a robotic rover will scout the terrain in preparation for the future arrival of astronauts, and deliver lunar samples to Earth.
This mission offers the best and earliest chance to deliver Moon samples to Earth on NASA's Orion spacecraft.

Goals also include testing new hardware, demonstrating technology and gaining experience in operations while strengthening international partnerships in exploration.

A small lander with a rover inside weighing around 1800 kg in total will land and be monitored by astronauts from the space gateway. An ascent module will take off from the surface and return to the gateway with samples taken by the rover.

Heracles will demonstrate these technologies and prove their value for humans. Later missions will include a pressurised rover driven by astronauts and an ascent module for the crew to return home.

Communications are key, with satellites providing high-speed networks to operate rovers from orbit, including feeding visuals from cameras, control signals to move the cameras, arms and wheels, and transmitting scientific data.

When the ascent module carrying the sample container arrives, the Gateway's robotic arm will capture and berth it with the outpost's airlock for unpacking and transfer of the container to Orion and subsequent flight to Earth with returning astronauts.

Heracles is an international programme to use the Gateway to the fullest and deliver samples to scientists on Earth using new technology that is more capable and lighter than previous missions.


Тихо тихо, на сайте NASA как-то и нету в лентах

Выбрали поставщика жилого модуля, но контракт на создание не заключен. Создает Northrop Grumman на основе Сигнуса.

Документ большой и много интересного, но большой


NASA Gateway Program Justification For Other Than Full and Open Competition For The Minimal Habitation Module
Status Report From: NASA HQ
Posted: Wednesday, July 24, 2019


1. FAR 6.303-2(b)(2) – The nature and/or description of the action being approved:

In August 2016, NASA selected six U. S. companies under the Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships - 2 (NextSTEP-2) Broad Agency Announcement (BAA), Appendix A, Habitat Systems to help expand knowledge, commercial capabilities and opportunities in space by developing full-sized ground prototypes and concepts for deep space habitats.

NASA currently has a requirement to procure a module (full or partial) to be launched late calendar year 2023 for the NASA Gateway. In the interest of schedule, economy and efficiency, the procurement of the module will be pursued as a follow-on to the originally competitively awarded NextSTEP-2 BAA Appendix A, Habitat Systems studies. This justification provides the rationale for the following:

NASA's decision to limit the number of responsible source(s) to one or more of the existing contracts already in place via the NextSTEP-2 BAA Appendix A, Habitat Systems to further mature requirements and system definition leading to the Design, Development, Test & Evaluation (DDT&E) and delivery to NASA of a module for the NASA Gateway which must be launched late 2023(See below); and

NASA's decision, based on review of each NextSTEP-2 contractor's capabilities, to sole source the procurement of the MHM flight unit for the cislunar Gateway to Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems (NGIS) as a follow-on to the originally competitively awarded NextSTEP-2 BAA Appendix A, Habitat Systems studies, Contract NNH15CN76C (See below).

A) Use of existing contracts already in place via the NextSTEP-2 BAA Appendix A, Habitat Systems:

On December 11, 2017, the Space Policy Directive 1, of the President directed a change in national space policy that provides for a U. S.-led, integrated program with international and private sector partners for a human return to the Moon. On March 26, 2019, the President's mandate was reinforced by Vice President Pence, Chairman of the National Space Council, who tasked NASA with landing humans on the Moon's South Pole by 2024.

On May 30, 2019, NASA issued Synopsis Number: 80JSC019GTWYHAB informing the public of NASA's requirement to procure one or more module(s) for the NASA Gateway and its intent to use one or more existing contracts already in place via the NextSTEP-2 BAA Appendix A, Habitat Systems in order to meet the Gateway Program schedule.

The NextSTEP-2 Appendix A contractors have completed studies leading to definition of innovative mission architecture; substantiated their operational concepts; developed and tested ground prototypes; and demonstrated required core capabilities in multiple subsystems, including distributed avionics, modular power, redundancy management and autonomous operations. These efforts have positioned the NextSTEP-2 Appendix A contractors to expeditiously support the agency mandate to return to the Lunar vicinity and enable human exploration missions by 2024.

The decision to choose design(s) already matured under NextSTEP-2 Appendix A is made pursuant to FAR 6.302-1(a)(2)(ii)(A) and (B), which enables the use of other than full and open competition procedures in cases when the supplies or services required are deemed to be available fr om only one or a limited number of responsible source(s) and no other supplies or services will satisfy agency requirements. Supplies/Services may be deemed to be available only fr om the original source for the continued development and production of a major system or highly specialized equipment, including major components thereof, when it is likely that award to any other source would result in substantial duplication of cost to the Government that is not expected to be recovered through competition, or unacceptable delays in fulfilling the agency's requirements.

Due to the time and expense required to design and fabricate a human-rated deep space module, it is necessary for NASA to begin development activity as quickly as possible and be able to leverage the work already accomplished under Appendix A of the NextSTEP-2 BAA. Over the past three years, NextSTEP-2 BAA contractors have extensively developed initial designs and operational concepts for establishing a Gateway station in lunar orbit.

NASA's schedule analysis has shown that development, fabrication, testing and launch of a MHM for Gateway using existing assembly lines with minor modifications and use of existing tooling should take approximately three years. A design at the Critical Design Review stage (no new technologies, new tooling required) would take four years, while a design at the System Requirement Review stage (no new technologies) would take five years. Furthermore, a new full and open competition would cause an additional delay of 12-18 months or more in fulfilling the agency's requirements.

In order to support the mandate to enable a human landing capability in 2024, the MHM must be launched in late 2023 to be delivered to Gateway no later than early 2024. The schedule constraints established by a December 2023 launch dictate that a module be on dock at Kennedy Space Center in mid-2023 for launch processing and integration. Per NASA's schedule analysis, this typical timeline for module production must already be compressed in order to achieve the 2024 human lunar landing deadline. Given that the NextSTEP-2 contractors advanced designs to a near System Design Review (SDR) fidelity, NASA determined that it must utilize the existing concepts from the NextSTEP-2 Appendix A and use the development done to date to minimize the additional design work necessary to produce a module in time.

In addition, award to any other source may result in substantial duplication of cost to the Government that is not expected to be recovered through competition. NASA has invested $87M to date plus substantial GFE expenses in partnered activities with the vendors in advancing these capabilities.

For these reasons, NASA has decided to lim it the number of responsible source(s) to one or more of the existing contracts already in place via the NextSTEP-2 BAA Appendix A.

B) Sole Source of the MHM to NGIS:

The planned Gateway lunar orbiting platform is critical for staging human exploration missions to the lunar surface by 2024 as mandated by Vice President Pence, Chairman of the National Space Council. The Gateway platform will include a pressurized habitation module with environmental control and life support systems to house astronauts during lunar missions. To accomplish a lunar landing, astronauts aboard an Orion Spacecraft will launch toward the moon on an SLS rocket, rendezvous with Gateway (with the MHM) in a lunar orbit, and descend to the lunar surface via a crewed lander by 2024.

In order to meet NASA's 2024 human lunar landing deadline, NASA examined the existing NextSTEP-2 contractors' concepts for deep space habitation modules. As stated in the synopsis (80JSC019GTWYHAB), not all contractors currently performing services via the NextSTEP-2 BAA Appendix A, would be selected to receive an award for this next phase and additional phases. Each contractor's proposed approach, progress, and capabilities were reviewed and assessed by NASA for potential use as a MHM. In order to meet the Gateway Program's schedule and support the Vice President's 2024 human lunar landing mandate, NASA determined it was necessary to continue to work with NGIS for these highly specialized services. NGIS was the only NextSTEP-2 contractor with a module design and the production and tooling resources capable of meeting the 2024 deadline.

There are three primary considerations, when combined, which establish NGIS as the provider uniquely capable of delivering the MHM in time to support the 2024 lunar surface mission. No other NextStep-2 provider has these existing capabilities which, when considered collectively, provide the only viable approach to successfully achieving the 2024 lunar mandate:

- Existing Production Capability: Through its NextSTEP work, NGIS developed Gateway solutions based upon its Cygnus Cargo resupply module. NGIS has an existing production capability of the Cygnus through a combination of corporate-owned designs and manufacturing assets, including unique tooling, as well as an exclusive contract with an established spaceflight module construction firm.

- Critical Subsystem Maturity: NGIS has already advanced design & development for other critical components adapted to the Cygnus, specifically radial docking ports and body mounted radiators (BMRs). NGIS and its contractor for spaceflight module construction have analyzed options to near System Requirements Review (SRR)/ System Definition Review (SDR) level of maturity for integrating radial docking ports into a Cygnus primary structure, thereby reducing the schedule risk associated with modified structural developments. Similarly, Cygnus-specific BMRs are at a CDR level of maturity, with design and qualification expected to be applicable to use on the MHM.

- Existing LV Fairing Accommodation:
The diameter of the Cygnus module supports the Gateway programmatic requirement to be compatible with existing commercial launch vehicle providers' fairings, thereby mitigating the schedule and cost risk that would be associated with launch providers having to develop and manufacture new fairings.

Existing Production Capability

NGIS is the only NextSTEP-2 contractor uniquely able to complete design, development and production of the MHM within the time necessary to launch in late 2023 and get the module on station in lunar orbit early 2024 using existing launch vehicles. NGIS has an existing, active pressurized module manufacturing capability via their ongoing Cygnus module construction subcontractor that has provided experience and lessons learned from development of 13 Cygnus vehicles to date, refining management and technical interactions and interchanges. This existing contractual relationship and its associated production pedigree are critical to timely development progress and problem resolution, which are substantive mitigations to schedule risk. This production relationship is unique to NGIS among the NextSTEP-2 vendors, and can be highly leveraged to achieve successful DDT&E and timely delivery of the MHM.

Critical Subsystem Maturity

The Cygnus module design can be adapted to provide the structural basis for the MHM. In addition to the existing fundamental design, during the NextSTEP-2 activities NGIS and its contractor for spaceflight module construction have been designing modifications for inclusion of radial docking ports which would enable multiple visiting vehicles to attach to the MHM simultaneously, thus enabling the lunar landing architecture to be implemented initially with the MHM serving as the sole transfer node for the 2024 mission.

The Gateway module will also have to reject heat generated by its own powered systems. Given that body mounted radiators are already in development specifically for the Cygnus module, the development of the critical thermal control subsystem is substantially advanced. Design modifications to enable BMRs to cover more surface area of an extended Cygnus structure are readily viable and provide flexibility in the implementation of the Gateway power and avionics architectures and also reduces schedule risk. These advanced docking port and thermal development activities further position NGIS as the only NextSTEP-2 contractor with the capability to produce an integrated module to meet the December 2023 launch schedule.

Existing LV Fairing Accommodation

In order to meet the 2024 deadline, NASA must use existing commercial launch vehicles to transport a MHM to lunar orbit for integration into Gateway in time to support the Vice President's mandate. Through the existing manufacturing capability previously described, NGIS has tooling and manufacturability for production of a module with a diameter that can be uniquely accommodated by existing Commercial Launch Vehicle fairings, while still supporting radial docking or externally-mounted hardware. While other common module diameter sizes could potentially be fabricated with already built tooling, those larger diameters would not accommodate radial docking ports as required.

Additionally, the smaller diameter of the NGIS module enables other externally mounted capabilities, including batteries, communication antennae, and payloads to be incorporated upon launch and available for the initial mission. These capabilities uniquely establish a minimum risk development posture for supplying the initial docking and habitable transfer capability necessary to support lunar operations in 2024.

Lastly, a new full and open competition would cause an additional delay of 12-18 months or more in fulfilling the agency's requirements.

2. FAR 6.303-2(b)(3) – A description of the supplies or services required, to meet the Agency's needs (including the estimated value):

NASA has a requirement to procure a MHM for the NASA Gateway that will meet the Gateway Program schedule and support the President's mandate through the U. S. Space Council to return to the Lunar vicinity, enable human exploration missions by 2024.

The required MHM must be a functional pressurized volume providing sufficient command, control & data handling capabilities, energy storage and power distribution, thermal control, communications and tracking capabilities, environmental control and life support systems to augment the Orion spacecraft and support a crew of four for at least 30 days; two axial and up to two radial docking ports; stowage volume; and utilization capabilities.

Of the NextSTEP-2 contractors, NASA determined that only NGIS could complete the work in time for a December 2023 launch because of their existing production capability in partnership with its spaceflight module construction contractor, their advancement of critical docking port and thermal control system designs directly applicable to the existing Cygnus primary structure design, and the capability of their module to be launched while encapsulated within an existing commercial launch vehicle fairing. The combination of these development activities and existing capabilities establish NGIS as uniquely qualified to produce the MHM within the required schedule.

This effort is anticipated to have a 5-year base period (September 1, 2019 – August 31, 2024) to allow for delivery of the module to the Gateway; and two, 1-year options (September 1, 2024 – August 31, 2025) and (September 1, 2025 – August 31, 2026) for checkout of the module's systems and continued contractor support for autonomous and human-tended operations, including the first lunar landing sortie from Gateway.

The total value of this effort is estimated to be approximately [REDACTED] for the MHM.

3. FAR 6.303-2(b)(4) – An identification of the statutory authority permitting other than full and open competition:

The statutory authority for this JOFOC is 10 U. S. C. 2304(c)(1) as implemented by Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 6.302-1(a)(2)(ii)(A) and (B), which enables the use of other than full and open competition procedures in cases when the supplies or services required are deemed to be available from only one or a limited number of responsible source(s) and no  other supplies or services will satisfy agency requirements. Supplies/Services may be deemed to be available only from the original source for the continued development and production of a major system or highly specialized equipment, including major components thereof, when it is likely that award to any other source would result in substantial duplication of cost to the Government that is not expected to be recovered through competition, or unacceptable delays in fulfilling the agency's requirements.

As previously stated, awarding to any other source would result in substantial duplication of cost to the Government that is not expected to be recovered through competition. NASA has invested over $18M with NGIS in developing its unique module habitation
concepts. Additionally, NGIS has advanced their uniquely proposed designs to a near System Definition Review (SDR) fidelity which, if it were not leveraged, would result in unacceptable delays in fulfilling the agency's requirement.

When it comes to the selection of NGIS for the MHM, per NASA's analysis, NGIS is the only contractor that can provide the MHM essential to meeting the minimum Gateway habitation requirements while meeting the 2024 lunar landing schedule. Conducting a new full and open competition to enable the consideration of any other contractor, would cause unacceptable delays of at least 12-18 months. Similarly, conducting additional competition among the NextSTEP-2 contractors would induce unacceptable delay of up to 6 months. Beyond the procurement delay, an additional delay of 6-12 months or more would be required to reach sufficient design maturity to begin fabricating the tooling necessary to then manufacture the module. Rushing the design and development processes to meet schedule introduces unacceptable risk that the resultant module would not meet the minimum requirements for astronaut habitation needed to support the 2024 lunar landing mission.

4. FAR 6.303-2(b)(5)&(9) – A demonstration that the proposed contractor's unique qualifications or the nature of the acquisition requires use of the authority cited and any other facts supporting the use of other than full and open competition such as:

NASA has a requirement to procure a MHM for the NASA Gateway that will meet the Gateway Program schedule and support the agency mandate to return to the Lunar vicinity, enable human exploration missions by 2024.

The required MHM must be a functional pressurized volume providing sufficient command, control & data handling capabilities, energy storage and power distribution, thermal control, communications and tracking capabilities, environmental control and life support systems to augment the Orion spacecraft and support a crew of four for at least 30 days; two axial and up to two radial docking ports; stowage volume; and utilization capabilities. The MHM will be launched in Q4 CY23. The module must be capable of being launched using a commercial launch vehicle and therefore must be sized to fit within existing fairing envelope dimensions.

NGIS is uniquely positioned to deliver the required module within the schedule and technical constraints identified as demonstrated below and discussed more fully in Section 1.B.


Has an existing, active pressurized module primary structure manufacturing capability

via their ongoing Cygnus module production that can be adapted to provide the structural basis for the MHM, uniquely providing a capability to meet the December 2023 launch schedule necessary to support Lunar surface operations in 2024.

Has existing tooling and manufacturability for development of a module with a diameter that can be accommodated by existing CLV fairings (Cygnus diameter is 3m), while still supporting radial docking or externally-mounted hardware, uniquely establishing a minimum risk development posture for supplying the initial docking and habitable transfer capability necessary to support lunar operations in 2024.

Has developed and demonstrated habitat module concept designs through NextSTEP Phase 1 and 2 approaching SRR and SDR maturity and in some areas, beyond SRR/SDR fidelity; enabling them to meet Gateway schedule requirements that are responsive to Agency mandates.

5. FAR 6.303-2(b)(6) – A description of the efforts made to ensure that offers are solicited from as many potential sources as practicable, including whether a notice was or will be publicized as required by Subpart 5.2 and, if not, which exception under 5.202 applies:

Pursuant to FAR 5.201(b)(1); Synopses of Proposed Contract Actions, General; the proposed contract action was synopsized via the Government Point of Entry (GPE). The website for the GPE is the Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOpps) website is located at https://www.fbo.gov.

On May 30, 2019, a Special Notice was posted to the GPE, which provided notification of the Government's requirement to procure one or more module(s) (full or partial) for the NASA Gateway. The Special Notice also included a statement that interested organizations may submit their capabilities and qualifications to perform the effort on schedule and without resulting in substantial duplication of cost to the government.

The Special Notice stated the Government's intent to execute Justification(s) for Other than Full and Open Competition to lim it the number of responsible source(s) to one or more of those sources already engaged in the NextSTEP-2 BAA Appendix A, Habitat Systems to further mature requirements and system definition leading to DDT&E and delivery to NASA of one or more module(s) (full or partial) for the NASA Gateway.

The NextSTEP-2 Appendix A contractors' concepts were assessed for potential use as a Minimal Habitat. Northrop Grumman was the only contractor with concepts and the development and production capability that met both requirements and schedule.

6. FAR 6.303-2(b)(7) – A determination by the contracting officer that the anticipated cost to the Government will be fair and reasonable:

Upon approval of this justification, a Request for Proposal will be issued to NGIS. NGIS will submit a proposal that will be evaluated and negotiated by the Government. A cost and price analysis will be performed in accordance with FAR 15.404-1(a) (3), Proposal Analysis Techniques, to verify that the overall price is fair and reasonable. Also, in accordance with FAR 15.403-4, Requiring Certified Cost or Pricing Data, NGIS will be required to execute a Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data when a fair and reasonable price based upon NGIS proposal is agreed upon.

FAR 6.303-2(b)(8) – Description of the market survey conducted, and the results, or a statement of the reasons a market survey was not conducted:

As part of our market survey, a synopsis was issued on May 30, 2019. The synopsis closed on June 13, 2019, and the Government did not receive any qualification and capability statements.

FAR6.303-2(b)(10)–Alistingofthesources,ifany,thatexpressedaninterestinwriting in the acquisition:

See item #7

FAR 6.303-2(b)(11) – A statement of actions, if any, the agency may take to remove or overcome any barriers to competition before any subsequent acquisition for the supplies or services required:

Follow-on acquisitions are undetermined at this time.


NASA to sole source Gateway habitation module to Northrop Grumman
by Jeff Foust — July 23, 2019

WASHINGTON — NASA has quietly decided to give Northrop Grumman a contract to build a "minimal" habitation module for its lunar Gateway after concluding it was the only company that could meet NASA's schedule.

The agency made the determination in a low-key "Justification for Other Than Full and Open Competition" document published late July 19 on a procurement website, linked a special notice issued May 30 that stated that NASA intended to use an existing Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships 2 (NextSTEP-2) program to procure the habitation module.

Under NextSTEP-2 Appendix A, NASA made awards in August 2016 to study concepts for habitation modules to six companies: Bigelow Aerospace, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, NanoRacks, Orbital ATK (now Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems, or NGIS) and Sierra Nevada Corporation. For all but NanoRacks, that work involved the development of ground prototypes followed by testing, which took place earlier this year at either NASA centers or company facilities.

In the May 30 filing, NASA said that, in "the interest of schedule, economy and efficiency," it would procure one or more habitation modules it requires for the Gateway as a follow-on to NextSTEP-2 Appendix A. It didn't specify the process by which it would sel ect the company or companies to build those modules, beyond the use of justifications for other than full and open competition. It did allow other companies to submit information about their capabilities by June 13, but according to the agency none did so.

In the July 19 justification, NASA said it concluded Northrop Grumman was the only company that could provide a "minimal habitation module" on the agency's desired schedule. "NGIS was the only NextSTEP-2 contractor with a module design and the production and tooling resources capable of meeting the 2024 deadline," the document stated.

NASA reached that conclusion, it stated, based on three factors. One is that Northrop's proposed habitation module is based on its Cygnus cargo spacecraft, which is in active production. The second was that the company had made sufficient progress on major changes to the Cygnus needed for use as a habitation module, including the addition of radial docking ports and body-mounted radiators. A final factor is that the small size of the module enables it to be launched on commercial launch vehicles with existing payload fairings.

NASA ruled out a full and open competition, or one restricted to just the NextSTEP-2 companies, because of schedule constraints. To be available to support the Artemis 3 mission in 2024, which will be the first crewed mission to the Gateway as well as the mission that will attempt the first crewed landing on the moon since Apollo, the module needs to be in place at the Gateway by early 2024, and thus launch by late 2023. That required the module to be completed and delivered to the Kennedy Space Center for launch processing in mid-2023.

NASA said a full and open competition for the habitation module would create "unacceptable delays" of 12 to 18 months, while limiting competition to just NextSTEP-2 companies would still create a delay of up to six months. The agency also said reaching "sufficient design maturity" once a module was selected in those competitions would add another six to 12 months. "Rushing the design and development processes to meet schedule introduces unacceptable risk that the resultant module would not meet the minimum requirements for astronaut habitation needed to support the 2024 lunar landing mission," the agency concluded.

The justification document is not itself a contract for the module. Northrop Grumman will have to submit a proposal to NASA that the agency will review "to verify that the overall price is fair and reasonable." If NASA finds that to be the case, it will provide a contract with a five-year base period to cover development of the module and delivery to the Gateway, as well as two one-year options for checkout of the module and support of operations there.

The justification document included an estimate of the total value of the module, but the specific dollar value was redacted. Northrop has already received $18 million through its NextSTEP-2 award, while NASA overall has provided $87 million to all the companies involved as well as "significant" expenses incurred through the use of government facilities and equipment supporting that work.

The document provided few details about Northrop's specific module design, other than it is based on the Cygnus module. The company, as part of its NextSTEP-2 award, developed two habitation module prototypes: one seven meters long and 4.4 meters in diameter, and the other six meters long and three meters in diameter.

The latter version is derived fr om the Cygnus spacecraft and is likely the one referred to in the document. During a panel discussion at the Humans to Mars Summit here in May, Mike Fuller of Northrop Grumman mentioned the two module prototypes, then being tested at the Johnson Space Center. The two mockups, he said, were intended "to give NASA a feel for what the volume constraints are for the various different sizes."

"If you really want to go minimalist," he added, "a three-meter pressure vessel would be relatively easy for us to produce on the current production line."

Только не спрашивайте про жизнеобеспечение и прочее - а к моменту высадки должно обеспечиваться для 4 в течении 30 дней.
 В логистике они наверное тоже будут в числе выигрывавших. Кажется будет еще американский большой жилой, а там может и Бигелоу

Так же
NASA Awards Contract to Northrop Grumman for Lunar Gateway Habitat Module
 July 23, 2019  Doug Messier
The MHM will be attached to the Lunar Gateway's Power and Propulsion Element (PPE). In May, NASA awarded Maxar Technologies a $375 million contract to build the PPE.

Cygnus is a disposable resupply ship that Orbital Sciences Corporation (now NGIS) developed under NASA's Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) program to ferry supplies to the International Space Station (ISS).

Cygnus' pressurized cargo module is made in Italy by Thales Alenia Space. It is based on multi-purpose logistics modules that were flown aboard space shuttle orbiters to carry cargo to the station. One of the three modules, Leonardo, was modified and permanently attached to ISS in 2011.

 NASA taps Northrop Grumman in sole-source agreement to build Gateway habitat
July 23, 2019 Stephen Clark

На русском разные версии - но лучше читать оригинал


В таком виде двигательный + малый жилой я на гейтвэй согласен.
Вреда будет минимум.
Если с поверхности Луны обломается - то можно будет раз в год летать потусоваться.


Тут было про их жилой модуль, просто повторю
Что именно они публиковали и перепубликовали
8-9 мая


В соцсетях как будто и ничего - да и контракт еще не заключен.

Интересно выводить будут своей ракетой - OmegA?


Animation of Canadarm3, Canada's contribution to the Lunar Gateway
Canadian Space Agency
Опубликовано: 15 июл. 2019 г.
2019-07-15 - Canada's contribution to the Lunar Gateway will be a smart robotic system which includes a next-generation robotic arm known as Canadarm3, as well as equipment, and specialized tools. Using cutting-edge software and advances in artificial intelligence, this highly-autonomous system will be able to maintain, repair and inspect the Gateway, capture visiting vehicles, relocate Gateway modules, help astronauts during spacewalks, and enable science both in lunar orbit and on the surface of the Moon. (Credits: Canadian Space Agency, NASA)

Marc Boucher  July 28, 2019

The Canadian Space Agency issued a Letter of Interest notice on Friday, July 26 for the Lunar Gateway Canadarm3.
The CSA also released the following Canadarm3 concept requirements.

Though the complete and/or detailed design and manufacturing requirements for the project have yet to be determined, Canada's initial concept for the Canadarm3 robotic system is proposed to include the following elements:

The eXploration Large Arm and its Tools (XLA): Allows the system to perform inspection and maintenance operations, deploy payloads, capture and berth visiting vehicles, support Extra Vehicular Activities (EVAs), reconfigure the Gateway and assemble Lunar Landers.

The eXploration Dexterous Arm (small arm or XDA): Enhances the capabilities of the large arm and performs its maintenance, possibly capable of supporting payload exchanges through a Gateway airlock.

Various Robotic Interface Fixtures, Platforms and Receptacles: Needed on the different Gateway modules, components and on the robotic system itself. These will ensure the required mobility for the two arms to perform their work, enable payload manipulation and provide worksites for experiments.

Ground Segment and Robotic Integration: Ground infrastructure that will provide planning, monitoring, commanding, training and visualization functions in support of operating the Robotics system from Canada; Support in integrated planning of Gateway assembly, logistics and utilization; will enable and manage the configuration of external science platforms.


2019-08-19The Canadian Space Agency has awarded two contracts for external robotics interfaces in preparation for Canadarm3, Canada's contribution to the US-led Lunar Gateway.

These interfaces will permit Canadarm3 to attach and operate on the exterior of the Gateway modules.

The first contract is awarded to MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates (MDA), a Maxar company. The contract covers concept and technology development activities of robotics interfaces for the "exploration large arm," or XLA.

The second contract is also awarded to MDA, a Maxar company. The contract covers concept and technology development activities of robotics interfaces for the smaller "exploration dexterous arm," or XDA.

The contracts have a combined value of approximately $7 million (excluding taxes).

For more information, please visit the Buy and Sell Canada website.



И заодно про поиск поставщиков грузовых поставок

NASA Asks American Companies to Deliver Supplies for Artemis Moon Missions
Aug. 19, 2019

In another major step toward landing American astronauts on the lunar surface by 2024, NASA is asking industry to respond to a Request for Proposals to deliver cargo, science experiments and supplies to the Gateway to support Artemis missions to the lunar surface. Commercial supply services will support the agency's Artemis lunar exploration program which includes sending the first woman and the next man to surface of the Moon within five years, and preparing for human exploration of Mars.

The agency is seeking capabilities from American companies to deliver a logistics spacecraft with pressurized and unpressurized cargo to the Gateway for six months of docked operations followed by automatic disposal. The logistics spacecraft must launch on a commercial rocket.
This solicitation is for a multi-award, firm-fixed price, indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity contract for 15 years, with a maximum $7 billion value. The guaranteed minimum value for any award is two missions.

NASA is also asking responders to address logistics spacecraft design, cargo mass capability, pressurized volume, power availability for payloads and, transit time to Gateway.
This solicitation is the latest in a line of work by the agency to accelerate its Moon to Mars exploration plans by working with American aerospace companies. NASA recently awarded a contract to Maxar Technologies to design, develop, launch and demonstrate the power and propulsion element by 2022. Negotiations are ongoing for development of the habitation and logistics outpost (HALO) module. The agency is also working on another draft solicitation for the integrated human landing system. A final solicitation will be released in the future.

Charged with returning to the Moon within five years, NASA's lunar exploration plan encompasses a two-phase approach: speed – landing on the Moon by 2024 – and establishing a sustained multi-national human presence on and around the Moon by 2028. The agency will leverage what it learns on the Moon to prepare for the next giant leap – sending astronauts to Mars.


NASA issues call for proposals for Gateway logistics
by Jeff Foust — August 19, 2019

WASHINGTON — NASA formally issued a call for proposals to provide cargo transportation services for its lunar Gateway Aug. 16, offering up to $7 billion in contracts to support operations of the human-tended facility.

The Gateway Logistics Services request for proposals (RFP) is similar to a draft version of the RFP issued by the agency in June. Proposals are due to NASA Oct. 1, with the agency expected to award one or more contracts before the end of the calendar year.

Under the program, companies would deliver at least 3,400 kilograms of pressurized cargo and 1,000 kilograms of unpressurized cargo to the Gateway on each mission. The vehicle would also be required to dispose of at least as much pressurized and unpressurized cargo as it delivers to the Gateway.

One change in the requirements for such cargo spacecraft from the draft RFP is mission duration. The draft RFP stated that cargo vehicles should be designed to remain attached to the Gateway for three years, and that the capability for even longer missions "should be considered." The final RFP requires vehicles to be designed for only one-year stays at the Gateway, but with the option for potentially longer missions. "The nominal mission docked duration is expected to be six months," the final RFP notes.

The program will use fixed firm price contracts with milestone payment schedules, like that used for cargo transportation services to and from the International Space Station. The payment schedule included in the RFP anticipates providing 75 percent of the payment of each mission prior to launch.

на русском в версии автора статьи https://vk.com/wall-36969581_89105


Так будет все-таки The Gateway!
Если я правильно понял:
До конца 2022 РРЕ должен выйти на орбиту 
До конца 2023 к нему должны пристыковать МНМ и станция сможет принимать людей. 


А насчёт Прогресс-Л, насколько это серьёзно? 

Дмитрий Виницкий

ЦитироватьДимитър написал:
А насчёт Прогресс-Л, насколько это серьёзно?  
Только при наличии батута