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ЦитироватьAstronauts Complete Intricate Tasks During Second Cosmic Repair Spacewalk

Mark Garcia
Posted Nov 22, 2019 at 1:57 pm

Spacewalker Luca Parmitano is guided on the Canadarm2 robotic arm toward the work site on the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, the space station's cosmic particle detector.

Expedition 61 Commander Luca Parmitano of ESA (European Space Agency) and NASA Flight Engineer Andrew Morgan concluded their spacewalk at 1:35 p.m. EST. During the six-hour and 33-minute spacewalk, the two astronauts successfully cut a total of eight stainless steel tubes, including one that vented the remaining carbon dioxide from the old cooling pump. The crew members also prepared a power cable and installed a mechanical attachment device in advance of installing the new cooling system.

Today's work clears the way for Parmitano and Morgan's next spacewalk in the repair series Monday Dec. 2. The plan is to bypass the old thermal control system by attaching a new one off the side of AMS during the third spacewalk, and then conduct leak checks on a fourth spacewalk.

For more on the AMS science and spacewalks, listen to the recent podcasts:
Space station crew members have conducted 223 spacewalks in support of assembly and maintenance of the orbiting laboratory. Spacewalkers have now spent a total of 58 days 9 hours and 41 minutes working outside the station. Parmitano has now conducted three spacewalks in his career and Morgan has now logged four spacewalks since his arrival on the station in July.


Цитировать22 НОЯ, 21:52
Астронавты Морган и Пармитано завершили второй этап работ по ремонту спектрометра на МКС
Работы заняли 6,5 часа

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 22 ноября. /ТАСС/. Американский и итальянский астронавты Эндрю Морган и Лука Пармитано завершили в пятницу второй этап работ по ремонту магнитного альфа-спектрометра, установленного на корпусе Международной космической станции (МКС). Трансляция выхода астронавтов в космос шла на сайте Национального управления по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства (NASA).

Выйдя из шлюза Qwest в 07:03 по времени восточного побережья США (15:03 мск), астронавты за 6,5 часа работы в открытом космосе проложили по поверхности МКС новый кабель питания для спектрометра, сняли часть теплоизоляции и убрали стойку, мешавшую доступу к системе охлаждения прибора. Пармитано с помощью специально сконструированного резака рассек восемь тонких трубок системы охлаждения и установил на них временную изоляцию. В ходе следующего выхода в открытый космос астронавты подключат эти трубки к новой системе циркуляции охладителя - сжиженного углекислого газа. Для ремонта спектрометра может потребоваться еще два выхода в космос, сроки которых будут определены позднее.
Спектрометр массой 7,5 т, на изготовление которого потребовалось 14 лет и $1,5 млрд, был доставлен на МКС на борту шаттла Endeavour в мае 2011 года. В его создании принимали участие 56 институтов из 16 стран, включая Россию. С помощью этого аппарата ученые надеются найти следы антиматерии, изучить состав и энергетический спектр первичных космических лучей, что поможет понять, как образовалась Вселенная.

Предполагалось, что этот научный прибор проработает без серьезных проблем 10-18 лет, однако поломки начались спустя три года после ввода в эксплуатацию. Для ремонта было изготовлено 25 новых инструментов, которые доставили на МКС в ходе трех последних полетов грузовых кораблей. В случае успешного ремонта исследования с помощью спектрометра можно будет продолжать до 2024 года.

Помимо Моргана и Пармитано, на МКС сейчас работают россияне Александр Скворцов и Олег Скрипочка, а также американки Кристина Кук и Джессика Меир.



Трансляция US EVA-60 завершена


А на NSF что-то пишут о консультации с врачом по закрытому каналу связи.
There are four lights


ЦитироватьSpace to Ground: On A Roll: 11/22/2019

 NASA Johnson

22 нояб. 2019 г.
https://www.youtube.com/embed/WAnlxR50Uu4?feature=oembed (2:25)


Запись трансляции

ЦитироватьAlpha Magnetic Spectrometer Repair Spacewalk #2, Nov. 22, 2019


Трансляция началась 13 часов назад
https://www.youtube.com/embed/sIpjW-KUcEA?feature=oembed (8:58:45)


Цитировать Jessica Meir @Astro_Jessica 22 нояб.

Our workspace for the day...flying @csa_asc's #Canadarm2 to support the 2nd spacewalk repairing the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) on @Space_Station. Many camera views required to carefully maneuver @astro_luca around the worksite. Read more about AMS in my Instagram story!


Цитировать Jeremy R. Hansen @Astro_Jeremy 22 нояб.

Taking one last look at the tools we'll use to cut into the cooling system of the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on today's spacewalk. One of the risks is the sharp edges we'll create during the cutting of these cooling tubes. Have to be intentional not to punch a hole in the suit.


ЦитироватьСоставлены правила общения Земли с космонавтами
03:05 24.11.2019

МОСКВА, 24 ноя - РИА Новости. Центр подготовки космонавтов и Ракетно-космическая корпорация "Энергия" (оператор российского сегмента Международной космической станции) составили методические рекомендации по ведению связи между Центром управления полетами и космонавтами, они уже внедрены в работу и дали первые результаты, говорится в совместном докладе двух организаций, имеющемся в распоряжении РИА Новости.
Цитировать"Основными принципами ведения связи с экипажем пилотируемого космического аппарата являются: говорить ясно и отчетливо, скорость речи не должна превышать 100 слов в минуту; сохранять громкость передачи информации на постоянном уровне; переговоры должны быть краткими, технически грамотными, вестись с соблюдением правил произношения отдельных слов, четкой дикцией, исключением "слов-паразитов" и звуков запинания", - говорится в рекомендациях.

"Во время ведения переговоров с экипажем недопустимы любые некорректные и негативные высказывания на любые темы", - отмечают составители.

В то же время в ходе беседы с космонавтами допускается использование слов приветствия и благодарности.

Составленные рекомендации базируются на приказе Минтранса от 2012 года о порядке осуществления радиосвязи в воздушном пространстве России. Они уже внедрены в работу Центра управления полетами. "Опыт их практического использования позволил повысить оперативность и эффективность выполнением экипажем МКС полетных задач, сократить ошибочную деятельность экипажа", - говорится в докладе.

Как отмечают авторы доклада, в рамках общения специалисты Центра управления полетами и члены экипажа МКС стараются поддерживать гармоничные и слаженные отношения и соответствующий уровень взаимного доверия и уважения, а также учитывать международный характер программы МКС и участие в ней представителей различных культур.

В настоящее время общение российского Центра управления полетами с космонавтами на МКС осуществляется напрямую при полете станции над территорией России. Во время полета МКС над другими территориями связь осуществляется через американские каналы - их спутники-ретрансляторы.


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 11/21/2019

AMS-02 (Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer) EVA Preparation:
The crew continued preparation for the AMS repair EVAs completing a multitude of prep tasks including the crewlock prep work, tool configurations, suit review, procedure reviews and a crew conference. The multiple AMS-02 repair EVAs are being performed to recover a series of cooling pumps within the AMS-02 experiment. The first of the series of EVAs occurred last Friday. The second EVA is scheduled to occur this Friday, November 22nd.  AMS-02 is a state-of-the-art particle physics detector that uses the unique environment of space to advance knowledge of the universe and lead to the understanding of the universe's origin by searching for antimatter, dark matter and measuring cosmic rays.
BFF (BioFabrication Facility) test print:
The crew installed cleaning syringes and smart pump tips as needed.  During the ground-commanded cleaning, the BFF team noted one of the four smart pumps (#3) appeared clogged and can't be cleaned. This clogged smart pump will be considered unusable going forward, but we should be good to continue the BFF operations with 3 of the 4 smart pumps functional. The BFF is dedicated to manufacturing human organs and tissues in space, primarily for use by patients on Earth. Besides printing tissue, the BFF also can help maintain the health of deep space exploration crews by producing food and personalized pharmaceuticals on demand.
ISS HAM pass:
The crew participated in an ISS HAM Istituto San Paolo delle Suore Angeliche, Milano, Italy and Istituto Comprensivo Di Merone – Mons. A. Pirovano, Merone, Italy.  Some of the questions included what tools the crew uses most, if there's a different perception of time for astronauts in space, and if the ISS is polluting outter space. ISS Ham Radio provides opportunities to engage and educate students, teachers, parents and other members of the community in science, technology, engineering and math by providing a means to communicate between astronauts and the ground HAM radio units.
JEM Water Recovery System (JWRS):
The crew completed the set-up of the JEM WRS earlier this week. The ground team subsequently performed a successful leak check of the system, including the waste gas line in the JEM system, and on Wednesday, the ground team performed a checkout of the JEM RWS itself. Based on the results of these checkouts, the JAXA team is go to start the first run of the experiment early next week. The JWRS demonstration will generate potable water fr om urine. In the past on manned spacecraft, urine and waste water were collected and stored, or vented overboard. For long-term space missions, however, water supply could become a limiting factor. Demonstrating the function of this water recovery system on orbit contributes to updating the Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) to support astronauts on the space station and future exploration missions.
NutrISS (Nutrition Monitoring for the International Space Station):
Using the EveryWear application, the crew participated in an ESA Nutritional Assessment (ENA). Long-duration spaceflight induces relevant changes in body composition and a loss of body mass. In the NutrISS investigation, a periodic assessment of body composition (body weight, fat mass, and fat-free mass) during spaceflight aboard the ISS is carried out using a dedicated bio-impedance analysis device to allow for the measurement of long-term energy balance modification over time. It is hypothesized that an adjusted diet maintaining a near-neutral energy balance, and/or increasing protein, intake can lim it microgravity-induced bone and muscle loss.
Inventory Management System (IMS) Stowage Conference:
The ISS crew along with the ground stowage specialists completed an IMS Stowage Conference and discussed the current ISS stowage configurations and future plans.


Цитировать Human Spaceflight‏ @esaspaceflight 1 ч. назад

From spacewalking to ground roving – today @astro_luca on the @Space_Station will operate the Interact rover in the Netherlands. It's all part of an experiment called #Analog1 as we look to the Moon and #Beyond. https://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Images/2019/11/Analog-1_infographics#.XduThlavW5p.link ...


Цитировать ESA Technology‏ @ESA_Tech 2 ч. назад

#Analog1 mission accomplished ahead of schedule, @astro_luca working from @Space_Station has performed remote control sampling from all 3 sample sites in the cavernous Dutch hangar. Now the assembled journalists are allowed to use wifi again!

Human Spaceflight‏ @esaspaceflight 2 ч.назад

The #Analog1 science team in Cologne, Germany have all they need from Luca as a successful sampling session draws to a close. Well done @astro_luca and everyone involved


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 11/22/2019

AMS-02 (Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer) EVA#2:
Today, ISS CDR Luca Parmitano (EV-1) and FE-9 Drew Morgan (EV-2) conducted US EVA #60 (AMS EVA #2) to perform the following tasks:
  • Power Cable Preparation
  • Mechanical Attachment Device (MAD) Install
  • Depressurization Cut
  • VSB Tube Rough Cut
  • VSB MLI Closeout
  • Nadir MLI Removal
  • Nadir Tube Rough Cut
The multiple AMS-02 repair EVAs are being performed to recover a series of cooling pumps within the AMS-02 experiment. The first of the series of EVAs occurred last Friday. The second EVA is scheduled to occur this Friday, November 22nd.  AMS-02 is a state-of-the-art particle physics detector that uses the unique environment of space to advance knowledge of the universe and lead to the understanding of the universe's origin by searching for antimatter, dark matter and measuring cosmic rays.
As a continuation of the science campaign, the crew opened the appropriate Argon valves and closed the Helium valves. The EML (Electro-Magnetic Levitator) is a 360 kg multi-user facility designed for containerless materials processing in space. It supports research in the areas of meta-stable states and phases along with the measurement of highly accurate thermophysical properties of liquid metallic alloys at high temperatures. EML can accommodate up to 18 samples, each 5 to 8 mm in size. Heating rates of up to 100 Kelvin per second can be achieved with a maximum temperature of 2,100°C.
ISS Experience:
The crew set up the ISS Experience hardware in the Node 1 area to capture the today's EVA operations.  In this session, the crew described the exercise preparation to get ready for the EVA, the checks that are performed for the EVA hardware, and the entry into the airlock and eventually going outside the ISS on EVA day. The ISS Experience creates a virtual reality film documenting daily life aboard the ISS. The 8 to 10 minute videos created from footage taken during the six-month investigation cover different aspects of crew life, execution of science aboard the station, and the international partnerships involved. The ISS Experience uses a Z-CAM V1 Pro Cinematic Virtual Reality (VR) 360-degree camera with nine 190° fisheye lenses.


ЦитироватьDisease Therapy Research Ahead of Cargo Traffic and Spacewalks

Mark Garcia
Posted Nov 25, 2019 at 12:18 pm

Astronaut Andrew Morgan, whose U.S. spacesuit is outfitted with a variety of tools and cameras, holds on to a handrail during the second spacewalk to repair the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer.

Thanksgiving week starts with the Expedition 61 crew exploring the stresses microgravity imposes on organisms at the cellular level. The International Space Station is also ramping up for cargo traffic and another spacewalk in December.

The astronauts in the U.S. segment of the orbiting lab focused their attention today on identifying the cellular changes caused by weightlessness. Observations may provide doctors with advanced therapeutic insights into diseases afflicting humans on Earth and ailments that affect astronauts in space.

Two more spacewalks are scheduled to service an astrophysics device, the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS), searching for clues to the origin of the universe. Astronauts Andrew Morgan and Luca Parmitano will continue the complex work on Monday, Dec. 2 at 6:50 a.m. EST to replace the AMS thermal control system.

Russia's Progress 73 cargo craft will compete its 121-day mission attached to the Pirs docking compartment this Friday and undock for a fiery disposal above the south Pacific. It will be replaced when the Progress 74 resupply ship launches Dec. 6 and docks to Pirs on Dec. 8.

SpaceX is targeting Dec. 4 for the launch if its 19th commercial cargo mission to the space station. The Dragon space freighter would arrive on Dec. 7 delivering a variety of brand new research gear including Japan's Hyperspectral Imager Suite, or HISUI.


Цитировать Luca Parmitano‏ @astro_luca 11 ч. назад

AMS2: Oleg joined the team on Friday – thank you for your help!
AMS2: Oleg si è unito alla squadra – grazie del supporto!
#SpacewalkForAMS #MissionBeyond