Cygnus NG-12 (CRS-12), ELaNa 25A, +... – Antares-230+ – MARS LP-0A – 02.11.2019, 13:59:47 UTC

Автор tnt22, 11.09.2019 14:35:27

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Есть подтверждение завершения 2-й фазы швартовки - Лебедь пристыкован к МКС


Время завершения установки Лебедя - 11:21 UTC

ЦитироватьCygnus Resupply Ship Attached to Unity for Cargo Operations

Mark Garcia
Posted Nov 4, 2019 at 6:31 am

Nov. 4, 2019: International Space Station Configuration. Four spaceships are attached to the space station including the Northrop Grumman Cygnus resupply ship and Russia's Progress 73 resupply ship and Soyuz MS-13 and MS-15 crew ships.

After its capture this morning at 4:10 a.m. EST, the Northrop Grumman Cygnus spacecraft was bolted into place on the International Space Station's Earth-facing port of the Unity module at 6:21 a.m. At the time of installation, Cygnus was flying over the south Pacific.

This mission, designated NG CRS-12, will be in orbit at the same time as its predecessor, the NG CRS-11 Cygnus spacecraft, which launched in April on an extended duration flight. The NG CRS-12 Cygnus spacecraft will remain at the space station until January before it disposes of several thousand pounds of trash through its fiery reentry into Earth's atmosphere. The ability to fly two vehicles at once further demonstrates the robustness of Cygnus to support the goals of NASA's ambitious missions.

The spacecraft's arrival brings close to 8,200 pounds of research and supplies to space station. Here are some of the scientific investigations:

More Probing of Mysteries of the Universe

This mission carries components needed to prolong the operational life of Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer-02 (AMS-02). In a series of spacewalks planned in the coming weeks, astronauts will cut and reconnect fluid lines on the instrument, a feat not done before in space, which could prove valuable for future missions at NASA's upcoming lunar Gateway for the Artemis program or missions to Mars.

Testing Personal Protective Equipment for Astronauts

The AstroRad Vest tests a special garment designed to protect astronauts from radiation caused by unpredictable solar particle events. Astronauts will provide input on the garment as they wear it while performing daily tasks. Use of the vest could protect crew members on missions to the Moon and Mars.

Food Fresh from the Oven

The Zero-G Oven examines heat transfer properties and the process of baking food in microgravity. It uses an oven designed specifically for use aboard the space station, and may have application on future long-duration missions by offering a way to increase variety in flavor and nutrition of food for crew members.

3D Printing with Recycled Materials

The Made in Space Recycler will test systems needed to reprocess plastic into 3D printing filament that can then be transferred for use to the Made in Space Manufacturing Device, a 3D printer that has operated on the orbiting laboratory since 2016. This has implications for space conservation and deep space missions.



Цитировать Northrop Grumman‏ @northropgrumman 2 мин. назад

Our S.S. Alan Bean #Cygnus has successfully completed its journey to the @Space_Station! After its Nov 2 launch aboard #Antares from @NASA_Wallops, Cygnus was installed to the station ahead of schedule at 6:21 ET this morning.


Запись трансляции захвата Лебедя-12 (НАСА)
ЦитироватьCygnus NG 12 Capture - November 4, 2019

NASA Video

4 нояб. 2019 г. (1:37:13)

ЦитироватьСтыковка американского "грузовика" с МКС успешно завершена - NASA
       Вашингтон. 4 ноября. ИНТЕРФАКС - Выведенный на орбиту Земли американский грузовой космический корабль Cygnus в понедельник успешно состыковался с Международной космической станцией (МКС), сообщило Национальное управление США по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства (NASA).
       Операция по присоединению "грузовика" к американскому сегменту станции - модулю Unity была завершена в 14:21 мск, отметили в Центре управления полетами NASA в Хьюстоне.
       Ранее сблизившийся с МКС корабль в 12:10 мск был захвачен с помощью 17-метровой руки-манипулятора Canadarm-2, которой управляли американские астронавты Кристина Кук и Джессика Меир. Последующая подводка корабля Cygnus дистанционной рукой-манипулятором к МКС и сам процесс пристыковки осуществлялся по командам с Центра управления полетами NASA в Хьюстоне.
       Запуск "грузовика" Cygnus к МКС с помощью ракеты-носителя Antares был осуществлен 2 ноября с космодрома NASA Уоллопс, который размещается на одноименном острове у атлантического побережья американского штата Вирджиния.
       Миссия проводится в рамках коммерческого контракта NASA с корпорацией Northrop Grumman, которой принадлежит ракета-носитель и автоматический грузовой космический корабль.
       Cygnus доставил на МКС около 3,7 тонн груза, в том числе продовольствие, а также оборудование и материалы для проведения десятков научных исследований.
       В частности, он привез на станцию экспериментальную духовку Zero-G Oven, с помощью которой экипаж сможет готовить пищу, в том числе даже печенье. На станцию доставлен антирадиационный жилет AstroRad Vest - новейшая разработка по защите от космической радиации для предстоящих дальних полетов в космос. Cygnus привез специальное оборудование для переработки произведенных на станции 3D-принтером материалов в сырье для повторной печати.
       Кроме того, американский "грузовик" доставил оборудование для ремонта установленного на поверхности МКС альфа-магнитного спектрометра, который будет проведен в ходе предстоящих выходов астронавтов в открытый космос.
       Корабль пробудет в составе МКС более двух месяцев - до января следующего года, после чего он отстыкуется от станции, будет сведен с орбиты и сгорит в плотных слоях атмосферы.
       Это уже 12-й полет космического "грузовика" корпорации Northrop Grumman к МКС. Был также еще один неудачный запуск в 2014 году, когда корабль не долетел до станции вследствие аварии ракеты-носителя Antares. Первый успешный запуск Cygnus состоялся 18 сентября 2013 года.
       В настоящее время в составе МКС продолжает находиться аналогичный американский "грузовик", состыковавшийся с нею в апреле текущего года. 11 декабря он должен будет покинуть станцию.


Запись трансляции пристыковки Лебедя-12 к МКС
ЦитироватьCygnus NG 12 Berthing - November 4, 2019

 NASA Video

4 нояб. 2019 г. (27:08)

Цитировать4 НОЯ, 18:04
Корабль Cygnus доставил на МКС средства радиационной защиты для астронавтов и новую печь
Также астронавтам доставили инструменты для ремонта альфа-магнитного спектрометра

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 4 ноября. /ТАСС/. Грузовой корабль Cygnus, состыковавшийся в понедельник утром с Международной космической станцией (МКС), доставил на нее средства индивидуальной радиационной защиты, новую электропечь и компоненты для ремонта альфа-магнитного спектрометра. Об этом сообщило в понедельник на своем сайте Национальное управление по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства (NASA).

Среди 3720 кг грузов на борту Cygnus - экспериментальные защитные куртки AstroRad Vest, предназначенные для защиты астронавтов от потока солнечной радиации. Астронавты будут носить их при выполнении повседневных задач на борту. Они предназначены и для защиты членов экипажей будущих экспедиций на Луну и Марс.

Кроме того, на борт доставлена новая электропечь Zero G Oven, на которой будут проведены эксперименты по выпечке изделий в условиях невесомости. Температура в электропечи компании-разработчика Nanorack может быть доведена до 177 градусов Цельсия, что в два раза больше, чем у тех средств разогрева пищи, которые сейчас имеются на МКС. Как отметила пресс-служба NASA, такая печь может быть использована во время долговременных полетов к Луне и Марсу.

Астронавтам доставлены также оборудование и инструменты для ремонта установленного на поверхности станции альфа-магнитного спектрометра. Как отмечал ранее на брифинге в Центре космических полетов имени Джонсона руководитель программы полета МКС Кирк Ширман, это станет уникальной операцией, поскольку изначально не предполагалось, что этот прибор потребует ремонта. Однако за годы эксплуатации насосы системы охлаждения спектрометра начали выходить из строя. Для установки новых насосов и замены охладителя - сжиженного углекислого газа - потребовалось, по его словам, разработать совершенно новые процедуры и инструменты, и на выполнение всех необходимых работ потребуется пять выходов астронавтов в открытый космос.

Оборудование, доставленное грузовым кораблем, также позволит астронавтам провести эксперимент Made In Space Recycler по переработке пластиковых отходов с помощью 3D-принтера.

Первый по новому контракту

Нынешний полет корабля Cygnus (с лат. "лебедь"; назван в честь одноименного созвездия) - первый в рамках нового контракта NASA с корпорацией Northrop Grumman, в рамках которого в период до 2024 года будет осуществлено минимум шесть запусков грузовых кораблей. В рамках предыдущего контракта было осуществлено 11 запусков к МКС, один запуск был неудачным.
На МКС работают россияне Александр Скворцов и Олег Скрипочка, американцы Эндрю Морган, Кристина Кук и Джессика Меир, а также представитель Европейского космического агентства итальянец Лука Пармитано.


Люди подскажите Антарес-230+ какое имеет отличие от Антарес-230 (просто). Грузоподъемность увеличилась - это видно из массы Лебедя. 


Видать, стыковка-от помогла, who's who понять  ;) 

Наконец определились с объектами запуска


ЦитироватьК.А. написал:
Люди подскажите Антарес-230+ какое имеет отличие от Антарес-230 (просто). Грузоподъемность увеличилась - это видно из массы Лебедя.  
См #156
ЦитироватьThis launch marked the debut of the Antares 230+, a version of the Antares with changes such as increased structural strength of the first stage. That eliminates what Kurt Eberly, Antares vice president at Northrop Grumman, called the "throttle notch" where the rocket's RD-181 first stage engines throttled down during maximum dynamic pressure. Instead, the engines remain at 100% thrust throughout their nearly 200-second burn. That change, along with others to reduce the mass of the vehicle and to deploy the Cygnus in a slightly lower orbit, increase the vehicle's payload capacity by about 800 kilograms.

ЦитироватьSpace station receives spacewalking gear, new baking oven
November 4, 2019 | Stephen Clark

Northrop Grumman's Cygnus supply ship was captured by the space station's robotic arm at 4:10 a.m. EST (0910 GMT) Monday. Credit: NASA TV/Spaceflight Now

NASA astronaut Jessica Meir took control of the International Space Station's Canadian-built robot arm Monday to capture a Northrop Grumman Cygnus supply ship carrying crew provisions, spacewalking gear to repair an aging particle physics experiment, tech demo satellites for the U.S. military, and an oven to bake the first cookies in space.

The automated cargo freighter arrived at the space station Monday, using GPS and laser-guided navigation to fine-tune its rendezvous along an approach corridor below the research complex. The Cygnus spacecraft held its position less than 40 feet, or about 12 meters, below the station for Meir to command the robotic arm to capture the supply ship at 4:10 a.m. EST (0910 GMT) Monday.

Engineers in mission control were expected to take over commanding of the robot arm to berth the Cygnus spacecraft to the station's Unity module a few hours later, setting the stage for astronauts to open hatches leading to the pressurized cargo carrier to begin unpacking the supplies inside.

The Cygnus spacecraft launched Saturday atop an Antares rocket from Wallops Island, Virginia, with approximately 8,168 pounds (3,705 kilograms) of food, experiments, hardware, and small satellites set for deployment in orbit in the coming months.

Here's a breakdown of the cargo manifest provided by NASA:
  • 4,372 pounds (1,983 kilograms) of science investigations
  • 1,667 pounds (756 kilograms) of vehicle hardware
  • 1,499 pounds (680 kilograms) of crew supplies
  • 262 pounds (119 kilograms) of unpressurized cargo (NanoRacks CubeSat deployer)
  • 229 pounds (104 kilograms) of spacewalk equipment
  • 77 pounds (35 kilograms) of Northrop Grumman hardware
  • 37 pounds (17 kilograms) of computer resources
  • 24 pounds (11 kilograms) of Russian hardware
The equipment inside the Cygnus cargo freighter's Italian-made pressurized compartment include tools and replacement hardware for an upcoming repair of the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer.

European Space Agency astronaut Luca Parmitano and NASA flight engineer Andrew Morgan will perform the spacewalks to repair the AMS instrument, which was not designed to be serviced in space. The complicated repairs are expected to require four or five spacewalks to complete, beginning in mid-November.

Mounted on the space station's truss on the final mission of the space shuttle Endeavour in 2011, the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer is effectively a powerful magnet that attracts cosmic rays, subatomic particles traveling through space at nearly the speed of light.

Three of the four coolant pumps on AMS's silicon tracker, which measures the trajectory and energy of the cosmic rays captured by the instrument, have failed, prompting NASA engineers to develop a plan to repair the coolant system. The work required the development of special tools to cut into the AMS instrument, install new hardware, and re-seal tiny coolant lines.

The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer was never designed to be serviced in space. Read our earlier story for details on the repairs.

The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer instrument has been collecting data on the International Space Station since 2011. Credit: NASA

There were 15 small satellites riding aboard the Cygnus spacecraft for Saturday's launch.

The biggest of the group is a U.S. Air Force satellite named STPSat 4, which weighs roughly 220 pounds (100 kilograms) and will be transferred into the space station's Kibo module by astronauts the Cygnus hatch is opened. Sponsored by the military's Space Test Program, STPSat 4 will be one of the largest satellites ever deployed from the space station.

STPSat 4 carries five experiments from the Air Force Research Laboratory, the U.S. Air Force Academy, and the U.S. Navy. The experiments will test radio frequency module tiles, help develop new solar array technology, collect data with a miniaturized space weather instrument, demonstrate the performance of an advanced U.S.-built star tracker, and assist in nanosatellite tracking.

Craig Technologies, based on Florida's Space Coast, is providing integration services for the STPSat 4 spacecraft, which will be released from the Space Station Integrated Kinetic Launcher for Orbital Payload Systems, or SSIKLOPS, deployer. The mechanism, which was first used in 2014, is designed to release small satellites with masses between 100 and 200 pounds.

The other CubeSats on-board the NG-12 mission are sponsored by NASA, the Air Force, and the National Reconnaissance Office. NanoRacks, a Houston-based space services company, arranged the launch of most of the CubeSats.

Some will be ejected from the space station after the Cygnus spacecraft's arrival, and others will be released from the Cygnus itself after the cargo vehicle departs the station in January.

Other payloads aboard the Cygnus supply ship include a rodent research experiment. Scientists loaded mice into the spacecraft to investigate how the animals respond to changes in their "circatidal" clock in microgravity.

The 12-hour circatidal clock, in which animals experience equal amounts of light and dark phases each day, is associated with maintaining stress responsive pathways. Scientists want to know if exposure to microgravity changes the animals' circadian rhythm.

Recent research shows that genes associated with the 12-hour clock are linked with the most common form of human liver disease. The rodent research experiment on the space station could reveal new insights into liver disease, and give scientists ideas for new pharmaceutical treatments, according to NASA.

The Cygnus also carries an experimental garment that astronauts could use to protect themselves from harmful radiation on future deep space missions to the moon and Mars, outside the natural shielding of Earth's magnetic field.

The Cygnus also delivered an oven to the space station designed to bake cookies in microgravity, demonstrating technology that will help future crews cook their own food on lengthy expeditions to the moon or Mars.

But an oven in microgravity doesn't work the same as one on Earth. The heating elements on the Zero-G Oven, developed by Zero G Kitchen and Nanoracks, are arranged around the oven to focus heat in the center, similar to the way a toaster oven works.

"Currently, on the International Space Station, there is rally a limited ability to prepare foods in ways that we're used to," said Ian Fichtenbaum, founder and co-chef of Zero G Kitchen.

Astronauts will load cookies into the oven on a special tray designed to keep the food from floating away in microgravity. Temperatures inside the oven will reach up to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (177 degrees Celsius) during baking, according to NASA.

"Baking in space is different because there's no gravity," Fichtenbaum said. "On earth, that air is churning around in the oven, and that's convection. In space, that is not happening. Instead, we have to use conduction through the oven, conduction through the air, to warm it up."

The first cookie to be baked in space comes from DoubleTree by Hilton, which provided chocolate chip cookie dough for the baking experiment.

"Science is awesome, food is awesome, and this is just going to be an amazing journey to see what comes out of this," said Jordana Fichtenbaum, founder and co-chef of Zero G Kitchen.

The Zero-G Oven will bake Doubletree cookies on the International Space Station. Credit: Hilton

The Cygnus spacecraft also delivered mice to the space station to investigate how the animals respond to changes in their "circatidal" clock in microgravity.

The 12-hour circatidal clock, in which animals experience equal amounts of light and dark phases each day, is associated with maintaining stress responsive pathways. Scientists want to know if exposure to microgravity changes the animals' circadian rhythm.

Recent research shows that genes associated with the 12-hour clock are linked with the most common form of human liver disease. The rodent research experiment on the space station could reveal new insights into liver disease, and give scientists ideas for new pharmaceutical treatments, according to NASA.

The Cygnus also carries an experimental garment that astronauts could use to protect themselves from harmful radiation on future deep space missions to the moon and Mars, outside the natural shielding of Earth's magnetic field.

The AstroRad Vest could shield astronauts from radiation from unpredictable solar storms, which can deliver enough radiation in a few hours to cause serious health problems for space fliers, officials said.

"Our innovation was selective shielding, so we're selectively shielding those organs that are most prone to either acute radiation syndrome or a cancer down the road," said Oren Milstein, co-founder and chief scientific officer for StemRad, an Israeli company that originally developed the vest garment to protect first responders from radiation during a nuclear accident.

StemRad is partnering with Lockheed Martin, the prime contractor for NASA's Orion crew capsule, to transfer the vest technology to space.

Astronauts on the International Space Station will wear the vest to check its comfort and function, according to Kathleen Coderre, the AstroRad Vest's principal investigator from Lockheed Martin.

The vest weighs nearly 50 pounds (about 22 kilograms). Milstein said the garment is made of dense polyethylene embedded in a highly flexible textile mesh.

"It is an ergonomic experiment, so the vest needs to protect the crew from the deep space radiation environment, but it also needs to be comfortable to wear, flexible enough for them to do their daily duties," Coderre said.

A similar vest will fly on the Orion crew module on the Artemis 1 mission, an unpiloted test flight into orbit around the moon that will verify the spacecraft's readiness to carry astronaut. That experiment will test the vest's protective capability in the deep space radiation environment, which is more harsh than the radiation present at the International Space Station in low Earth orbit.


Цитировать Jessica Meir‏ @Astro_Jessica 49 мин. назад

Welcome to @Space_Station  #Cygnus – hope you enjoyed your ride on the @csa_asc  #Canadarm2 and your first sunrise with us.  Congratulations to the @northropgrumman  @NASA @csa_asc  teams on another successful resupply mission.  #Earth


Цитировать Andrew Morgan @AstroDrewMorgan 2 ч. назад

Today we welcomed Cygnus NG-12 to the @space_station (@iss), named in memory of Alan Bean: test pilot, astronaut, artist . . . and one of my childhood heroes.


Цитировать Christina H Koch‏ @Astro_Christina 28 мин. назад

Ever wondered how cargo vessels get to @Space_Station? It's a little bit of them parking close by and a little bit of us driving the #Canadarm2 to catch them!  Then the ground teams drive the arm to attach them to a docking port.  Welcome, science cargo of #Cygnus!
#NASA #Space


Цитироватьtnt22 написал:
The first cookie to be baked in space comes from DoubleTree by Hilton, which provided chocolate chip cookie dough for the baking experiment.
Ну вот, теперь у астронавтов есть печеньки  ;) 
И мы пошли за так, на четвертак, за ради бога
В обход и напролом и просто пылью по лучу...


ЦитироватьHigh speed footage of the Antares NG12 rocket launch
Доступ по ссылке

Cosmic Perspective

2 нояб. 2019 г. (0:59)


Цитироватьtnt22 написал:
ЦитироватьК.А. написал:
Люди подскажите Антарес-230+ какое имеет отличие от Антарес-230 (просто). Грузоподъемность увеличилась - это видно из массы Лебедя.  
См  #156  
ЦитироватьThis launch marked the debut of the Antares 230+, a version of the Antares with changes such as   increased structural strength of the first stage  . That eliminates what Kurt Eberly, Antares vice president at Northrop Grumman, called the "throttle notch" where the rocket's RD-181 first stage engines throttled down during maximum dynamic pressure. Instead,   the engines remain at 100% thrust throughout their nearly 200-second burn  . That change, along with others to reduce the mass of the vehicle and to deploy the Cygnus in a slightly lower orbit, increase the vehicle's payload capacity by about   800 kilograms  .
Большое спасибо.

Александр Репной

Мужики, а когда планируется отстыковка и затопление Лебедя?
ЛА с 2003 года.
"Я рос с мыслью о том, что круче работы астронавта ничего не бывает..."© Дэйв Браун, астронавт NASA, миссия STS-107.