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ЦитироватьESA‏Подлинная учетная запись @esa 20 сент.

ESA astronaut @Astro_Alex's two spacewalks will be rescheduled after the delayed launch of Japan's HTV-7 resupply vehicle. HTV-7 brings new lithium ion batteries to @Space_Station, which Alexander will install with a NASA crew mate. #Horizons Details: http://blogs.esa.int/alexander-gerst/2018/09/20/spacewalk-update/ ...


ЦитироватьЗабор проб с панелей МКС

Oleg Artemyev

Опубликовано: 21 сент. 2018 г.

Забор проб с поверхности панелей МКС перед посадкой. Учёные уже на Земле изучат эти пробы и узнают, кто живет на станции помимо нас.


I took samples from the surface of the ISS's panels before landing to bring them to Earth for research.


ЦитироватьBigelow Aerospace‏Подлинная учетная запись @BigelowSpace 14 мин. назад

Today marks the 888th day that #BEAM has been in orbit on the @space_station. BEAM has gone around the World over 14,000 times! Now in its extended mission phase, BEAM will continue its service on ISS and continue to promote a #commercialspacefuture.
#space #mannedspaceflight




ЦитироватьJapanese Rocket Blasts Off to Resupply Station

Mark Garcia
Posted Sep 22, 2018 at 2:08 pm

Japan's H-IIB rocket with the HTV-7 resupply ship on top blasts off at 1:52 p.m. EDT on Friday, Sept. 22 (2:52 a.m. Sept. 23 Japan standard time) fr om the Tanegashima Space Center.

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)'s H-IIB rocket launched at 1:52 p.m. EDT on Friday, Sept. 22 (2:52 a.m. Sept. 23 Japan standard time) from the Tanegashima Space Center in southern Japan. At the time of launch, the space station was 254 miles over the southwest Pacific, west of Chile.

A little more than 15 minutes after launch, the unpiloted H-II Transfer Vehicle-7 (HTV-7) cargo spacecraft successfully separated from the rocket and began its four-and-a-half rendezvous with the International Space Station.

On Thursday, Sept. 27, the HTV-7 will approach the station from below and slowly inch its way toward the orbiting laboratory. Expedition 56 Commander Drew Feustel and Flight Engineer Serena Auñón-Chancellor of NASA will operate the station's Canadarm2 robotic arm to capture the spacecraft as it approaches. Flight Engineer Alexander Gerst of ESA (European Space Agency) will monitor HTV-7 systems during its approach. Robotic ground controllers will then install it on the Earth-facing side of the Harmony module, wh ere it will remain for several weeks.

NASA TV coverage of the Sept. 27 rendezvous and grapple will begin at 6:30 a.m. ET. Capture is scheduled for approximately 8:00 a.m. After a break, NASA TV coverage will resume at 10:30 a.m. for spacecraft installation to the space station's Harmony module.

In addition to new hardware to upgrade the station's electrical power system, the HTV-7 is carrying a new sample holder for the Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (JAXA-ELF), a protein crystal growth experiment at low temperatures (JAXA LT PCG), an investigation that looks at the effect of microgravity on bone marrow (MARROW), a Life Sciences Glovebox, and additional EXPRESS Racks.



ЦитироватьNew Glovebox Facility Heads to Space for Biological Research

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency H-IIB rocket is zooming toward the International Space Station carrying NASA's Life Sciences Glovebox, a state-of-the-art microgravity research facility.

JAXA's HTV3, taken during Expedition 32 

NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, and their partners around the world are excited to initiate new, high-value biological research in low-Earth orbit.
The Japanese rocket, hauling the research facility and other cargo via the HTV-7 transfer vehicle, successfully lifted off at 1:52 p.m. EDT fr om Tanegashima Space Center off the coast of Japan. 

Its launch marks a first for hauling bulky equipment to space. Roughly the size of a large fish tank, the Life Sciences Glovebox comes in at 26 inches high, 35 inches wide and 24 inches deep, with 15 cubic feet of available workspace.
"The Life Sciences Glovebox is on its way to the space station to enable a host of biological and physiological studies, including new research into microgravity's long-term impact on the human body," said Yancy Young, project manager at Marshall. "This versatile facility not only will help us better protect human explorers on long voyages into deep space, but it could aid medical and scientific advances benefiting the whole world."

Boeing engineers at Marshall modified a refrigerator-freezer rack to house the core facility, using state-of-the-art, 3D-printing technology to custom design key pieces of the rack to secure the unit in its protective foam clamshell.

NASA is now determining the roster of science investigations lined up to make use of the facility, beginning as early as late 2018. "We've already got more than a dozen glovebox experiments scheduled in 2019, with many more to follow," said Chris Butler, payload integration manager for the glovebox at Marshall.

The Life Sciences Glovebox will be transferred to a zero-gravity stowage rack in the station's Kibo module, wh ere up to two crew members can conduct experiments simultaneously, overseen in real-time by project researchers on Earth.

Check out more pictures of the Glovebox HERE!

Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space: http://nasa.tumblr.com.
Sep 22nd, 2018


ЦитироватьЯпонский ученый рассказал о первом шаге к созданию космического лифта
13:33 23.09.2018 (обновлено: 15:56 23.09.2018)

ТОКИО, 23 сен — РИА Новости. Япония стоит на пороге первого шага к осуществлению проекта космического лифта, рассказал РИА Новости профессор Университета Сидзуоки Масахиро Номи, отвечающий за уникальный эксперимент.

Япония запустила ракету H2B с космическим грузовиком "Конотори-7", на борту которого находится комплект из двух малых спутников STARS-Me.

"До сих пор идея космического лифта существовала лишь как идея. Никто никогда не проверял, как это работает и может ли действительно это работать в условиях космоса. Комплект для эксперимента представляет собой два спутника, между которыми протянут шнур. По натянутому между спутниками шнуру должна двигаться машинка — прототип подъемника, который будет работать на космическом лифте. Задача эксперимента — посмотреть, что будет происходить в условиях космоса, если между двумя спутниками натянуть шнур и пустить по нему аппарат. Это первый шаг к созданию космического лифта. До сих пор никто никогда этого не делал. Это впервые в мире", — сказал ученый.
За разработку проекта по созданию лифта взялась японская компания Obayashi Corporation, Как рассказали РИА Новости ранее в компании, проект космического лифта представляет собой план по строительству к 2050 году структуры, которая не только сможет доставлять в космос грузы, но и "нанижет" на себя космические станции и блоки для дальней отправки на Марс и Луну. На первом этапе строительства на низкую орбиту около 300 километров будет запущен спутник, на основе которого начнется конструирование космического корабля.

После того как корабль будет готов, он поднимется на геостационарную орбиту и будет вращаться с той же скоростью, что и Земля, находясь постоянно над одной и той же точкой. На высоте 36 тысяч километров он начнет выпускать кабель из углеродных нанотрубок, а сам продолжит подниматься выше. Через восемь месяцев после запуска ракеты он достигнет высоты 96 тысяч километров, а кабель — поверхности Земли.

С этого момента начнется работа по укреплению кабеля. По уже существующему кабелю на корабль, который со временем превратится в станцию-противовес, 500 раз будут челноком доставляться материалы. После того как кабель достигнет прочности, позволяющей ему выдержать тяжесть стотонного подъемника, начнется строительство станции на геостационарной орбите, а затем и других станций на разной высоте.

© Фото : Nohmi Lab. / DinoSato
Эскиз комплекта из двух малых спутников STARS-Me

Космический лифт в миниатюре

Цель предстоящего эксперимента заключается в том, чтобы убедиться в жизнеспособности самой идеи при помощи модели из двух спутников.

"Но если длина провода-троса в космическом лифте составляет 100 тысяч километров, то в нашем эксперименте длина шнура всего десять метров, то есть масштаб его — одна десятимиллионная. Протянуть шнур между двумя спутниками и по этому шнуру запустить подъемник. Мы говорим — шнур, но на самом деле это такая металлическая лента. По ней с помощью колесика и моторчика должен быть запущен и начать движение подъемник", — пояснил профессор Номи.

Этот эксперимент должен выявить возможности осуществления в условиях космоса того, что является принципом идеи космического лифта, — натяжение троса между двумя спутниками или космическими станциями и перемещение грузов по этому тросу.

"Пока в космосе этого никто не делал, и мы не представляем, как это будет происходить, — признается ученый. — До сих пор были только эксперименты с воздушными шарами, которые поднимались на веревках и по ним пускался подъемник. Но в условиях космоса ничего подобного пока не проводилось. Мы впервые попробуем это сделать. Мы проверяем только, может ли двигаться подъемник по шнуру".

Но именно это и есть самое главное в идее космического моста: когда будет построен настоящий космический лифт, когда от Земли в космос будет протянут провод-трос, подъемник сможет перевозить людей, грузы, а также искусственные спутники и запускать их непосредственно прямо в космос. Космический лифт призван заменить собой ракеты.
Технически эксперимент со спутниками STARS-Me будет выглядеть так.
Цитировать"Два спутника в космическом грузовике "Конотори" будут доставлены на Международную космическую станцию. А затем с японского модуля "Кибо" они будут выведены в космос роботом-манипулятором. Два спутника в "слепленном" вместе виде будут функционировать как искусственный спутник. Затем они сами разъединятся и протянут между собой шнур. Мы проведем эту операцию при помощи управляющего устройства с Земли. После того как шнур будет протянут, мы дадим команду подъемнику, и он начнет движение", — сказал профессор Номи.
После ... выхода в космос спутники должны будут месяц проходить проверку функционирования всех систем. Затем около месяца уйдет на то, чтобы они прекратили вращение, так как это сделает проведение эксперимента невозможным, и еще около недели — на натяжение шнура между ними. Сам эксперимент продлится не больше нескольких минут. Все операции по разъединению спутников, натяжению каната и запуску подъемника будут проводиться с управляющего устройства с Земли.


Предлагаю запустить на орбиту карманный фонарик и сказать что это первый шаг к фотонному звездолёту.
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер


Вроде завтра - 24.09.2018  10:50:43 UTC МКС сблизится с объектом № 43025 ( ступень Чанчжэн-6, запустившего 3 Цзилиня в прошлом году ).
Пролетят в 2.5 км, во тьме ночной , южнее Аляски.


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 9/21/2018

H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV)-7 Launch:
HTV-7 Launch is currently scheduled on Saturday, 22 September at 12:52 CT. If HTV-7 launches on Saturday, a 5-day rendezvous profile will result in capture and berthing on the morning of 27 September. The current weather forecast looks promising for tomorrow's launch.
Plant Habitat:
Today the crew took photos of the plants in science carrier #2. Plant Habitat is a fully automated facility that will be used to conduct plant bioscience research on the ISS. The space environment is stressful for all living organisms. Understanding how plants respond will help crews on future missions successfully grow plants for food and oxygen generation. The Plant Habitat-1 investigation compares differences in genetics, metabolism, photosynthesis, and gravity sensing between plants grown in space and on Earth. This investigation is expected to provide key insights on major changes occurring in plants exposed to microgravity.
Human Research (Cell-Free Epigenome (CFE) and Medical Proteomics):
The crew collected blood samples for JAXA's CFE and Medical Proteomics investigations on Flight Day 120.
  • For the CFE study, blood samples are collected from astronauts and cellular genes are analyzed. The results provide insight into how human bodies function during space flight.
  • Marrow looks at the effect of microgravity on bone marrow. It is believed that microgravity, like long-duration bed rest on Earth, has a negative effect on the bone marrow and the blood cells that are produced in the bone marrow.
  • The Medical Proteomics investigation evaluates changes of proteins in blood serum, bone and skeletal muscles after space flight, and also supports identification of osteopenia-related proteins. By combining research results for space mice, astronauts and ground patients, proteins related to osteopenia can be identified using the latest proteome analysis technique. It is anticipated that the use of the marker proteins related to osteopenia will be of benefit in the future for assessing the health of astronauts as well as osteoporosis patients on ground.
Human Research Program (Biochemical Profile and Repository):
A crewmember collected Flight Day R-14 blood and urine samples for the Biochemical Profile and Repository investigations today.
  • The Biochemical Profile investigation tests blood and urine samples obtained from astronauts before, during, and after spaceflight. Specific proteins and chemicals in the samples are used as biomarkers, or indicators of health. Post-flight analysis yields a database of samples and test results; which scientists can use to study the effects of spaceflight on the body.
  • Repository is a storage bank used to maintain biological specimens over extended periods of time and under well-controlled conditions. The repository supports scientific discovery that contributes to our fundamental knowledge in the area of human physiological changes and adaptation to a microgravity environment and provides unique opportunities to study longitudinal changes in human physiology spanning many missions.
SpaceTex-2 and Metabolic Space:
A crewmember donned Thermolab equipment, a heart rate monitor, and a SpaceTex shirt for ESA's SpaceTex-2 investigation. He will also don Metabolic Space equipment and complete an exercise session using the Cycle Ergometer with Vibration Isolation and Stabilization (CEVIS). SpaceTex fabrics provide a higher rate of sweat evaporation and a corresponding higher evaporative heat loss compared to conventional cotton fabrics used by astronauts on the ISS. Metabolic Space provides a technology demonstration for a measurement system worn by astronauts that supports cardio-pulmonary diagnosis during physical activities of astronauts living onboard the ISS, while maintaining unrestricted mobility.
LAB 16-Port Ethernet Switch Deploy:
The crew installed a new 16-Port Ethernet Switch at the LAB1SD4 location today to allow more Joint Station LAN (JSL) connections in the LAB. Since all available ports on the old JSL LAB Router were in use, this upgraded router was required to support all of the upcoming users who need access to the JSL.
Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) Operations:
The European Space Agency (ESA) has requested an optical impact survey of the outer surface of the Columbus module with emphasis on the forward-and zenith-facing areas. Later today ground robotic specialist will perform the second, and final, part of the survey. This status check will verify the status of the Columbus meteoroid and debris protection system (MDPS) and obtain information on the space debris and meteoroid environment of the ISS.


ЦитироватьJapan Delivery Due Thursday as Trio Preps Russian Spacecraft for Return

Mark Garcia
Posted Sep 24, 2018 at 1:36 pm

Two docked Russian spacecraft are seen as the International Space Station orbited nearly 262 miles above New Zealand.

A Japanese cargo craft is orbiting Earth today and on its way to resupply the International Space Station. Meanwhile, the six Expedition 56 crew members are researching a variety of space phenomena as a trio prepares to return to Earth.
JAXA's (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) resupply ship launched Saturday from Japan loaded with over five tons of new science and supplies destined for the crew. The H-II Transfer Vehicle-7 (HTV-7) is scheduled to arrive at the space station on Thursday. Flight Engineer Serena Auñón-Chancellor will be in the cupola backing up Commander Drew Feustel when he captures the HTV-7 with the Canadarm2 around 8 a.m. on Thursday.

Included among the critical payloads packed inside the HTV-7 is the Life Sciences Glovebox. The new facility will enable research to advance human health on Earth and in space. HTV-7 is also delivering new lithium-ion batteries to upgrade power systems on the station's truss structure. NASA TV begins its live coverage of the HTV-7 arrival and capture Thursday at 6:30 a.m.

Today's science work aboard the orbital lab included looking at DNA and fluid physics. Auñón-Chancellor sequenced DNA extracted from microbial samples collected inside the station. Feustel activated gear for an experiment researching the atomization of liquids that could improve fuel efficiency on Earth and in space.

Feustel later joined his Soyuz crewmates Oleg Artemyev of Roscosmos and Ricky Arnold of NASA and began preparations for their return to Earth Oct. 4. Artemyev will command the ride back to Earth inside the Soyuz MS-08 spacecraft flanked by the two astronauts. He and Feustel practiced on a computer their Soyuz descent back into Earth's atmosphere. Arnold packed up crew provisions and other items inside the Russian spacecraft.


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 9/24/2018

Biomolecule Extraction and Sequencing Technology (BEST):
The crew swabbed the designated surfaces in the JEM to collect samples. This BEST experiment uses the miniPCR hardware to extract deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from the samples. The BEST investigation studies the use of sequencing for identification of unknown microbial organisms living on the ISS, and how humans, plants and microbes adapt to living on the ISS.
Sally Ride Earth Knowledge Acquired by Middle Schools (EarthKAM):
Today the crew set up the EarthKAM experiment in Node 1 and initiate the imaging session. EarthKAM allows thousands of students to photograph and examine Earth from a space crew's perspective. Using the Internet, the students control a special digital camera mounted on-board the ISS. This enables them to photograph the Earth's coastlines, mountain ranges and other geographic items of interest from the unique vantage point of space. The EarthKAM team then posts these photographs on the Internet for viewing by the public and participating classrooms around the world.
The crew replaced the sample syringe for the Atomization investigation today. The Atomization experiment investigates the disintegration processes of a low-speed water jet for various jet issue conditions in the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) to validate the new atomization concept by observing the process using a high-speed camera. The knowledge gained can be applied to improve various engines utilizing spray combustion.
Mobile Procedure Viewer (MobiPV) settings update:
Today the crew upd ated the MobiPV settings to allow access to the onboard IPV server and camera connection. MobiPV is intended to allow users to view procedures hands-free and aims to improve the efficiency of activity execution by giving crewmembers a wireless set of wearable, portable devices that utilize voice navigation and a direct audio/video link to ground experts. A smartphone is the primary device to interface with procedures. Images provided in procedure steps can be displayed on a Google Glass display.
Active Tissue Equivalent Dosimeter (ATED):
Today the crew was scheduled to remove the SD card from Active Tissue Equivalent Dosimeter and ins ert a new card in to the ATED hardware. However, the crew reported that although they were successfully able to remove the SD card, the card reader is broken. This is likely due to the protrusion of the card and its location in a crew translation pathway. The ATED hardware was developed to replace the Crew Passive Dosimeters (CPDs) which measure crew radiation exposure. They are designed to provide a hands-free, autonomous data transfer architecture from the device to the ground.
On Board Training (OBT) Soyuz Descent Drill:
In preparation for their departure from the ISS on 4-October, the 54S Crew completed a nominal descent and landing drill earlier this morning. During this training, the crew was inside their Soyuz spacecraft while reviewing and practicing undock and landing procedures.
Portable Emergency Provisions (PEPS) Inspection:
The crew inspected Portable Fire Extinguishers (PFEs), Extension Hose Tee Kits (EHTKs), Portable Breathing Apparatuses (PBAs) and Pre-Breathe Masks for damage today. They also ensured each item was in a useable configuration and fully functional. Considered routine maintenance, this inspection is scheduled every 45 days.
Oxygen Generation System (OGS) Water Sample:
The Water Recovery System (WRS) reclaims wastewater from both the crew's urine and humidity condensate from USOS ISS modules. This water, once processed, is used to feed the OGS system and needs to be maintained within certain parameters to ensure optimum system performance; the water samples taken from the OGS Recirculation Loop today will be returned to the ground on a future flight for microbial growth analysis and to ensure these parameters are within limits on-orbit.
Nitrogen/Oxygen Recharge System (NORS) Terminate and Repress:
This morning the crew returned the O2 System to a nominal configuration following a successful repressurization of both the low-pressure and high-pressure O2systems. After preparing the removed O2 Recharge Tank for return to the ground, the crew installed a new N2 Recharge Tank and configured the NORS system for subsequent ground commanding to repress the nitrogen system.
Bigelow Expandable Aerospace Module (BEAM) Anomalous Depressurization and Stabilization System (ADSS) Brace Preparation:
The ISS Program has agreed to extend the operational life of BEAM from its original 2-year life until the end of ISS. To ensure that BEAM can safely maintain its structure in the event of a contingency depressurization scenario, the ADSS struts require additional stiffening to meet the required safety margin. By scavenging tubing from old athletic Knee Braces today, the crew were able to build reinforcing stiffeners in conjunction with items from a Hose Clamp Kit; installation is scheduled during tomorrow's BEAM ingress activities.
ExtraVehicular Activity (EVA) Virtual Reality (VR) Trainer Troubleshooting:
During use of the new VR Trainer hardware brought to ISS earlier this year, the crew had issues connecting to an Oculus VR headse t and had to use the spare unit. Today the crew did troubleshooting on the unit and gathered data for analysis by ground specialists. Once they determine which component in the system has failed, additional hardware will be manifested on resupply vehicles later this year to restore the system and provide redundant VR trainers.


ЦитироватьA.J. (Drew) Feustel‏Подлинная учетная запись @Astro_Feustel 18 ч. назад

The Expedition 56 crew played music together as a warm up to watching the film #FirstMan for Saturday Movie Night on @Space_Station. Our thanks to the Armstrong family, @UniStudios, & @NASA for working to get the film to #LowEarthOrbit & allowing us a preview in space. #Apollo11


ЦитироватьCommander Leads Japanese, Russian Spaceship Preps and BEAM Checks

Mark Garcia
Posted Sep 25, 2018 at 2:08 pm

Expedition 55/56 crew members (from left) Ricky Arnold, Drew Feustel and Oleg Artemyev, pose for a portrait inside the Bigelow Expandable Aerospace Module (BEAM).

The Expedition 56 crew is ramping for a busy traffic period at the International Space Station during the next couple of weeks. This all comes as the orbital residents ensure BEAM's operational life and continue ongoing microgravity science.

Japan's seventh "Kounotori" resupply ship is nearing the orbital complex and closing in for a Thursday morning capture. Commander Drew Feustel practiced on a computer today the procedures he will use when he commands the Canadarm2 to grapple Kounotori around 8 a.m. NASA TV is broadcasting the live coverage of the HTV-7 arrival and capture starting at 6:30 a.m.

Feustel is also getting ready to return to Earth on Oct. 4 with crewmates Sergey Prokopyev of Roscosmos and Ricky Arnold. During the morning, the three crewmates checked the Sokol launch and entry suits they will wear when they reenter Earth's atmosphere inside the Soyuz MS-08 spacecraft.

The commander also joined Flight Engineer Serena Auñón-Chancellor opening up the Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM) for maintenance and stowage work.The duo reinforced and stiffened struts inside BEAM to increase its safety margin and extend its operational life. They also stowed a variety of hardware inside the station's newest module.

DNA sequencing from microbe samples is taking place onboard the station today to help scientists understand the impacts of living in space. The atomization of fluids continues to being studied potentially improving fuel efficiency on Earth and in spacecraft. A variety of space gear housing experiments and research samples was checked out today as part regularly scheduled maintenance.
Прим. По всей видимости, в третьем абзаце текста вместо Sergey Prokopyev должно быть Oleg Artemyev


ЦитироватьSunset, Nighttime and Sunrise from the International Space Station


Опубликовано: 25 сент. 2018 г.

Astronaut Ricky Arnold, a member of the Expedition 56 crew on the space station, shared this video of Earth through one recent night and into sunrise and the dawn of a new orbit. Each day, the station travels through 16 sunrises and sunsets.


ЦитироватьIntl. Space Station‏Подлинная учетная запись @Space_Station 11 мин. назад

Japan's HTV-7 resupply ship arrives for capture at the station on Thursday at 8am ET. NASA TV's live coverage begins at 6:30am and we'll answer your #AskNASA questions. https://www.nasa.gov/live 


ЦитироватьCommercial Crew: Supporting Critical Research


Опубликовано: 26 сент. 2018 г.

Boeing and SpaceX are getting ready to launch astronauts from U.S. soil, but getting off the ground is just the beginning. Once they arrive at the International Space Station, astronauts will be working on research to improve life on Earth, and help us send humans into deep space—farther than ever before.


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 9/25/2018

Advanced Colloids Experiment-Temperature-2 (ACE-T-2):
The crew performed a sample module exchange for the ACE-T2 experiment. ACE-T-2 is performed in the Light Microscopy Module in the Fluids Integrated Rack (FIR/LMM). The experiment looks at the assembly of complex structures from micron-scale colloidal particles interacting via tunable attractive interactions. The samples contain suspensions of colloidal particles that upon nearing the critical solvent temperature, give rise to critical interactions between the particles. Regulating the temperature enables control of the particle interactions, leading to the growth of complex structures.
The crew performed a nominal sample syringe replacement for the Atomization investigation today. The Atomization experiment is performed in the JEM. It investigates the liquid spraying process in microgravity in order to confirm the new atomization concept developed from drop tower experiments on Earth. The knowledge gained can be applied to improve various engines utilizing spray combustion.
Biomolecule Extraction and Sequencing Technology (BEST):
The BEST experiment run initiated on Monday was continued. In today's session, the crew prepared the amplified DNA and began processing in the Biomolecule Sequencer. This BEST experiment uses the miniPCR hardware to extract deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from the samples. The BEST investigation studies the use of sequencing for identification of unknown microbial organisms living on the ISS, and how humans, plants and microbes adapt to living on the ISS.
Plant Hab-01:
The crew removed the Acoustic Blanket, removed the Growth Chamber Door, and took photos of the installed Science Carrier #2. The Plant Habitat was then returned to its nominal state to allow the experiment to continue. Understanding how plants respond to the space environment will help crews on future missions successfully grow plants for food and oxygen generation. The Plant Habitat-1 investigation compares differences in genetics, metabolism, photosynthesis, and gravity sensing between various Arabidopsis plant lines grown in space and on Earth. This investigation is expected to provide key insights on major changes occurring in plants exposed to microgravity.
Bigelow Expandable Aerospace Module (BEAM) Strut Reinforcement and Cargo Transfer:
Earlier today the crew ingressed BEAM and installed diagonal knee braces on each of the four (4) Anomalous Depressurization and Stabilization System (ADSS) struts to reinforce the ADSS in the event of a contingency depressurized scenario for a fully loaded BEAM. The crew then transferred approved hardware into the BEAM for extended storage prior to egressing the module.
Portable Work Station (PWS)1 Replace:
Today the crew replaced the failed PWS1 hardware and setup and loaded software on the new PWS1 laptop. Columbus PWS1 failed April 2018. Nominally, there is one active PWS and one spare PWS available on-board, PWS is used by crew to command and control the nominal part of the Columbus Data Management System (DMS) and by ground to perform regular maintenance and troubleshooting activities.


ЦитироватьJapanese Cargo Ship Arrives Thursday; U.S., Russian Crew Leaves Next Week

Mark Garcia
Posted Sep 26, 2018 at 3:28 pm

Commander Drew Feustel participates in an event inside Japan's Kibo laboratory module aboard the International Space Station.

The Expedition 56 crew aboard the International Space Station awaits the arrival of new science experiments and crew supplies Thursday morning. One week later, three crew members will return to Earth after 197 days in space.
Japan's H-II Transfer Vehicle-7 (HTV-7), also known as the "Kounotori," is nearing the station and headed for a Thursday morning capture at 8 a.m. EDT. The HTV-7 is loaded with over five tons of science and supplies, including the new Life Sciences Glovebox and a half dozen lithium-ion batteries to upgrade the station's power systems. NASA TV begins its live coverage of the capture activities Thursday at 6:30 a.m.

NASA astronauts Drew Feustel and Serena Auñón-Chancellor are finalizing several weeks of computer training today to capture the HTV-7. Feustel will be inside the cupola and command the Canadarm2 robotic arm to capture the Kounotori Thursday morning. Auñón-Chancellor will back up Feustel and monitor the Kounotori's approach and rendezvous.

Meanwhile, Feustel and two other Expedition 56 crewmates are scheduled to depart the orbital laboratory on Oct. 4 just a week after the Kounotori arrives. Soyuz Commander Oleg Artemyev will lead the flight home inside the Soyuz MS-08 spacecraft flanked by Feustel and NASA astronaut Ricky Arnold.

The three departing crewmates have been packing up crew supplies, station hardware and science experiments to take back to Earth. The trio also practiced their Soyuz descent maneuvers and prepared themselves for the effects of returning to gravity. . Once the trio departs, Expedition 57 officially begins.

NASA astronaut Nick Hague and Soyuz Commander Alexey Ovchinin will launch and arrive one week later. During Expedition 57, the crew will conduct a set of spacewalks to install the new lithium-ion batteries delivered to the station on HTV-7.