Cygnus OA-6 (CRS5) - Atlas V 401 (AV-064) - Canaveral SLC-41 - 23.03.2016 03:05 UTC

Автор Salo, 11.11.2015 12:45:14

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человеку не в теме было смешно: подача топлива была ограничена рычагом, а топливо кончилось раньше


ЦитироватьЧебурашка пишет:
А вот если бы в какой-то момент времени, оказалась, что конечный вектор состояния в принципе не достижим никакой программой управления, наверное, бы последовало аварийное прекращение полёта??
СУ ракеты не может знать что там может ПН.

Поэтому наиболее вероятное решение - вывод на максимально высокую орбиту. Возможно с расходом топлива в ноль, без запаса на самоутопление.
А дальше Цигнус попробует своим ходом что-то сделать.
Летать в космос необходимо. Жить - не необходимо.

The ULA engineering team has reviewed the data and has determined an anomaly with the RD-180 Mixture Ratio Control Valve (MRCV) assembly caused a reduction in fuel flow during the boost phase of the flight. In addition to analysis and testing, all RD-180 engines are being inspected.
Жизнь человека коротка - но мало не покажется..


Расстыковка и отделение Cygnus запланировано на 14 июня.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"

ЦитироватьJune 9, 2016
 NASA TV to Broadcast U.S. Cargo Ship Departure fr om Space Station  

The Orbital ATK Cygnus cargo ship is seen after final approach to the International Space Station. The vehicle was captured at 6:51 a.m. EDT March 26 using the space station's Canadarm2 robotic arm by Expedition 47 Commander Tim Kopra. The unmanned cargo craft was then bolted to the Earth-facing port on the Unity module at 10:52 a.m. Orbital ATK's fifth cargo delivery flight under its Commercial Resupply Services contract delivered over 7,700 pounds of cargo and included equipment to support some 250 experiments during Expeditions 47 and 48.
Credits: NASA
After delivering almost 7,500 pounds of cargo to support dozens of science experiments from around the world, the Orbital ATK Cygnus cargo spacecraft is set to leave the International Space Station Tuesday, June 14. NASA Television will provide live coverage of Cygnus' departure beginning at 9 a.m. EDT.
Ground controllers will detach the Cygnus spacecraft, which arrived at the station March 26, from the Earth-facing side of the station's Unity module using the Canadarm2 robotic arm. Robotics controllers will maneuver Cygnus into place and Expedition 47 robotic arm operators Tim Kopra of NASA and Tim Peake of ESA (European Space Agency) will give the command for its 9:30 a.m. release.
Five hours after departure, the Saffire-I experiment will take place onboard the uncrewed cargo craft. Saffire-I provides a new way to study a realistic fire on a spacecraft. This hasn't been possible in the past because the risks for performing such studies on crewed spacecraft are too high. Instruments on the returning Cygnus will measure flame growth, oxygen use and more. Results could determine microgravity flammability limits for several spacecraft materials, help to validate NASA's material selection criteria, and help scientists understand how microgravity and limited oxygen affect flame size. The investigation is crucial for the safety of current and future space missions.
Cygnus also will release five LEMUR CubeSats from an external deployer June 15, part of a remote sensing satellite constellation that provides global ship tracking and weather monitoring. The vehicle will remain in orbit until Wednesday, June 22, when its engines will fire twice, pushing it into Earth's atmosphere wh ere it will burn up over the Pacific Ocean. NASA TV will not provide a live broadcast of the Cygnus deorbit burn and re-entry.
Experiments delivered on Cygnus supported NASA and other research investigations during Expeditions 47 and 48, including studies in biology, biotechnology, physical science and Earth science -- research that impacts life on Earth, and also will help us on the journey to Mars. Investigations studied realistic fire scenarios on a space vehicle, enabled the first space-based observations of meteors entering Earth's atmosphere from space, explored how regolith behaves and moves in microgravity, tested a gecko-inspired adhesive gripping device that can stick on command in the harsh environment of space, and added a new 3-D printer in microgravity.
The Cygnus resupply craft launched March 22 on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida, for the company's fifth NASA-contracted commercial resupply mission.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


При отделении от МКС 14 июня получается эта миссия самая длительная в составе МКС для Cygnus - 80 дней +-1. Предыдущая была 71 день

ЦитироватьАмериканский грузовик Cygnus во вторник покинет МКС для экспериментов
00:22 14.06.2016

© Фото: Роскосмос/Олег Скрипочка

ВАШИНГТОН, 14 июн – РИА Новости. Космический грузовик Cygnus американской компании Orbital ATK покинет Международную космическую станцию (МКС) во вторник, чтобы провести эксперимент по поведению огня в условиях космоса и осуществить запуск малых спутников, говорится в сообщении НАСА.
Аппарат прибыл на МКС в конце марта и на протяжении двух месяцев оставался у американского модуля "Единство" (Unity). Отстыковка корабля намечена на 16:30 мск 14 июня, ее проведут два члена экипажа МКС — астронавт НАСА Тим Копра и Тим Пик, представляющий Европейское космическое агентство.
"Спустя пять часов после отстыковки на борту беспилотного аппарата будет осуществлен эксперимент Saffire-I", — говорится в сообщении НАСА. Эксперимент будет активирован с Земли, в результате чего, как сообщают в НАСА, на борту корабля будет устроен "грандиозный пожар", а все данные будут передаваться на Землю для последующей обработки. Ученые рассчитывают, что на основе полученных данных им удастся изучить поведение огня в условиях микрогравитации и впоследствии применить эти знания для разработки способов тушения пожаров во время долговременных космических полетов.
В НАСА заявили, что проведение подобных экспериментов на борту МКС или пилотируемых кораблей было невозможно из-за связанного с огнем риска. Для эксперимента Cygnus был оснащен датчиками измерения поведения огня, кислорода и других показателей.
Помимо пожара на борту корабля НАСА намерено осуществить запуск пяти кубсатов LEMUR, которые станут частью группы спутников, ведущей мониторинг погодных условий и отслеживающей передвижения морских судов.
Cygnus будет оставаться на орбите до 22 июня, после чего сгорит при входе в атмосферу Земли над Тихим океаном.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"

ЦитироватьКосмический грузовик Cygnus покинул МКС
16:39 14.06.2016

ВАШИНГТОН, 14 июн – РИА Новости. Космический грузовой корабль Cygnus американской компании Orbital ATK покинул Международную космическую станцию (МКС), сообщило НАСА.
Аппарат прибыл на МКС в конце марта и на протяжении более двух месяцев оставался у американского модуля "Единство" (Unity). Отстыковка корабля произошла в расчётные 16:30 мск. Ее при поддержке с Земли провели два члена экипажа МКС — астронавт НАСА Тим Копра и Тим Пик, представляющий Европейское космическое агентство.
Cygnus увозит со станции более 2 тонн отработанных материалов. Аппарат будет оставаться на орбите для проведения эксперимента по поведению огня в космосе и запуска кубсатов до 22 июня, после чего сгорит при входе в атмосферу Земли над Тихим океаном.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"



НАСА успешно подожгло корабль Cygnus и устроило "мега-пожар"

15:24 15.06.2016

МОСКВА, 15 июн – РИА Новости. Представители американского космического агентства рассказали о том, как им удалось устроить "мега-пожар" на грузовом корабле Cygnus, вчера отстыковавшимся от МКС, и подвели итоги эксперимента, сообщает интернет-издание

Сегодня ночью НАСА начало необычный космический эксперимент Saffire-1 – инженеры агентства включили специальную установку с тем же именем на борту грузового корабля Cygnus, покинувшего МКС вчера вечером.

Saffire-1 устроил самый большой на сегодняшний день пожар в космосе, вызвав возгорание куска стеклохлопковой ткани длиной в метр и шириной в 40 сантиметров. В прошлом, как отмечают представители НАСА, ученые сжигали крайне небольшие кусочки бумаги и тканей в космосе, чьи размеры были сопоставимы с кредитной картой.

Новый "мега-пожар", по словам инженеров Исследовательского центра НАСА имени Гленна, прошел успешно – установке удалось поджечь ткань и достигнуть сверхвысоких температур горения. В общей сложности "горящий Лебедь" пролетел около 2800 километров до тех пор, пока ткань не сгорела полностью.

Сегодня вечером ученые обещают опубликовать первые фотографии космического пожара и представить результаты эксперимента. Эти снимки и данные, как надеются специалисты Центра имени Гленна, помогут инженерам разработать эффективные системы тушения пожаров в космосе, жизненно необходимые для отправки людей на Марс и другие планеты.

На этот год запланированы еще два космических пожара, Saffire-2 и Saffire-3. В рамках первого из них ученые НАСА проверят, как обогащенная кислородом атмосфера влияет на вероятность возгорания различных предметов, а в рамках третьего эксперимента инженеры попытаются устроить еще более масштабный пожар, чем Saffire-1.


ЦитироватьUnited Launch Alliance Provides Update to OA-6 Cygnus Launch
Status Report From: United Launch Alliance 
Posted: Wednesday, June 15, 2016

ULA successfully delivered the OA-6 Cygnus spacecraft to the International Space Station (ISS) on March 22. During the first stage burn, the Atlas V system experienced an anomalous propellant mixture ratio resulting in an early booster shutdown and degradation of first stage performance. The Atlas V's robust system design, flight software, vehicle margins and propellant reserves enabled the successful outcome for this mission.
The Centaur upper stage identified the first stage performance shortfall and compensated with an extended burn to deliver Cygnus to the precise orbit, well within the required accuracy.
Per standard processes when a flight data item such as this has been identified, the ULA engineering team, along with our engine supplier and several government customers, forms a robust review team. The review team assessed all flight and operational data to determine direct and root causes and implemented the appropriate corrective actions for future flights.
"Thanks to the robust vehicle system design of Atlas V, the OA-6 mission was delivered successfully to its intended orbit and Cygnus completed its' mission to the ISS," said Gary Wentz, ULA's vice president of Human and Commercial Systems. "ULA applied a rigorous anomaly review process to identify and implement all necessary corrective actions to ensure we continue to reliably deliver critical capabilities for our customers with 100 percent mission success."
An extensive review of all post-flight data observations determined that at approximately T+222 seconds, an unexpected shift in fuel pressure differential across the RD-180 Mixture Ratio Control Valve (MRCV) and a reduction in fuel flow to the combustion chamber caused an oxidizer-rich mixture of propellants and a reduction in first stage performance. The imbalanced propellant consumption rate resulted in depletion of the first stage oxidizer with significant fuel remaining at booster engine shutdown. The engine supplier has implemented a minor change to the MRCV assembly to ensure the anomaly does not occur on future flights.
Engine hot-fire testing, extensive component and assembly level testing and analyses have been performed to confirm the findings. Detailed inspections and minor hardware replacement on all engines will support the current launch manifest.
"We would like to thank our customers and supplier partners for their outstanding collaboration in the detailed review of this anomaly. We are honored to be entrusted with delivering America's most critical space assets to orbit and appreciate the outstanding team effort in delivering 100 percent mission success - one launch at a time," said Laura Maginnis, ULA's vice president of Custom Services. "'We remain on plan to launch all of our manifested 2016 missions within the year."
The final and corrective action reviews, as well as flight clearance for the Atlas V MUOS-5 mission occurred on June 2. The Atlas V MUOS-5 launch is scheduled for June 24 from Space Launch Complex-41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla.
With more than a century of combined heritage, United Launch Alliance is the nation's most experienced and reliable launch service provider. ULA has successfully delivered more than 100 satellites to orbit that provide critical capabilities for troops in the field, aid meteorologists in tracking severe weather, enable personal device-based GPS navigation and unlock the mysteries of our solar system.
For more information on ULA, visit the ULA website at, or call the ULA Launch Hotline at 1-877-ULA-4321 (852-4321). Join the conversation at, and

che wi

Цитироватьpnetmon пишет:
обещают опубликовать первые фотографии космического пожара
Было бы интереснее глянуть видео, конечно )


Цитироватьche wi пишет:
Цитироватьpnetmon пишет:
обещают опубликовать первые фотографии космического пожара
Было бы интереснее глянуть видео, конечно )
частично дополняют тут -

Video from the #Saffire experiment! #NASAglenn
Pre-Test Smoke
At the start of the Saffire-I experiment, smoke trails are visible to show that the flow is uniform before the sample material is ignited. The image consists of two views from two side-by-side cameras
Smoke trails are visible showing the flow is uniform before the sample material is ignited. Views from two side-by-side cameras. #Saffire
к твиту прикладывается gif файл, но тяжело вытащить кроме как

The #Saffire-I sample ignites! Preliminary data indicates the sample burned for about 8 minutes. #NASAglenn

che wi

ЦитироватьOrbital ATK ‏@OrbitalATK  7m ago

#Cygnus reentered the atmosphere at 9:29 am EDT, concluding a successful OA-6 mission. We're happy to have honored astronaut Rick Husband.


OA-6 Mission Demonstrates Versatility and Value of Cygnus Spacecraft

"S.S. Rick Husband" Provided Record Shipment of Vital Cargo to International Space Station and Used as Technology Platform for In-Space Science Experiments

Dulles, Virginia 22 June 2016 – Orbital ATK, Inc. (NYSE: OA), a global leader in aerospace and defense technologies, today announced the successful completion of its second cargo delivery mission in 2016 to the International Space Station under NASA's Commercial Resupply Services-1 (CRS-1) contract. The mission, known as OA-6, marked the company's fifth CRS-1 mission and the first time its Cygnus™ has been used as an in-orbit research platform. Orbital ATK, which named the Cygnus spacecraft the "S.S. Rick Husband" in honor of the late NASA astronaut, carried approximately 7,900 pounds (3,600 kilograms) of science experiments and cargo to the space station. The spacecraft also executed on three post-departure mission objectives, including the Spacecraft Fire Experiment-I (Saffire-I), the deployment of CubeSat satellites from the NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer and the Reentry Breakup Recorder with Wireless Sensors (REBR-W) test.

The Cygnus spacecraft that carried out the OA-6 mission departed the International Space Station on June 14, completing an 81-day stay. Prior to its departure, the astronauts loaded the cargo module with approximately 4,087 pounds (1,854 kilograms) of items for disposal. Earlier today, at approximately 9:29 a.m. EDT, Cygnus performed a safe, destructive reentry into Earth's atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean east of New Zealand, marking the successful conclusion of the mission.
"Throughout the OA-6 mission, we were able to demonstrate the versatility and value of our Cygnus spacecraft, from its launch on an Atlas rocket, to the flawless delivery of the largest load of pressurized cargo in the CRS program's history, to its ability to serve as a platform for in-space research," said Frank Culbertson, President of Orbital ATK's Space Systems Group.

On March 22, Cygnus demonstrated its compatibility with multiple launch vehicles for the second time as it lifted off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket. Four days later, Cygnus docked with the International Space Station, delivering vital supplies and science experiments to the astronauts on board. As it departed the space station, Cygnus then served as an in-orbit research platform, further displaying its robust capabilities.
The first experiment to take place onboard Cygnus was Saffire-I, a technology demonstration designed by NASA's Glenn Research Center. Saffire-I begins a series of tests to study the behavior of large scale fires in microgravity. Orbital ATK successfully sent the command to initiate the experiment, which intentionally lit a fire that occurred in the Cygnus pressurized cargo module. The experiment executed as intended and NASA's Glenn Research Center is currently evaluating all data and imagery gathered from the test. Saffire-I and future Saffire experiments directly support the development of technologies and materials that will make deep space exploration spacecraft safer for astronauts who live and work in space and as NASA prepares for long duration missions on the journey to Mars.

Following the Saffire-I experiment, Cygnus then successfully deployed four of five CubeSats via a NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer. The satellites are now in orbit conducting their individual missions.
The final experiment of the OA-6 mission took place during Cygnus' reentry into Earth's atmosphere. Astronauts installed the Reentry Breakup Recorder with Wireless Sensors (REBR-W) on Cygnus prior to its departure from the station. REBR-W, developed by The Aerospace Corporation, will allow for better understanding of spacecraft behavior during atmospheric reentry and breakup, leading to improved vehicle safety and design in the future. REBR-W recorded and transmitted Cygnus' safe, destructive reentry into Earth's atmosphere that marked the successful conclusion of the OA-6 mission.
Preparations are underway for the company's next CRS-1 mission, OA-5, which is targeted to launch later this summer from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport at NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. Orbital ATK is scheduled to complete 10 CRS-1 missions to the International Space Station before transitioning to launch cargo logistics missions under the CRS-2 contract in 2019.


Цитировать T.S. Kelso ‏@TSKelso  38 мин.38 минут назад  
We have confirmation that the 4 objects deployed from CYGNUS OA-6 were LEMUR-2 cubesats & have IDs. Only 4 objects have been cataloged.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"

ЦитироватьКорабль Cygnus, загруженный мусором с МКС, сгорел в плотных слоях атмосферы Земли
 22 июня, 19:09 UTC+3

 "Миссия Cygnus завершилась успешно", - отметила компания Orbital ATK, три месяца назад отправившая этот корабль к МКС с тремя тоннами грузов  
  © Scott Kelly/NASA via AP  
ВАШИНГТОН, 22 июня. /Корр. ТАСС Иван Лебедев/. Американский грузовой корабль Cygnus, неделю назад отстыковавшийся от Международной космической станции (МКС), сгорел сегодня в плотных слоях атмосферы Земли над Тихим океаном к востоку от Новой Зеландии. Как сообщила построившая его по заказу NASA компания Orbital ATK, "корабль вошел в плотные слои атмосферы в 09:29 по времени восточного побережья США" (16:29 мск).
"Миссия Cygnus завершилась успешно", - отметила Orbital ATK, три месяца назад отправившая этот корабль к МКС с тремя тоннами грузов. Перед полетом обратно к Земле он был загружен мусором со станции, а во время постепенного схода с орбиты на его борту был проведен эксперимент по наблюдению за локальным пожаром внутри космического аппарата. Кроме того, он был использован в качестве платформы для вывода в космос нескольких наноспутников.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"



The Reentry Breakup Recorder with Wireless Sensors (REBR-W) was installed in the Orbital ATK Cygnus spacecraft attached to the station. When the capsule re-enters Earth's atmosphere June 22, the device inside the vehicle will record data about when and how the craft breaks apart.
Crew members spent part of the week preparing for the June 14 departure of the Cygnus resupply ship, including activating a device that will provide insight into just how the ship breaks apart as it falls toward Earth.

NASA astronaut Jeff Williams installed and activated the Reentry Breakup Recorder with Wireless Sensors (REBR-W) into the Orbital ATK Cygnus spacecraft attached to the station. When the capsule re-enters Earth's atmosphere June 22, the device inside the vehicle will record data about when and how the craft breaks apart. This information can be used for reentry hazard prediction studies, reducing risks and improving planning for spacecraft that eventually will deorbit.

If a spacecraft's mission ends because of an accident, a broken part, low propellant, or failing components, NASA and the Department of Defense require that it re-enter over unpopulated areas -- such as the open ocean -- to prevent injury to people or damage to property. This sometimes means de-orbiting a spacecraft before it fails completely to ensure control over where it comes down. Data from the REBR-W device will provide new insight that could eliminate the need for deorbiting a spacecraft before it naturally falls to Earth. This would extend mission life and reduce cost and complexity while minimizing risk. The investigation may also lead to new ways for scientists to perform hypersonic flight testing, test new thermal protection materials, and study the uppermost layers of the atmosphere.

Mission: A multi-instrument airborne campaign to monitor the shallow reentry of Cygnus OA6 over the south Pacific ocean to put REBR-W data in context and better understand the physics of the end of life International Space Station de-orbit and the physics of shallow uncontrolled reentries.

The final moments of Cygnus OA6. Photo: SETI Institute/Aerospace Corporation/Curtin University.
June 22, 2016 - Success! Cygnus OA6 re-entered at 13:29 UT, June 22, creating a horizon-to-horizon meteor. Observers onboard a chartered aircraft for the Cygnus OA6 "S.S. Rick Husband" Re-entry Observation Campaign first detected the vehicle as a star-like object near the western horizon. Conditions were ideal, with a clear horizon and cloud cover well below the aircraft. The aicraft flew an observing leg several 100's of km north of the entry trajectory at an altitude of 43,000 ft. Mike Koop and Jim Albers managed to isolate the earlier interference and make our GPS and timing equipment correctly lock onto the gps network. A full moon lit the landscape. While slowly approaching the viewing area, Peter Jenniskens recorded how Cygnus became rapidly brighter, then more slowly so. It was imaged passing by the plane from the cockpit by Jim Albers and when it emerged on the oher side and in view of the high resolution imagers and spectrographs of the Red Team, led by Ron Dantowitz, it was a distinct orange in color and created a slew of fragments. There was no bright flare from a main disruption. Instead a number of smaller events gradually broke the vehicle into a cloud of debris. Ever changing spectroscopic signatures were detected that are expected to shed light on the sequence of how the vehicle breaks up in such a shallow reentry. The DIM instrument operated by Janna Feeley tracked the object and its wake until it slowed more, turned deep orange, and finally disappeared behind the eastern horizon. The final moments of Cygnus OA6 were captured in the still image by Eleanor Sansom shown above. Cygnus, thank you!