ERG (SPRINT B) "Arase" – Epsilon-2 – Утиноура – 20.12.2016 11:00 UTC

Автор triage, 13.03.2016 19:48:36

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To elucidate high-energy electrons that repeat their generation and disappearance.

Geospace is the region of outer space near the Earth. The radiation belt called the "Van Allen radiation belt" lies within the geospace, and the belt captures a huge volume of highly charged energy particles that exceed mega electron volts.
This project aims at elucidating how highly charged electrons have been born while they generate and vanish repeatedly along with space storms caused by the disturbance of solar wind caused by space storms, and how space storms are developed.

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Deadline: 12:00, April 25, 2016 (Japan Standard Time)

Toward Van Allen belts with ERG!
In the early days of space exploration, 1958, the first US satellite Explorer 1 discovered existence of high energy charged particles in geospace by the onboard radiation detector. The observations by subsequent explorers identified that high energy charged particles are distributed in doughnut shape surrounding Earth. This radiative zone is called the Van Allen belts named after the discoverer, Dr. James Van Allen of University of Iowa, US. The Van Allen belts dynamically change their amount of high energy charged particles depending on the solar activity (especially, during geospace storms).

However, a large number of high energy charged particles in the Van Allen belts cause failure in electronic devices mounted on spacecraft and disturb accurate measurement of the charged particles inside the belts, therefore, it was very hard to observe the heart of the Van Allen belts. Consequently, the question, "Why, When, Where, and How the high energy particles are generated and lost," has been an over a half century standing scientific mystery since the discovery of the Van Allen belts.

The ERG satellite (ERG: Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace) will challenge to reveal this mystery of the Van Allen belts with the most advanced nine science instruments. Since the Van Allen belts are distributed in wide altitude range, the ERG satellite takes a highly elliptical orbit to make comprehensive observations of high energy charged particles and electromagnetic fields in the Van Allen belts. (The apogee and perigee altitudes are about 30,000 km and 300 km, respectively, and the orbital period is about 9 hours.)

We would like to take this opportunity to collect your support messages for ERG that is about to leave the Earth toward the exploration to the Van Allen belts. Your messages and names will be printed on the aluminum plates, and these plates are going to be attached on the satellite as a part of the balance weight to commemorate your support to ERG. Now, together with ERG, let's go out to the exploration of the Van Allen belts that are the last frontier in geospace!


Sep. 30, 2016 Updated
Geospace satellite "ERG" released to the media
On September 29 (Thu.), the Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace "ERG" made its appearance to the press at the Sagamihara Campus.
The ERG satellite carries nine cutting-edge instruments as well as hope of many to discover the mystery of the Van Allen belts. The geo probe is scheduled to be launched by the Epsilon launch vehicle from Uchinoura Space Center in JFY2016.
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Пуск 20 декабря в 11:00 UTC / 14:00 MSK

Launch of the Second Epsilon Launch Vehicle with the Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace on Board

ЦитироватьNovember 15, 2016 (JST)
National Research and Development Agency
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency will launch the second Epsilon Launch Vehicle with the Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace on board. The launch schedule is as follows.

Launch date: December 20, 2016 (JST)
Launch time: 8:00 p.m. through 9:00 p.m. (JST)
Launch window: December 21, 2016 through January 31, 2017
Launch site: Uchinoura Space Center

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Япония запустит спутник для изучения радиационных поясов Земли

ЦитироватьТОКИО, 15 ноября. /Корр. ТАСС Алексей Заврачаев/. Японское агентство аэрокосмических исследований (JAXA) 20 декабря осуществит запуск нового спутника для изучения радиационных поясов Земли. Об этом сегодня сообщило министерство образования, культуры, спорта, науки и технологий страны.

Вывод на орбиту произведут с космодрома Утиноура (южная префектура Кагосима) при помощи ракеты-носителя "Эпсилон". Ожидается, что аппарат будет собирать данные в магнитосфере планеты о природе возникновения и существования радиационных поясов. Японские специалисты также собираются получить информацию об изменениях магнитного поля.

Внутренний и внешний слой радиации вокруг Земли называются поясами Ван Аллена в честь открывшего их американского физика Джеймса Ван Аллена (1914-2006). Они расположены на высоте 4 тыс. и 17 тыс. км, представляя собой скопление высокоэнергетичных заряженных частиц - электронов и протонов, удерживаемых магнитным полем планеты. Эти частицы крайне опасны для исследователей космоса, они могут выводить из строя электронное оборудование космических аппаратов.

В прошлом году JAXA усовершенствовала "Эпсилон", повысив ее пусковую эффективность на 30%. Модифицированный двигатель будет сжигать 15 тонн топлива вместо прежних 11, за счет чего максимальная грузоподъемность ракеты увеличилась с 450 до 590 кг. После доработки двигателя второй ступени ее длина составила 26 м, что примерно вдвое меньше размеров основной японской тяжелой ракеты-носителя H2A.

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Пуск 20 декабря в 11:00 UTC / 14:00 MSK

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Time of Launch of Epsilon-2 with ERG on Board

ЦитироватьDecember 18, 2016 (JST)

National Research and Development Agency
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

JAXA, National Research and Development Agency Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency announces the time of launch of the second Epsilon Launch Vehicle with Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace aboard as follows:

Launch Date:   December 20, 2016 (JST)
Time of Launch:   8:00:00 p.m. (Japan Standard Time, JST)
Launch Window:   8:00 p.m. through 9:00 p.m. (JST)

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